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Let the Dead Sleep
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Let the Dead Sleep
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An Object of Desire? Or of Fear?
It was stolen from a New Orleans grave—the centuries-old bust of an evil man, a demonic man. It's an object desired by collectors and by those with wickedness in their hearts.
One day, its current owner shows up at Danni Cafferty's antiques shop on Royal Street, the shop she inherited from her father. But before Danni can buy the statue, it disappears and the owner is found dead....
Michael Quinn, former cop and now private investigator, is determined to find and destroy this object with its long history of evil and even longer trail of death. He and Danni are drawn together in their search for the missing statue, following it through sultry New Orleans nights to hidden places in the French Quarter and secret ceremonies on abandoned plantations.
But Cafferty and Quinn know that their story won't end when this case is closed and the dead rest in peace once again.
An Object of Desire? Or of Fear?
It was stolen from a New Orleans grave—the centuries-old bust of an evil man, a demonic man. It's an object desired by collectors and by those with wickedness in their hearts.
One day, its current owner shows up at Danni Cafferty's antiques shop on Royal Street, the shop she inherited from her father. But before Danni can buy the statue, it disappears and the owner is found dead....
Michael Quinn, former cop and now private investigator, is determined to find and destroy this object with its long history of evil and even longer trail of death. He and Danni are drawn together in their search for the missing statue, following it through sultry New Orleans nights to hidden places in the French Quarter and secret ceremonies on abandoned plantations.
But Cafferty and Quinn know that their story won't end when this case is closed and the dead rest in peace once again.
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  • From the book

    It was spring in New Orleans, a beautiful April day, and Angus Cafferty had been dead for three months the afternoon Michael Quinn followed the widow Gladys Simon to The Cheshire Cat, an antiques and curio store on Royal Street.

    The house itself, now a shop, was one of the few buildings that had survived the Great New Orleans Fire of 1788 that had destroyed 856 buildings-followed by the fire of 1794 that destroyed another 212. It was one of the only structures from the mid-1700s that remained on Royal Street. It had a two-storied facade, with an inner courtyard and balconies surrounding the building streetside. He knew the layout of the old building; the original parlor, study and dining rooms were set up as the shop's display area, while the old pantry was Danielle Cafferty's studio. The basement was not really a basement at all. This was New Orleans, and even on high ground, the basement was just the lowest level of the house. Six steps led up from the street, and courtyard entries led to the porches and the house. The shop's basement was filled with treasures Angus had collected and kept away from the view of others. Upstairs, above the store, were the office and a small apartment used by the Cafferty family. Billie McDougall slept in the attic, ever watchful, while a second street entry, which had once been a carriage house, was now a two-car garage.

    Following Gladys Simon was easy; Quinn was directly behind her and she was oblivious. He felt like a stalker, having to trail her like this, but when he'd discovered that morning that she had the bust, he'd tried to see her. According to her housekeeper, she refused to see anyone. No amount of cajoling had gotten him in.

    He'd waited outside her house, but she'd run to her car, turning away when he'd begun to speak to her. All he could do was follow-and pray that she was going to the curio shop.

    She approached the shop and so did Quinn, practically on her heels. As they entered, he saw Billie reading a book behind the counter and Jane Pearl, the clerk and bookkeeper, walking up the stairs, presumably going to her office. She paused, however, when she heard the door open.

    Gladys Simon was unaware of her surroundings. She headed straight to the old mahogany bar that had been refashioned into a sales counter. Quinn stepped in right after her and feigned great interest in a grandfather clock that was situated just inside the front door.

    Billie might have been perfectly cast as Riff Raff in a Rocky Horror remake or as an aging Ichabod Crane.

    He was as skinny as his mentor and employer had been robust. Billie had steel-gray eyes and a shock of neck-length white hair and was dressed in jeans and a Grateful Dead T-shirt. He must have been a startling and imposing figure to a Versace-clad and perfectly manicured matron like Gladys Simon.

    But Gladys didn't seem to notice anything about Billie at all. She rushed over to him.

    "You buy antiquities, unusual items, don't you? You have to buy the bust from me-you must buy it from me. No, no, you don't need to buy it. You can have it. Please, come to my house and take the bust away. It belongs in a place like this!"

    Billie glanced briefly at Quinn, a frown furrowing his wrinkled brow. "I'd love to help you, ma'am. I'm not the owner, but-"

    "Oh, dear! That's right!" she said with a gasp. "But. .the owner died, didn't he? Oh, please tell me the new owner is available...please! I must.. I can't live with that thing anymore...."

    "Now, try to calm down, Mrs....?"

    "Simon. Gladys Simon. It was my husband's. He's dead now. He's dead because of that....
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham has written more than a hundred novels. She's a winner of the RWA's Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Thriller Writers' Silver Bullet. She is an active member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America. For more information, check out her websites: TheOriginalHeatherGraham.com, eHeatherGraham.com, and HeatherGraham.tv. You can also find Heather on Facebook.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 18, 2013
    Bestseller Graham (The Unspoken) rubs two wounded characters together to get sparks in this straightforward urban fantasy series launch set in the seedy districts and bayous of New Orleans. When Danni Cafferty inherits her father’s curio shop, she also acquires his volume of ancient lore and his occasional partner, Michael Quinn, an ex-cop and PI who’s investigating the deaths surrounding ownership of a Renaissance bust. Michael drags Danni into a hunt where seemingly random meetings turn fatal, and they need the help of both a voodoo priestess and a Catholic priest. As Michael and Danni exhibit unusual powers, a romance develops between them. Graham delivers more of a tickler than a thriller, with a sketchy setting illustrated mostly by po’ boys and the brave, noble NOPD. The mysteries of haunted bust and hurting hearts do not pose much of a challenge, but fans of romantic urban fantasy will look forward to seeing where Michael and Danni go next. Agent: Aaron Priest, the Aaron Priest Literary Agency.

  • Readful Things "Nobody writes New Orleans like Heather Graham. Let the Dead Sleep is further proof of this....She knows how to pace her novels for maximum suspense and this book was no exception."
  • Paranormal Haven on Let the Dead Sleep "This book captivates its reader, is an easy read, and one that the reader will not want to put down until finished."
  • Lesa's Book Critiques on The Unseen "A fast-paced story, involving history and ghost stories. Graham is skilled at creating intriguing, mature characters involved in challenging situations."
  • Genre Go Round on The Unspoken This "paranormal romantic mystery is exhilarating and fast-paced."
  • Booklist on Ghost Walk "The paranormal elements are integral to the unrelentingly suspenseful plot, the characters are likable, the romance convincing...."
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Let the Dead Sleep
Let the Dead Sleep
Heather Graham
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