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Everything and the Moon
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Everything and the Moon
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It was indisputably love at first sight. But Victoria Lyndon was merely the teenaged daughter of a vicar. . .while Robert Kemble was the dashing young earl of Macclesfield. Surely what their meddlesome fathers insisted must have been true-that he was a reckless seducer determined to destroy her innocence. . . and she was a shameless fortune hunter. So it most certainly was for the best when their plans to elope went hopelessly awry.

Even after a seven-year separation, Victoria-now a governess-still leaves Robert breathless. But how could he ever again trust the raven-haired deceiver who had shattered his soul? And Victoria could never give her heart a second time to the cad who so callously trampled on it the first. But a passion fated will not be denied, and vows of love yearn to be kept. . . even when one promises the moon.

It was indisputably love at first sight. But Victoria Lyndon was merely the teenaged daughter of a vicar. . .while Robert Kemble was the dashing young earl of Macclesfield. Surely what their meddlesome fathers insisted must have been true-that he was a reckless seducer determined to destroy her innocence. . . and she was a shameless fortune hunter. So it most certainly was for the best when their plans to elope went hopelessly awry.

Even after a seven-year separation, Victoria-now a governess-still leaves Robert breathless. But how could he ever again trust the raven-haired deceiver who had shattered his soul? And Victoria could never give her heart a second time to the cad who so callously trampled on it the first. But a passion fated will not be denied, and vows of love yearn to be kept. . . even when one promises the moon.

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  • Chapter One

    Kent, England
    June, 1809

    Robert Kemble, earl of Macclesfield, had never been given to flights of fancy, but when he saw the girl by the lake, he fell instantly in love.

    It wasn't her beauty. With her black hair and pert nose she was certainly attractive, but he'd seen women far more beautiful in the ballrooms of London.

    It wasn't her intelligence. He had no reason to believe that she was stupid, but as he hadn't shared two words with her, he couldn't vouch for her intellect either.

    It certainly wasn't her grace. His first glimpse of her came as she flailed her arms and slipped off a wet rock. She landed on another rock with a loud thump, followed by an equally loud "Oh, bother" as she stood and rubbed her sore backside.

    He couldn't put his finger on it. All he knew was that she was perfect.

    He moved forward, keeping himself hidden in the trees. She was in the process of stepping from one stone to another, and any fool could see that she was going to slip, because the stone she was stepping onto was slick with moss, and


    "Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear!"

    Robert couldn't help but grin as she ignominiously hauled herself to the shore. The hem of her dress was soaked, and her slippers had to be ruined.

    He leaned forward, noticing that her slippers were sitting in the sun, presumably where she'd left them before hopping from stone to stone. Smart girl, he thought approvingly.

    She sat down on the grassy bank and began to wring out her dress, offering Robert a delicious view of her bare calves. Where had she stashed her stockings, he wondered.

    And then, as if guided by that sixth sense only females seemed to possess, she jerked her head up sharply and looked about. "Robert?" she called out. "Robert! I know you're there."

    Robert froze, certain that he'd never met her before, certain they'd never been introduced, and even more certain that even if they had, she'd not be calling him by his given name.

    "Robert," she said, fairly yelling at him now. "I insist you show yourself."

    He stepped forward. "As you wish, my lady." He said this with a courtly bow.

    Her mouth fell open. She blinked and scrambled to her feet. Then she must have realized that

    she was still holding the hem of her dress in her hands, baring her knees for all the world to see. She dropped the dress. "Who the devil are you?"

    He offered her his best lopsided smile. "Robert."

    "You are not Robert," she spluttered.

    "I beg to differ with you," he said, not even trying to contain his amusement.

    "Well, you're not my Robert."

    An unexpected surge of jealousy raced through him. "And who is your Robert?"

    "He's ... He's ... I fail to see how that is your concern."

    Robert cocked his head, pretending to give the matter ample thought. "One might be able to broach the argument that since this is my land and your skirts are soaked with water from my pond, then it is indeed my concern."

    The color drained from her face. "Oh, dear Lord, you're not his lordship."

    He grinned. "I'm his lordship."

    "But, but his lordship is supposed to be old!" She looked most perplexed and rather distraught .

    "Ah. I see our problem. I'm his lordship's son. The other his lordship. And you are ... ?"

    "In big trouble," she blurted out.

    He took her hand, which she had not held out to him, and bowed over it. "I am extremely honored to make your acquaintance, Miss Trouble."

    She giggled. "My name is Miss Big Trouble, if you please."

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn began writing one month after graduating from college and, aside from a brief stint in medical school, she has been tapping away at her keyboard ever since. Her novels have been translated into 43 languages and are beloved the world over. A graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, she lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

    Look for BRIDGERTON, based on her popular series of novels about the Bridgerton family, on Netflix.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    March 3, 1997
    Quinn (Minx, Birthright) begins her novel in Kent, England in 1809 and skillfully depicts the innocence of love at first sight. The irrepressible chemistry between Victoria Lyndon, the vicar's daughter, and Robert Kemble, the Earl of Maccelesfield, is derailed by their fathers' obstinate objections to the match. When Robert encounters Victoria working as a governess seven years later, however, they must face painful memories. A minimum of Regency texture is employed in exchange for focus on often amusing verbal sparring in this poignant battle of the sexes. Victoria, at last, finds comfort in her work at a fine London dress shop, but soon becomes the target of Robert's strategies to win her back: wooing with pastries, a siege of protective attention and abduction to a cottage by the sea-which is no resort. To use the confectionery metaphor, this is a meringue-light fluff, but none the worse for it.

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Everything and the Moon
Everything and the Moon
Julia Quinn
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