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Little Camp of Horrors
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Little Camp of Horrors
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From R.L. Stine, master horror author of the Goosebumps series and the Fear Street trilogy—now streaming on Netflix—comes another spooky tale!
This summer Max is going to Camp Snake Lake—where he will have to swim in a lake filled with poisonous snakes . . . where a Headless Ghost roams the fields . . . where he and his mostly ghostly friends Nicky and Tara will continue the dangerous search for Nicky and Tara’s parents.
But first Max will have to face the evil spirit Phears again. Can Max learn the secret that will destroy this most terrifying ghoul for good?
From R.L. Stine, master horror author of the Goosebumps series and the Fear Street trilogy—now streaming on Netflix—comes another spooky tale!
This summer Max is going to Camp Snake Lake—where he will have to swim in a lake filled with poisonous snakes . . . where a Headless Ghost roams the fields . . . where he and his mostly ghostly friends Nicky and Tara will continue the dangerous search for Nicky and Tara’s parents.
But first Max will have to face the evil spirit Phears again. Can Max learn the secret that will destroy this most terrifying ghoul for good?
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  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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    K - 2

Prix remportés-
  • From the book Mrs. Roland laughed. “Tara, not so fast. Not so fast!”
    “We’ll answer all your questions,” Mr. Roland said. “It’s a long story. But don’t worry. We’ll explain everything.” He stuck out his hand. “But quick–give us the pendant.”
    “We really have to hurry,” their mom said, glancing at the front door. She turned back to them. “Which one of you is wearing it?”
    “Max was wearing it the whole time,” Nicky said.
    Both parents moved quickly across the room to me. “Could we have it back, Max?” Mr. Roland asked. “It’s the master life pod. We need it to capture any other ghosts who might come after us.”
    Mrs. Roland sighed. “We won’t be safe until we have it.”
    I took a step back. “I . . . I don’t have it,” I stammered.
    Mrs. Roland’s mouth dropped open. Mr. Roland tensed his shoulders.
    “My brother took it,” I said. “He took it to Camp Snake Lake with him.”
    Both parents stared at me, horrified expressions frozen on their faces.
    After a few seconds, Mr. Roland spoke in a growl. “Phears isn’t going to like this. We have to go there and get it back!
    Huh? Did he say Phears?
    Confused, I took another step back. Mr. and Mrs. Roland kept their gaze on me. They started to change. Their faces drooped and began to shrink. Their bodies hunched. They curled in on themselves like gloves closing up.
    Hard brown shells formed over their clothing. Their heads were small and round now, with tiny black eyes and threadlike tongues lapping the air. They looked like the beetles we studied in science class. Giant growling beetles.
    “Oh noooo.” A low moan escaped my throat.
    They floated off the floor. Floated over me, growling and muttering.
    I ducked my head and staggered to the front door. I saw Nicky and Tara, frozen in shock in the middle of the living room.
    “Run!” I screamed. “It’s a trick. They’re not your parents! Run!”
    But before Nicky and Tara could move, the two giant insects skittered over to them. Grabbed them with their long spindly legs.
    They pulled Nicky and Tara against their hard ribbed bodies. Held them tight and started to drag them out the front door.
    I staggered to the door. I tried to spin one of the insect creatures around, but my hand slid off its shell.
    I grabbed for Tara. Struggling and squirming to free themselves, Nicky and Tara both reached for my outstretched hands.
    But the insect creatures wrapped ropelike legs around their middles and held them tight. The giant insects bounced across the front yard like rubber balls, dragging Nicky and Tara with them.
    “Let us go! Let us go!” Tara wailed.
    My heart pounding, I darted over the grass. I could see Mrs. Benson in the window of her house next door. I knew she couldn’t see the ghosts. She could only see me. She probably thought I was totally crazy as I went screaming down the lawn and leaped into the air.
    I jumped onto the back of one of the enormous insects. I gripped the hard shell with both hands. It felt slick and hot. My hands nearly slipped off.
    The ghostly creature had Tara wrapped in its grasp. “Help me, Max!” she screamed. “I . . . I can’t get loose!”
    With a groan, I lurched backward, trying to pull the insect onto its back.
    A puff of black steam shot out from under its shell. I gasped as a putrid smell invaded my nose.
    I started to choke and gag. It smelled like...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • R. L. Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of the bestselling children’s author in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the unprecedented bestselling Goosebumps® series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide media phenomenon.
    R.L. Stine has received numerous awards of recognition. He lives in New York, NY.
  • The Horn Book

    July 1, 2005
    In three superficial supernatural stories, Max rescues two ghost friends from evil spirits ( "Doom" ); he attends summer camp to get an enchanted pendant back from his obnoxious brother--before an evil ghost does ( "Camp" ); and ghosts try to sabotage Max's family's move ( "Ghouls" ). These simple tales move quickly, but the repetitive narration and flat characters make the books ultimately unsatisfying.

    (Copyright 2005 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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  • Éditeur
    Random House Children's Books
  • OverDrive Read
    Date de publication:
  • EPUB eBook
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Little Camp of Horrors
Little Camp of Horrors
R.L. Stine
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