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The Memo
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The Memo
A Novel

"The perfect summer read: a novel both quick and funny." Airmail

"A total joyride of a novel. The Memo is a funny, fascinating exploration of love, friendship, ambition and what it truly means to live a good life. I loved it."—J. Courtney Sullivan, New York Times bestselling author of Commencement, Maine, and Friends and Strangers

If you could rewrite your life story, would you dare? That's the question at the heart of this funny, sharp and propulsive debut novel about love, life, and a woman finding herself and what it means to be happy and successful.

Do you ever feel like your life doesn't measure up to everyone else's—and wonder if you just didn't get the memo helping you make the right choices?

Jenny Green dreads her upcoming college reunion. Once top of her class, the thirty-five-year-old finds herself stuck in a life that isn't the one she expected. Her promising career has flamed out (literally) and her deadbeat boyfriend is cheating on her (again). All her friends seem to have it all figured it out, enjoying glittering lives and careers that she can only envy from the sidelines. Did she just not get the memo they all did?

As it turns out, she didn't!

When she arrives at her alma mater for the festivities, she receives a text from an unlisted number.

"Jenny Green: please collect your memo."

Somewhere on campus, a discreet female-led organization provides comprehensive memos to select students, a set of instructions that are a blueprint for success.

The first time around, Jenny didn't receive hers. Now, she's being given the second chance she wants—an opportunity to relive her life and make all the right decisions this time around. But at what price?

Smart, addictive, bittersweet, and ultimately triumphant, The Memo will enchant readers of In Five Years and Cassandra in Reverse as well as fans of Emma Straub and Maria Semple.

"The perfect summer read: a novel both quick and funny." Airmail

"A total joyride of a novel. The Memo is a funny, fascinating exploration of love, friendship, ambition and what it truly means to live a good life. I loved it."—J. Courtney Sullivan, New York Times bestselling author of Commencement, Maine, and Friends and Strangers

If you could rewrite your life story, would you dare? That's the question at the heart of this funny, sharp and propulsive debut novel about love, life, and a woman finding herself and what it means to be happy and successful.

Do you ever feel like your life doesn't measure up to everyone else's—and wonder if you just didn't get the memo helping you make the right choices?

Jenny Green dreads her upcoming college reunion. Once top of her class, the thirty-five-year-old finds herself stuck in a life that isn't the one she expected. Her promising career has flamed out (literally) and her deadbeat boyfriend is cheating on her (again). All her friends seem to have it all figured it out, enjoying glittering lives and careers that she can only envy from the sidelines. Did she just not get the memo they all did?

As it turns out, she didn't!

When she arrives at her alma mater for the festivities, she receives a text from an unlisted number.

"Jenny Green: please collect your memo."

Somewhere on campus, a discreet female-led organization provides comprehensive memos to select students, a set of instructions that are a blueprint for success.

The first time around, Jenny didn't receive hers. Now, she's being given the second chance she wants—an opportunity to relive her life and make all the right decisions this time around. But at what price?

Smart, addictive, bittersweet, and ultimately triumphant, The Memo will enchant readers of In Five Years and Cassandra in Reverse as well as fans of Emma Straub and Maria Semple.

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  • OverDrive Read
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Rachel Dodes is a freelance culture writer. She's a regular contributor to Vanity Fair, and her work has also appeared in Town & Country, Elle, Esquire, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Buzzfeed among other publications. She was a staff writer at the Wall Street Journal where she covered fashion and film. She lives in New York with her husband, son, and dog.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from May 15, 2024
    What if "the memo" wasn't a metaphor, and you really didn't get it? At 35, Jenny Green is happy-ish. She lives in Pittsburgh--not exactly the center of the universe--with Hal, an unambitious but super-hot guy she met nine years ago on a beach in Costa Rica. She works for a philanthropy that supports girls and women, which sounds good on paper, but it's really a vanity project for a wealthy nightmare of a woman who only wants Jenny to get her coverage in the national media. Oh, and it turns out Hal is having an affair. Jenny has no desire to go to her 15-year college reunion, but she skipped the last one and her (more successful) friends are persistent. What she doesn't expect, once on campus, is to run into Desiree LeBlanc, the pushy career counselor whose advice she spurned just before graduation--and who's now offering her another chance. It turns out Desiree had been planning to give her the Memo--the "actual, tangible, Upper-Case-Letter thing"--and the fact that Jenny has spent her life floundering can be attributed to her having walked away. But Jenny isn't just going to be following the Memo's advice going forward; Desiree and her Consortium have discovered a way to send her back to crucial moments in the past with explicit instructions on what she should be doing to turn herself into a self-actualized superwoman. What could go wrong? Dodes and Mechling have come up with a great concept--the elevator pitch writes itself!--and filled it with insight, wit, and perfectly chosen details of life among a segment of the population that might once have looked at Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In as a guide. They explore issues of love, work, friendship, ambition, and fulfillment that feel timeless yet particularly pertinent in the social media era, when it's so hard to see past the surface of other people's high-powered facades. So sharp, so funny. You might feel better or worse about your own life, but you'll definitely be laughing.

    COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Library Journal

    June 1, 2024

    Dodes and Mechling's first book together (which is Dodes's fiction debut and Mechling's second adult novel, after How Could She) is a tribute to a world of possibility. When a career counselor suggests to college senior Jenny Green that she quit school a few weeks before graduation, she does not take that advice, but while her friends move on to uber-successful careers, Jenny feels like she is stagnating. She wonders if everyone else got the memo and learned to succeed and why she did not. She's not thrilled with her new assistant job, she's pretty sure her boyfriend is cheating on her, and she has to deal with her upcoming 15-year college reunion. Then she receives an anonymous text message urging her to collect a memoir and follow its instructions; she does, and her whole world starts shifting on its axis. With a whiff of time travel, Jenny bounces between her old life and this possible new life, but eventually, she has to make a not-inconsiderable decision and face reality head-on. VERDICT Millennial women in particular might be drawn to this inventive novel about launching one's life. Read-alikes include The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano by Donna Freitas, Cassandra in Reverse by Holly Smale, and The Good Part by Sophie Cousens.--Stacy Alesi

    Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from May 21, 2024
    Jenny Green missed the memo. Not the literal memo, but the metaphorical, get-your-life-together one that all her college friends seemed to have gotten. Which explained why they were all living fabulous, high-profile lives and she was just . . . coasting along, almost 36 years old and going nowhere. Then, at her college reunion, faced with yet more evidence that she wasn't measuring up, she discovers that ""the memo"" isn't so metaphorical after all, and the secret organization pulling the strings is about to give her a second chance to go back and do it all over again. But is the life they think she should have lived really better? Mechling (How Could She, 2019) and first-time novelist Dodes have created a cast of characters that feels grounded and likable (with some unlikeable but distinctly entertaining ones too) despite the zany, darkly comic premise. A fresh and intriguing--and surprisingly deep--take on the second-chance trope, this one is for anyone who's wondered what would have happened to their life if only they had made a different choice. A great read-alike for fans of Josie Silver.


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The Memo
The Memo
A Novel
Rachel Dodes
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