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From the editors of Sight Unseen, an anti-decorating book that champions a new approach to interiors—simply surrounding yourself with objects you love. “A refreshing, and necessary, counternarrative to shop-this-look consumerism and the aesthetic sameness that afflicts so many interiors.”—Vulture In the modern home, it matters less whether your interior is perfectly appointed and more if it’s authentically personal, unique, and filled with the objects you feel a connection to. Through inspiring home tours and practical advice on how and what to collect, Sight Unseen editors Monica Khemsurov and Jill Singer take you on an educational and highly visual journey through the questions at the core of their design philosophy:
• What makes an object worth having? • How do our objects impact our lives?
Khemsurov and Singer guide collectors, design lovers, and novices alike toward a more intentional and skilled mindset in acquiring and living with objects. The book acts as a detailed primer on how to maximize the visual and emotional impact of your space, regardless of your space limitations, style preferences, or budget. From a deep dive into the world of vintage-hunting to anecdotes about favorite objects from creatives like Misha Kahn and Lykke Li to expert styling tips, How to Live with Objects is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to make their house a home.
From the editors of Sight Unseen, an anti-decorating book that champions a new approach to interiors—simply surrounding yourself with objects you love. “A refreshing, and necessary, counternarrative to shop-this-look consumerism and the aesthetic sameness that afflicts so many interiors.”—Vulture In the modern home, it matters less whether your interior is perfectly appointed and more if it’s authentically personal, unique, and filled with the objects you feel a connection to. Through inspiring home tours and practical advice on how and what to collect, Sight Unseen editors Monica Khemsurov and Jill Singer take you on an educational and highly visual journey through the questions at the core of their design philosophy:
• What makes an object worth having? • How do our objects impact our lives?
Khemsurov and Singer guide collectors, design lovers, and novices alike toward a more intentional and skilled mindset in acquiring and living with objects. The book acts as a detailed primer on how to maximize the visual and emotional impact of your space, regardless of your space limitations, style preferences, or budget. From a deep dive into the world of vintage-hunting to anecdotes about favorite objects from creatives like Misha Kahn and Lykke Li to expert styling tips, How to Live with Objects is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to make their house a home.
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En raison de restrictions imposées par l'éditeur, la bibliothèque n'est pas en mesure d'acheter des exemplaires supplémentaires de ce titre et nous vous présentons toutes nos excuses si la liste d'attente est longue. N'oubliez pas de regarder s'il existe d'autres exemplaires, car d'autres éditions sont peut-être disponibles.
Au sujet de l’auteur-
Monica Khemsurov and Jill Singer are cofounders of the online magazine Sight Unseen, one of the most influential design publications in the United States. Former editors of I.D. magazine, they also work as freelance writers, curators, and consultants. Khemsurov is a contributing editor for T: The New York Times Style Magazine and a contributor to Bon Appétit, Bloomberg Businessweek, and W, while Singer’s writing has appeared in PIN-UP, Elle Décor, T: The New York Times Style Magazine, W, and more. Both live and work in New York City.
September 5, 2022 “It’s the objects you surround yourself with that truly give your home its soul,” write Khemsurov and Singer, the founders of design magazine Sight Unseen, in this unique ode to personal possessions. The two explore ways to breathe life and personality into interiors through a deliberate process of accumulating things. Organized into four categories that cover vintage, contemporary, handmade, and sentimental objects, the guide covers shopping strategies (“go very early” to flea markets, and reach out to local artists when looking for souvenirs from one’s travels) and shares insights from creative folks about the objects that make up their lives. New York designer Ellen Pong, for example, made a tissue-box cover that looks like a charcuterie board, while Swedish musician Lykke Li finds “calm” in her Gae Aulenti coffee table. Home tours offer a peek into private collections: graphic designer Kim Mupangilaï’s Brooklyn brownstone features objects that her father brought with him from Congo, while vintage art collector Jonathan Pessin finds priceless value in his perforated shelves that hail from a supermarket freezer section. Creative and fun, this will be invaluable to readers looking to foster a more meaningful connection with the objects they bring home.
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Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed
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