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Catify to Satisfy
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Catify to Satisfy
Simple Solutions for Creating a Cat-Friendly Home
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In this book, Jackson Galaxy, star of Animal Planet’s hit show My Cat from Hell, and Kate Benjamin, cat design wizard, show cat guardians everywhere how to use home design tricks to address everyday cat care issues. Does your feline friend like to pee everywhere but in his or her litter box? Does your kitty have a thing for your furniture that has left your beloved couch in tatters? Catify to Satisfy will show you how simple DIY design projects and hacks can help bring harmony back into your home. Featuring the amazing projects cat guardians from around the world have shared with Jackson and Kate—design strategies for solving even the most daunting kitty challenges—this book is the ultimate guide to creating a happy home for cat guardian and cat alike.
In this book, Jackson Galaxy, star of Animal Planet’s hit show My Cat from Hell, and Kate Benjamin, cat design wizard, show cat guardians everywhere how to use home design tricks to address everyday cat care issues. Does your feline friend like to pee everywhere but in his or her litter box? Does your kitty have a thing for your furniture that has left your beloved couch in tatters? Catify to Satisfy will show you how simple DIY design projects and hacks can help bring harmony back into your home. Featuring the amazing projects cat guardians from around the world have shared with Jackson and Kate—design strategies for solving even the most daunting kitty challenges—this book is the ultimate guide to creating a happy home for cat guardian and cat alike.
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  • From the book



    Jackson and Kate would like to extend their sincerest thanks to the following individuals and organizations for their help in the creation of this book. Some have been around the catified block with us before, and for some, this is their first cat rodeo—but every single one has been essential in making something with so many moving parts appear effortless:

    Sara Carder and her team at Tarcher/Penguin, including Joanna Ng and Brianna Yamashita.

    Joy Tutela at David Black Agency, always our champion.

    Josephine Tan, Kevin Krogstad and Jessica Hano at Tan Management for keeping the wheels on the train well-oiled and on the tracks.

    Norm Aladjem and his team at LEG, including Sanaz Yamin.

    Liza Anderson and her team at Anderson PR, including James Weir and Melissa Nowakowski.

    Carolyn Conrad at Schreck, Rose, Dapello & Adams.

    Ivo Fischer, Bethany Dick, Amanda Gawrgy, Jeff Lesh, Theresa Brown and Jenni Levine at William Morris/Endeavor.

    The incredible Animal Planet team behind My Cat From Hell, including Marjorie Kaplan, Rick Holzman, Melinda Toporoff and Pat Dempsey.

    The team at Discovery Communications, including Shannon Erb, Chris Finnegan, Matt Windsor and Karin Failla.

    On the production side thank you to those at 3 Ball Entertainment who have raised and waved the flag of My Cat From Hell for six seasons including Adam Kaloustian, Eva Mancil, Matt Allyn and JD Roth.

    Nica Scott for lending her illustration skills again.

    Jeff Newton for a fresh eye, steady hand, artistic mind and a definite way with the cats.

    Bridgette Chesne and Maggie Schaefer at Humane Society of Boulder Valley, the backbone behind our innagural shelter Catification profile.

    Many thanks to Greg Krueger, Peter Cohen and Diane Irvine Armitage for opening their homes and hearts to us and for showing the world what can be accomplished by simply asking a family member, “What can I do to make you happy?”

    Thanks to the enduring faith and grounding power of my family.

    Thanks to Minoo for loving me.

    Thanks to Mooshka, Audrey, Pishi, Barry, Lily, Caroline, Vivienne, Sophie, Ernie, Eddie and Oliver just for being near me.

    Thanks to Heather, Siena and Toast for patience, trust and belief. And more patience.

    Thanks to the team at Spirit Essences, including Debra, Celeste, Leanne, Beth, Jeff and Mojo for the elbow grease and good vibes behind the promise.

    Stephanie R., for teaching me to stay right-sized and close by.

    Robert D., for reminders of the promise and the occasional long-distance lasso.

    Finally, I’d like this book to honor two ladies who have seen me at my worst and stood by me as I promised better:

    Mama Galaxy, for teaching me early on how to love unconditionally—and today, for showing me how to live unconditionally as well.

    Velouria, for showing me what life beyond the challenge line looks like. And for sleeping on my chest for twenty years.

    Thanks again to the Hauspanther team, Linda Pelo, Star DeLuna, Sara Santiago, Gerda Lobo, Mamalat and Claude. Thanks to my parents, Barbara and Don Benjamin, for cheering me on, and to Mark Allred for his enduring support. And of course, my feline family members who continuously serve as my inspiration and test subjects: Simba, Mackenzie, Ando, Dazzler, Sherman, McKinley, Andy, Bear, Sylvia, Margot and Lilly.


    We are thrilled to bring you our latest collection of ideas and inspiration for catifying your home in order to create a peaceful and pleasant environment where your cat can truly thrive.


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    Penguin Publishing Group
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Catify to Satisfy
Catify to Satisfy
Simple Solutions for Creating a Cat-Friendly Home
Jackson Galaxy
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