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The Defector
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The Defector
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In Moscow Rules Gabriel Allon went up against the sadisitc Ivan Kharkov. Now he must outsmart him once and for all in this #1 New York Times bestseller from Daniel Silva.
Grigori Bulganov once saved Gabriel Allon's life in Moscow—and Allon always repays his debts. So when the former Russian intelligence officer vanishes, Allon gathers his team of operatives to go after those responsible. But, in a running battle that rages across the globe, Allon soon realizes that his enemy may already hold the key to victory. And that if he continues, it will cost him more than he can bear...
In Moscow Rules Gabriel Allon went up against the sadisitc Ivan Kharkov. Now he must outsmart him once and for all in this #1 New York Times bestseller from Daniel Silva.
Grigori Bulganov once saved Gabriel Allon's life in Moscow—and Allon always repays his debts. So when the former Russian intelligence officer vanishes, Allon gathers his team of operatives to go after those responsible. But, in a running battle that rages across the globe, Allon soon realizes that his enemy may already hold the key to victory. And that if he continues, it will cost him more than he can bear...
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  • From the book


    Moscow Rules
    The Secret Servant
    The Messenger
    Prince of Fire
    A Death in Vienna
    The Confessor
    The English Assassin
    The Kill Artist
    The Marching Season
    The Mark of the Assassin
    The Unlikely Spy

    Publishers Since 1838
    Published by the Penguin Group
    Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA • Penguin
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    Copyright © 2009 by Daniel Silva

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any
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    of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
    Published simultaneously in Canada

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Silva, Daniel, date.
    The defector / Daniel Silva.
    p. cm.

    ISBN: 9781101105023

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page



    PART ONE - Opening Moves


    Chapter 2 - LONDON: JANUARY

    Chapter 3 - UMBRIA , ITALY

    Chapter 4 - AMELIA , UMBRIA

    Chapter 5 - AMELIA , UMBRIA

    Chapter 6 - AMELIA , UMBRIA



    Chapter 9 - VILLA DEI FIORI • LONDON

    Chapter 10 - MAIDA VALE, LONDON

    Chapter 11 - MAIDA VALE, LONDON

    Chapter 12 - MAIDA VALE, LONDON

    Chapter 13 - MAIDA VALE, LONDON

    Chapter 14 - WEST LONDON

    Chapter 15 - WESTMINSTER, LONDON

    Chapter 16 - OXFORD

    Chapter 17 - OXFORD

    Chapter 18 - OXFORD

    Chapter 19 - OXFORD


    PART TWO - Anatoly

    Chapter 20 - THE MARAIS, PARIS

    Chapter 21 - MONTMARTRE, PARIS

    Chapter 22 - MONTMARTRE, PARIS

    Chapter 23 - LAKE COMO, ITALY

    Chapter 24 - BELLAGIO, ITALY

    Chapter 25 - LAKE...

  • Library Journal

    June 30, 2009
    Gabriel Allon, Israeli superagent and government-sanctioned assassin comes out of retirement in Italy to repay a debt of honor. A Russian defector who twice saved Allon's life has been kidnapped and returned to Russia by former KGB thug and illegal arms dealer, Ivan Kharkov, who also kidnaps Allon's new bride, Chiara. A gripping tale of bloody vengeance, spycraft, international finance, and politics ensues. Using the ensemble cast from previous novels, Silva (Moscow Rules) takes the reader on a hair-raising ride through London, Italy, and Moscow.A Verdict Once again, Silva has written a suspenseful novel of espionage, violence, and corruption. His aging Allon is an assassin with a soul. He is tiring of violence; could this be the last Allon novel? One hopes not. [See Prepub Alert, LJ 3/1/09.]-Robert Conroy, Warren, MI

    Copyright 2009 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    June 1, 2009
    Silvas thrillers bring readers the best of all spy worlds. The action roars along, touching down in both glamorous settings and godforsaken outposts. However, unlike conventional spy novels, whichtend to throw so many locations at readers that the overall effect is like glancing at an airports postings of arrivals and departures, Silva keeps a steady center with his intriguing hero, Gabriel Allon. Allon, whose parents survived the Holocaust, is an artist and specialist in restoring Renaissance paintings. He is also a spy and trained assassin for Israels Special Operations Unit, distinguished for carrying out the most secretive, perilous, and exacting missions. Allon is conflicted over what he does but driven to do it nonetheless. This is the ninth in the series and the sequel to last years Moscow Rules, which explored the murky world of Russian arms dealing. This time Ivan Kharkov, an oligarch and arms dealer, seeks revenge for Allons costly discoveries. The first step in his revenge plan, according to Israeli intelligence, is the kidnapping of a Russian defector in London (which Silva cites as a Russian city). Silva juxtaposes scenes of great beauty, as when he details the Umbrian villa in which Allon does his restoration work, with shuddering scenes of violence. For readers who crave both deft characterization and old-fashioned, spy-novel action.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2009, American Library Association.)

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The Defector
The Defector
Daniel Silva
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