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Help Wanted
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Help Wanted
A Novel
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A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice • A VOGUE and Vulture Best Book of the Year So Far • One of New York Magazine's "23 Books We Can't Wait to Read in 2024" • One of ELLE's Best (and Most Anticipated) Fiction Books of 2024 • A Lit Hub and Kirkus Most Anticipated Book of 2024 • One of Lilith Magazine's "21 Books We Want to Read in 2024"

From the best-selling author of The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. comes a funny, eye-opening tale of work in contemporary America.

Every day at 3:55 a.m., members of Team Movement clock in for their shift at big-box store Town Square in a small upstate New York town. Under the eyes of a self-absorbed and barely competent boss, they empty the day's truck of merchandise, stock the shelves, and scatter before the store opens and customers arrive. Their lives follow a familiar if grueling routine, but their real problem is that Town Square doesn't schedule them for enough hours—most of them are barely getting by, even while working second or third jobs. When store manager Big Will announces he is leaving, the members of Movement spot an opportunity. If they play their cards right, one of them just might land a management job, with all the stability and possibility for advancement that that implies. The members of Team Movement—including a comedy-obsessed oddball who acts half his age, a young woman clinging on to her "cool kid" status from high school, and a college football hopeful trying to find a new path—band together to set a just-so-crazy-it-might-work plot in motion.

Adelle Waldman's debut novel was a breakout sensation, lauded by the Los Angeles Times as an "exacting character study" with "excellent and witty prose" and described as "incisive and very funny" by the Economist and "brilliant" by both NPR's Fresh Air and the Washington Post. In her long-awaited follow-up, Waldman brings her unparalleled wit and astute social observation to the world of modern, low-wage work. A humane and darkly comic workplace caper that shines a light on the odds low-wage workers are up against in today's economy, Help Wanted is a funny, moving tale of ordinary people trying to make a living.

A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice • A VOGUE and Vulture Best Book of the Year So Far • One of New York Magazine's "23 Books We Can't Wait to Read in 2024" • One of ELLE's Best (and Most Anticipated) Fiction Books of 2024 • A Lit Hub and Kirkus Most Anticipated Book of 2024 • One of Lilith Magazine's "21 Books We Want to Read in 2024"

From the best-selling author of The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. comes a funny, eye-opening tale of work in contemporary America.

Every day at 3:55 a.m., members of Team Movement clock in for their shift at big-box store Town Square in a small upstate New York town. Under the eyes of a self-absorbed and barely competent boss, they empty the day's truck of merchandise, stock the shelves, and scatter before the store opens and customers arrive. Their lives follow a familiar if grueling routine, but their real problem is that Town Square doesn't schedule them for enough hours—most of them are barely getting by, even while working second or third jobs. When store manager Big Will announces he is leaving, the members of Movement spot an opportunity. If they play their cards right, one of them just might land a management job, with all the stability and possibility for advancement that that implies. The members of Team Movement—including a comedy-obsessed oddball who acts half his age, a young woman clinging on to her "cool kid" status from high school, and a college football hopeful trying to find a new path—band together to set a just-so-crazy-it-might-work plot in motion.

Adelle Waldman's debut novel was a breakout sensation, lauded by the Los Angeles Times as an "exacting character study" with "excellent and witty prose" and described as "incisive and very funny" by the Economist and "brilliant" by both NPR's Fresh Air and the Washington Post. In her long-awaited follow-up, Waldman brings her unparalleled wit and astute social observation to the world of modern, low-wage work. A humane and darkly comic workplace caper that shines a light on the odds low-wage workers are up against in today's economy, Help Wanted is a funny, moving tale of ordinary people trying to make a living.

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  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Adelle Waldman is the best-selling author of The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P., which was named a best book of the year by The New Yorker, Economist, NPR, Elle, and many others. Her writing has appeared in The New Yorker, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal, among other publications. She lives in New York State.
  • Library Journal

    October 1, 2023

    In small-town upstate New York, Team Movement members arrive at work at 3:55 a.m., unloading merchandise and stocking shelves before the customers arrive. Then the possibility of a promotion presents itself, and the team bands together in a crazy plot that could help them all. From the author of the multi-best-booked The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 8, 2024
    Waldman’s perceptive sophomore novel (after The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P.) centers on the employees of a big-box store in Upstate New York. Nine of them are a part of the Movement team, arriving at four a.m. to unload trucks, unpack boxes, and stock the shelves before the store opens. Team manager Meredith, who’s under pressure from corporate headquarters to maintain the department’s budget, alienates the others by refusing requests for additional work hours or raises, contributing to their struggles to make ends meet. When the store manager announces he’s transferring to another location, and that corporate will be coming to interview employees to decide which team manager will take his role, Movement member Val sees an opportunity to get rid of Meredith by pushing to promote her. Val and the other team members put the plan in action, and several of them begin fantasizing about a promotion. Though Waldman touches only briefly on the employees’ personal lives, making it difficult to keep all the characters straight, the narrative builds to a satisfying and surprising conclusion. It’s a bracing and worthwhile glimpse of the high stakes faced by low-wage workers.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from January 1, 2024
    At a big-box retailer in upstate New York, a team of workers is energized by a secret plan. "'Roaches' was what other employees called the people who worked Movement, because they descended on the store in the dark of night, then scattered in the morning, when the customers arrived." Waldman's long-awaited follow-up to The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. (2013) is set in a totally different world--bye-bye, literary Brooklyn; hello, blue-collar Potterstown, a forlorn small town with a view of the Catskills, stuck in a downward spiral ever since the local IBM plant closed. What remains the same is the author's emotional intelligence, wry humor, and sensitivity to matters of money and class. Meanwhile, the details of daily operation and workplace culture at Town Square Store #1512 are evoked in fine and fascinating detail. The members of Team Movement (formerly "Logistics") are introduced in the org chart that opens the book, and that org chart is the heart of the plot. Currently the nine "roaches" are managed by a guy they call Little Will. Everybody loves Little Will, but his self-absorbed boss, Meredith, a Fashion Institute of Technology dropout, is a nightmare. Now the top dog, Big Will, whose "nonthreatening air of diversity, combined with his good looks and his youth," make him a corporate dreamboat, is getting his hoped-for transfer to his home state of Connecticut. Does that mean the hated Meredith will get his job? But if so, would Little Will move up and leave a management slot free for one of the roaches, who get no benefits whatsoever? This situation inspires a smart lesbian mom named Val to cook up a plot in which each of her sympathetically imagined Movement compadres plays a role. Even the coffeepot in the break room during a team meeting is a character: "hissing and sputtering wildly, like a small animal trying to scare off a larger predator." The workplace dramedy of the year.

    COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    March 15, 2024
    There's a cutthroat game of employment roulette underway at the Town Square superstore in an economically distressed city in Upstate New York. The store's beloved general manager is leaving, and the opening is as substantial as the key block in a teetering Jenga tower. For the store's lowliest employees, those who work the grueling middle-of-the-night shift in the warehouse and loading dock, the choice of candidate is personal. Their direct supervisor, Meredith, a chirpy, insensitive go-getter, is one of two contenders. She's a corporate toady universally disliked among her staff. Still, if Meredith moves up, maybe one of them will get her spot. Waldman's (The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P, 2013) crew of hardworking merchandise movers concocts a plan to ensure that Meredith is promoted, and their three-dimensional chess scheme is a master class in team building. With great compassion and humility, Waldman illustrates each employee's litany of unfortunate choices and unforced errors that has brought them to the brink of desperation, where each minute clocked and each benefit denied has life-changing impact. Waldman shines a much-needed spotlight on the inequities of corporate retail policies and practices by humanizing the plight of the workers whom consumers rely upon but rarely acknowledge.


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    W. W. Norton & Company
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Help Wanted
A Novel
Adelle Waldman
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