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The Teeth of the Tiger
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The Teeth of the Tiger
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In the suburbs of Maryland, the firm of Hendley and Associates meanders its way through financial transactions—but its true purpose is to identify and locate terrorist threats, and then deal with them in whatever manner necessary. "The Campus" is always on the lookout for new talent, and its eye happens to light on President John Patrick Ryan's son: Jack Ryan, Jr. While his father moved through the ranks of the CIA and into the Presidency, Jack Jr. received the benefit of years of life experience in special ops, intelligence analysis, and the way the world really works. Now, the Arab terrorist world and the Colombian drug cartels are about to unite forces, and Jack Jr. must put all he has been taught to good use—or else.
In the suburbs of Maryland, the firm of Hendley and Associates meanders its way through financial transactions—but its true purpose is to identify and locate terrorist threats, and then deal with them in whatever manner necessary. "The Campus" is always on the lookout for new talent, and its eye happens to light on President John Patrick Ryan's son: Jack Ryan, Jr. While his father moved through the ranks of the CIA and into the Presidency, Jack Jr. received the benefit of years of life experience in special ops, intelligence analysis, and the way the world really works. Now, the Arab terrorist world and the Colombian drug cartels are about to unite forces, and Jack Jr. must put all he has been taught to good use—or else.
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  • From the cover Chapter One



    of West Odenton, Maryland, isn't much of a town at all, just a post office for people who live in the general area, a few gas stations and a 7-Eleven, plus the usual fast-food places for people who need a fat-filled breakfast on the drive from Columbia, Maryland, to their jobs in Washington, D.C. And half a mile from the modest post office building was a mid-rise office building of government-undistinguished architecture. It was nine stories high, and on the capacious front lawn a low decorative monolith made of gray brick with silvery lettering said HENDLEY ASSOCIATES, without explaining what, exactly, Hendley Associates was. There were few hints. The roof of the building was flat, tar-and-gravel over reinforced concrete, with a small penthouse to house the elevator machinery and another rectangular structure that gave no clue about its identity. In fact, it was made of fiberglass, white in color, and radio-transparent. The building itself was unusual only in one thing: Except for a few old tobacco barns that barely exceeded twenty-five feet in height, it was the only building higher than two stories that sat on a direct line of sight from the National Security Agency located at Fort Meade, Maryland, and the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency at Langley, Virginia. Some other entrepreneurs had wished to build on that sight line, but zoning approval had never been granted, for many reasons, all of them false.

    Behind the building was a small antenna farm not unlike that found next to a local television station-a half-dozen six-meter parabolic dishes sat inside a twelve-foot-high, razor-wire-crowned Cyclone fence enclosure and pointed at various commercial communications satellites. The entire complex, which wasn't terribly complex at all, comprised fifteen and a third acres in Maryland's Howard County, and was referred to as "The Campus" by the people who worked there. Nearby was the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, a government-consulting establishment of long standing and well-established sensitivity of function.

    To the public, Hendley Associates was a trader in stocks, bonds, and international currencies, though, oddly, it did little in the way of public business. It was not known to have any clients, and while it was whispered to be quietly active in local charities (the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine was rumored to be the main recipient of Hendley's corporate largesse), nothing had ever leaked to the local media. In fact, it had no public-relations department at all. Neither was it rumored to be doing anything untoward, though its chief executive officer was known to have had a somewhat troubled past, as a result of which he was shy of publicity, which, on a few rare occasions, he'd dodged quite adroitly and amiably, until, finally, the local media had stopped asking. Hendley's employees were scattered about locally, mostly in Columbia, lived upper-middle-class lifestyles, and were generally as remarkable as Beaver's father, Ward Cleaver.

    Gerald Paul Hendley, Jr., had had a stellar career in the commodities business, during which he'd amassed a sizable personal fortune and then turned to elected public service in his late thirties, soon becoming a United States senator from South Carolina. Very quickly, he'd acquired a reputation as a legislative maverick who eschewed special interests and their campaign money offers, and followed a rather ferociously independent political track, leaning toward liberal on civil-rights issues, but decidedly conservative on defense and foreign relations. He'd...

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Thirty years ago Tom Clancy was a Maryland insurance broker with a passion for naval history. Years before, he had been an English major at Baltimore’s Loyola College and had always dreamed of writing a novel. His first effort, The Hunt for Red October, sold briskly as a result of rave reviews, then catapulted onto the New York Times bestseller list after President Reagan pronounced it “the perfect yarn.” From that day forward, Clancy established himself as an undisputed master at blending exceptional realism and authenticity, intricate plotting, and razor-sharp suspense. He passed away in October 2013.

    Stephen Hoye has worked as a professional actor in London and Los Angeles for more than 30 years. Trained at Boston University and The Guildhall in London, he has appeared in several feature films, television series, and on stage in London’s West End.
  • AudioFile Magazine Although comparatively short on action and long on narrative, this is a provocative novel of espionage and terrorism. In typical Tom Clancy style, the heroes prevail, but this time justice is done outside the law by a secretly financed vigilante agency. The main character is Jack Ryan, Jr., with generously sprinkled references to his father's adventures in prior Clancy stories. Stephen Hoye's understated yet masculine voice is well suited to the novel, especially given Jack, Jr.'s, major role. But accents are not Hoye's strong suit; the Hispanic and British characters would have been better portrayed with subtlety. Another minor complaint: This complicated story requires slightly longer pauses between scenes. N.M.C. (c) AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine
  • Publisher's Weekly

    August 11, 2003
    While last year's Clancy novel, Red Rabbit, hit #1 first week out, sales reportedly were down from previous books, as were the thumbs of critics, who found the book slow, talky and lacking in action. In an effort to repair the damage as well as to revitalize his long-running Jack Ryan series, Clancy has scrapped his usual one-novel-every-two-years cycle to deliver a shorter, swifter tale featuring not Ryan but Ryan's son, also known as Jack, as well as two of young Jack's cousins, fraternal twins Dominic and Brian Caruso, the former an FBI agent, the latter a Marine. All three are recruited to a privately funded vigilante organization, Hendley Associates, that aims to strike at America's enemies—particularly, terrorists—when the Feds can't or won't. The narrative divides into two parts. The first concerns the training of the three, with young Ryan basically pushing his way into the organization while Dominic is signed on after taking the law into his own hands by shooting a child killer, and Brian after demonstrating smarts during combat in Afghanistan. Their grapplings with the moral and logistical demands of their new jobs alternate with a villains' plot, as Islamic terrorists cut a deal with Colombian drug smugglers, sneak into the U.S. and move toward their killing-field objectives, four shopping malls in mid-America. The plot strands tie up in a terrifically exciting sequence, the novel's highlight, as Dom and Brian, by chance shopping at one mall, take down four of the terrorists. But the terrorists kill scores of innocents, so the rest of the novel details American vengeance—the teeth of the tiger—as the twins fly to Europe, followed by Jack, to take out several of the terrorists' handlers. This isn't Clancy's strongest novel, but it's a big improvement over Red Rabbit. Geopolitical analysis and operational details overwhelm the few action sequences, perhaps to the chagrin of many Clancy fans, but the author knows this stuff like no one else and delivers it all in his inimitable clipped manner. Clancy's smart flag-waving and targeting of terrorists will please many, of course, and leaves plenty of room for sequels. Expect generally satisfied fans and huge sales.

  • AudioFile Magazine Tom Clancy continues the saga of Jack Ryan, except that Ryan doesn't actually show up in the story. He's mentioned only as part of the background. Instead his son, Jack, Jr., takes center stage. Junior and two of his cousins work in deep cover for "The Campus," an organization that studies the electronic traffic of terrorists and then avenges their actions. Our heroes go after a terrorist cell, using the strategy of cutting off the head and letting the body die. Stephen Lang joins the ranks of readers such as Paul Michael and Scott Brick, whose styles are young, fluid, and well chosen for the thriller genre. D.R.W. (c) AudioFile 2005, Portland, Maine
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The Teeth of the Tiger
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