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To Catch An Heiress
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To Catch An Heiress
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When Caroline Trent is kidnapped by Blake Ravenscroft, she doesn't even try to elude this dangerously handsome agent of the crown. After all, she's been running from unwanted marriage proposals. Yes, Blake believes she's a notorious spy named Carlotta De Leon, but for six weeks until her twenty-first birthday, when she'll gain control of her fortune, hiding out in the titillating company of a mysterious captor is awfully convenient — and maybe just a little romantic, too.

Blake Ravenscroft's mission is to bring "Carlotta" to justice, not to fall in love. His heart has been hardened by years of intrigue, but this little temptress proves oddly disarming and thoroughly kissable. And suddenly the unthinkable becomes possible — that this mismatched Couple might be destined for love.

When Caroline Trent is kidnapped by Blake Ravenscroft, she doesn't even try to elude this dangerously handsome agent of the crown. After all, she's been running from unwanted marriage proposals. Yes, Blake believes she's a notorious spy named Carlotta De Leon, but for six weeks until her twenty-first birthday, when she'll gain control of her fortune, hiding out in the titillating company of a mysterious captor is awfully convenient — and maybe just a little romantic, too.

Blake Ravenscroft's mission is to bring "Carlotta" to justice, not to fall in love. His heart has been hardened by years of intrigue, but this little temptress proves oddly disarming and thoroughly kissable. And suddenly the unthinkable becomes possible — that this mismatched Couple might be destined for love.

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  • Chapter One

    con-tu-ber-nal (noun). One who occupies the same tent, a tent-fellow, comrade.

    The thougbt of Percy Prewitt as my contubernal causes me to break out in hives.

    -- From the personal dictionary of
    Caroline Trent

    Hampshire, England
    July 3, 1814

    Caroline Trent hadn't meant to shoot Percival Prewitt, but she had, and now he was dead.

    Or at least she thought he was dead. There was certainly enough blood. It was dripping from the walls, it was splattered on the floor, and the bedclothes were stained quite beyond redemption. Caroline didn't know very much about medicine, but she was fairly certain a body couldn't lose that much blood and still live.

    She was in big trouble now.

    "Damn," she muttered. Although she was a gentlewoman, she hadn't always been raised in particularly gentle circumstances, and her language occasionally left a bit to be desired.

    "You stupid man," she said to the body on the floor. "Why did you have to lunge at me like that? Why couldn't you have left well enough alone? I told your father I wasn't going to marry you. I told him I wouldn't marry you if you were the last idiot in Britain."

    She nearly stamped her foot in frustration. Why was it her words never came out quite the way she intended them to? "What I meant to say was that you are an idiot," she said to Perry, who, not surprisingdidn't respond, "and that I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man in Britain, and Oh, blast. What am I doing talking to you, anyway? You're quite dead."

    Caroline groaned. What the devil was she supposed to do now? Percy's father was due to return in just two short hours, and it didn't require an Oxford degree to deduce that Oliver Prewitt would not be Pleased to find his son dead on the floor.

    "Bother your father," she ground out. "This is all his fault, anyway. If he hadn't been so obsessed with catching you an heiress..."

    Oliver Prewitt was Caroline's guardian, or at least he would be for the next six weeks, until she reached her twenty-first birthday. She had been counting down the days until August 14,1814, ever since August 14,1813, when she had turned twenty. just forty-two days to go. Forty-two days and she would finally have control of her life and her fortune. She didn't even want to think about how much of her inheritance the Prewitts had already run through.

    She tossed her gun onto the bed, planted her hands on her hips, and stared down at Percy.

    And then ... his eyes opened.

    "Aaaaaaack!" Caroline let out a loud scream, jumped a foot, and grabbed her gun.

    "You b -- " Percy started.

    "Don't say it," she warned. "I still have a gun."

    "You wouldn't use it," he gasped, coughing and clutching at his bloody shoulder.

    "I beg your pardon, but the evidence seems to indicate otherwise."

    Percy's thin lips clamped into a straight line. He swore viciously, and then lifted his furious gaze to Caroline. "I told my father I didn't want to marry you," he hissed. ",God! Can you imagine? Having to live with you for the rest of my life? I should go bloody insane. If you didn't kill me first, that is."

    "If you didn't want to marry me you shouldn't have tried to force yourself upon me."

    He shrugged, then howled when the movement sparked pain in his shoulder. He looked quite furious as he said, "You've quite a bit of money, but do you know, I don't think you're worth it."

    "Kindly tell that to your father," Caroline snapped

    "He said he'd disinherit me if I didn't marry you"

    "And you couldn't stand up to him for once in your pathetic life?"

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn began writing one month after graduating from college and, aside from a brief stint in medical school, she has been tapping away at her keyboard ever since. Her novels have been translated into 43 languages and are beloved the world over. A graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, she lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

    Look for BRIDGERTON, based on her popular series of novels about the Bridgerton family, on Netflix.

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To Catch An Heiress
To Catch An Heiress
Julia Quinn
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