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The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015
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The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015
de Joe Hill
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Imaginative fiction from Neil Gaiman, Karen Russell, Daniel H. Wilson, and more, selected by New York Times-bestselling author Joe Hill.

Science fiction and fantasy enjoy a long literary tradition, stretching from Mary Shelley, H. G. Wells, and Jules Verne to Ray Bradbury, Ursula K. Le Guin, and William Gibson. In The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2015 award-winning editor John Joseph Adams and Joe Hill deliver a diverse and vibrant collection of stories published in the previous year. Featuring writers with deep science fiction and fantasy backgrounds, along with those who are infusing traditional fiction with speculative elements, these stories uphold a longstanding tradition in both genres—looking at the world and asking, What if?

The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2015 includes Kelly Link, Neil Gaiman, Karen Russell T. C. Boyle, Sofia Samatar, Jo Walton, Cat Rambo Daniel H. Wilson, Seanan McGuire, Jess Row, and more.

“The overall quality of the work is very high.”—Publishers Weekly

Imaginative fiction from Neil Gaiman, Karen Russell, Daniel H. Wilson, and more, selected by New York Times-bestselling author Joe Hill.

Science fiction and fantasy enjoy a long literary tradition, stretching from Mary Shelley, H. G. Wells, and Jules Verne to Ray Bradbury, Ursula K. Le Guin, and William Gibson. In The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2015 award-winning editor John Joseph Adams and Joe Hill deliver a diverse and vibrant collection of stories published in the previous year. Featuring writers with deep science fiction and fantasy backgrounds, along with those who are infusing traditional fiction with speculative elements, these stories uphold a longstanding tradition in both genres—looking at the world and asking, What if?

The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2015 includes Kelly Link, Neil Gaiman, Karen Russell T. C. Boyle, Sofia Samatar, Jo Walton, Cat Rambo Daniel H. Wilson, Seanan McGuire, Jess Row, and more.

“The overall quality of the work is very high.”—Publishers Weekly
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    September 14, 2015
    This first SF and fantasy volume of the venerable Best American annuals collects work published in 2014 by authors residing in the U.S. and Canada. Series editor John Joseph Adams and his team selected 80 stories (18 of which came from publications Adams edited) and anonymized them for Hill, who picked 20 to reprint; the rest received honorable mentions. The overall quality of the work is very high, with standouts including Nathan Ballingrud’s creepy-cute “Skullpocket,” about the fair a ghoul holds annually for his town’s children; Neil Gaiman’s “How the Marquis Got His Coat Back,” a charming return to his Neverwhere universe; and Karen Russell’s “The Bad Graft,” in which a woman picks up the spirit of a Joshua tree as a hitchhiker. T.C. Boyle’s “The Relive Box” is the lowest point, as its depiction of a man ensnared by a machine that can let him relive his best moments forever is the presentation of a scenario rather than a story, but Boyle’s technical skill holds the piece together. A certain similarity in tone creeps in after a while, but it’s fortunately broken up often enough for the book to keep the reader’s interest.

  • Library Journal

    Starred review from September 15, 2015

    As this volume reveals, 2014 was an outstanding year for stellar short speculative fiction. Edited by master anthologist Adams and award-winning horror author Hill, this collection features a number of stories previously published elsewhere, but their high quality makes them worth revisiting. Readers will particularly enjoy Seanan McGuire's take on mermaids in "Each to Each" and Neil Gaiman fans will relish a visit to London Below in "The Marquis of Carabas." One of the very best pieces is from the only author to have two stories selected for this volume, newcomer Sofia Samatar. "How To Get Back to the Forest" is a haunting tale of the near future that will leave readers wanting more of her lyrical writing. VERDICT An illuminating anthology for genre devotees and curious readers interested in exploring sf/fantasy without committing to a full novel or series.--JM

    Copyright 2015 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015
Joe Hill
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