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The Fruit Cure
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The Fruit Cure
The Story of Extreme Wellness Turned Sour
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"lucid and elegant" — The Washington Post
"A deeply compelling read ... Spellbinding ...." — BookPage

"Her journey from desperation to self-acceptance is moving and well rendered. In the crowded medical memoir field, this stands out." — Publishers Weekly
A powerful critique of the failures in our healthcare system and an inquiry into the sinister strains of wellness culture that prey on people’s vulnerabilities through schemes, scams, and diets.
Jacqueline Alnes was a Division One runner during her freshman year of college, but her season was cut short by a series of inexplicable neurological symptoms. What started with a cough, escalated to Alnes collapsing on the track and experiencing months of unremembered episodes that stole her ability to walk and speak. 
Two years after quitting the team to heal, Alnes’s symptoms returned with a severity that left her using a wheelchair for a period of months. She was admitted to an epilepsy center but doctors could not figure out the root cause of her symptoms. Desperate for answers, she turned to an online community centered around a strict, all-fruit diet which its adherents claimed could cure conditions like depression, eating disorders, addiction, anxiety, and vision problems. Alnes wasn’t alone. From all over the world, people in pain, doubted or dismissed by medical authorities, or seeking a miracle diet that would relieve them of white, Western expectations placed on their figures, turned to fruit in hopes of releasing themselves from the perceived failings of their bodies.
In The Fruit Cure, Jacqueline Alnes takes readers on a spellbinding and unforgettable journey through the world of fruitarianism, interweaving her own powerful narrative with the popularity and problematic history of fruit-based, raw food lifestyles. For readers plagued by mysterious symptoms, inundated by messages from media about how to attain “the perfect body,” or caught in the grips of a fast-paced culture of capitalism, The Fruit Cure offers a powerful critique of the failures of our healthcare system and an inquiry into the sinister strains of wellness culture that prey on people’s vulnerabilities through schemes, scams, and diets masquerading as hope.
"lucid and elegant" — The Washington Post
"A deeply compelling read ... Spellbinding ...." — BookPage

"Her journey from desperation to self-acceptance is moving and well rendered. In the crowded medical memoir field, this stands out." — Publishers Weekly
A powerful critique of the failures in our healthcare system and an inquiry into the sinister strains of wellness culture that prey on people’s vulnerabilities through schemes, scams, and diets.
Jacqueline Alnes was a Division One runner during her freshman year of college, but her season was cut short by a series of inexplicable neurological symptoms. What started with a cough, escalated to Alnes collapsing on the track and experiencing months of unremembered episodes that stole her ability to walk and speak. 
Two years after quitting the team to heal, Alnes’s symptoms returned with a severity that left her using a wheelchair for a period of months. She was admitted to an epilepsy center but doctors could not figure out the root cause of her symptoms. Desperate for answers, she turned to an online community centered around a strict, all-fruit diet which its adherents claimed could cure conditions like depression, eating disorders, addiction, anxiety, and vision problems. Alnes wasn’t alone. From all over the world, people in pain, doubted or dismissed by medical authorities, or seeking a miracle diet that would relieve them of white, Western expectations placed on their figures, turned to fruit in hopes of releasing themselves from the perceived failings of their bodies.
In The Fruit Cure, Jacqueline Alnes takes readers on a spellbinding and unforgettable journey through the world of fruitarianism, interweaving her own powerful narrative with the popularity and problematic history of fruit-based, raw food lifestyles. For readers plagued by mysterious symptoms, inundated by messages from media about how to attain “the perfect body,” or caught in the grips of a fast-paced culture of capitalism, The Fruit Cure offers a powerful critique of the failures of our healthcare system and an inquiry into the sinister strains of wellness culture that prey on people’s vulnerabilities through schemes, scams, and diets masquerading as hope.
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Jacqueline Alnes is a writer, runner, and assistant professor of creative writing. Her work has appeared in publications like The New York Times, Guernica, Jezebel, Iron Horse Literary Review, Longreads, Ploughshares, Tin House, Electric Literature and The Boston Globe. She has a PhD in creative writing from Oklahoma State University and an MFA in nonfiction from Portland State University. She teaches at West Chester University in Pennsylvania.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 15, 2024
    Essayist Alnes highlights in her sharp debut memoir how failures in America’s healthcare system open doors for predatory wellness movements. As a freshman on her college’s Divsion I track team, Alnes was stricken one day after practice with a sudden dizziness that soon became chronic. Despite worsening symptoms, including regular blackouts, Alnes’s peers, coach, and medical doctors dismissed her condition. Within a year, she had difficulty speaking and needed the assistance of a wheelchair. Spiraling through fear, self-loathing, and bouts of self-harm, Alnes discovered YouTube influencers Leanne “Freelee” Ratcliffe and Harley “Durianrider” Johnstone, who championed an all-fruit raw diet as a cure-all. Despite the diet’s austerity, Alnes bought in: “Their tales of triumph looked close enough to my own desire that I felt a sense of release. Someone out there knew how I was feeling.” Her relief soon gave way to disillusionment, however, as she saw the influencer couple pushing unhealthy weight standards, ignoring fact-based research, and promoting a view of the people around her as either “broken” or “perfect.” (Leanne and Harley broke up in 2016, lobbing accusations of physical abuse at one another.) Eventually, Alnes learned to accept her disabilities, and here she makes the case for “often-disruptive healing” over “quick fixes.” Her journey from desperation to self-acceptance is moving and well rendered. In the crowded medical memoir field, this stands out. Agent: Kate Johnson, Wolf Literary.

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  • Éditeur
    Melville House
  • OverDrive Read
    Date de publication:
  • EPUB eBook
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The Fruit Cure
The Fruit Cure
The Story of Extreme Wellness Turned Sour
Jacqueline Alnes
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