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What's Gotten into Us? is a deep, remarkable, and empowering investigation into the threats--biological and environmental--that chemicals now present in our daily lives.
Do you know what chemicals are in your shampoo? How about your cosmetics? Do you know what's in the plastic water bottles you drink from, or the weed killer in your garage, or your children's pajamas? If you're like most of us, the answer is probably no. But you also probably figured that most of these products were safe, and that someone--the manufacturers, the government--was looking out for you. The truth might surprise you.
After experiencing a health scare of his own, journalist McKay Jenkins set out to discover the truth about toxic chemicals, our alarming levels of exposure, and our government's utter failure to regulate them effectively. What's Gotten into Us? reveals how dangerous, and how common, toxins are in the most ordinary things, and in the most familiar of places:
• Our water: Thanks to suburban sprawl and agricultural runoff, 97 percent of our nation's rivers and streams are now contaminated with everything from herbicides to pharmaceutical drugs. • Our bodies: High levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals from cosmetics, flame-retardants from clothing and furniture, even long-banned substances like DDT and lead, are consistently showing up in human blood samples. • Our homes: Many toxins lurk beneath our sinks and in our basements, of course, but did you know that they're also found in wall-to-wall carpeting, plywood, and fabric softeners? • Our yards: Pesticides, fungicides, even common fertilizers--there are enormous, unseen costs to our national obsession with green, weed-free lawns.
What's Gotten Into Us? is much more than a wake-up call. It offers numerous practical ways for us to regain some control over our lives, to make our own personal worlds a little less toxic. Inside, you'll find ideas to help you make informed decisions about the products you buy, and to disentangle yourself from unhealthy products you don't need--so that you and your family can start living healthier lives now, and in the years to come. Because, as this book shows, what you don't know can hurt you.
From the Hardcover edition.
What's Gotten into Us? is a deep, remarkable, and empowering investigation into the threats--biological and environmental--that chemicals now present in our daily lives.
Do you know what chemicals are in your shampoo? How about your cosmetics? Do you know what's in the plastic water bottles you drink from, or the weed killer in your garage, or your children's pajamas? If you're like most of us, the answer is probably no. But you also probably figured that most of these products were safe, and that someone--the manufacturers, the government--was looking out for you. The truth might surprise you.
After experiencing a health scare of his own, journalist McKay Jenkins set out to discover the truth about toxic chemicals, our alarming levels of exposure, and our government's utter failure to regulate them effectively. What's Gotten into Us? reveals how dangerous, and how common, toxins are in the most ordinary things, and in the most familiar of places:
• Our water: Thanks to suburban sprawl and agricultural runoff, 97 percent of our nation's rivers and streams are now contaminated with everything from herbicides to pharmaceutical drugs. • Our bodies: High levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals from cosmetics, flame-retardants from clothing and furniture, even long-banned substances like DDT and lead, are consistently showing up in human blood samples. • Our homes: Many toxins lurk beneath our sinks and in our basements, of course, but did you know that they're also found in wall-to-wall carpeting, plywood, and fabric softeners? • Our yards: Pesticides, fungicides, even common fertilizers--there are enormous, unseen costs to our national obsession with green, weed-free lawns.
What's Gotten Into Us? is much more than a wake-up call. It offers numerous practical ways for us to regain some control over our lives, to make our own personal worlds a little less toxic. Inside, you'll find ideas to help you make informed decisions about the products you buy, and to disentangle yourself from unhealthy products you don't need--so that you and your family can start living healthier lives now, and in the years to come. Because, as this book shows, what you don't know can hurt you.
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Chapter One
To make a point about the saturating presence of toxic chemicals in the environment, field scientists will, on occasion, leave off looking for contaminants in big cities and abandoned industrial sites and travel to some of the world's most remote places. In recent years they have found petrochemicals--and breast cancer--in the bodies of beluga whales in Canada's St. Lawrence River. They have found PCBs--compounds used in electrical transformers that have been banned for thirty years--in the snow atop Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Andes. They have even found flame retardants in the blubber of seals on Canada's Holman Island, far above the Arctic Circle. Synthetic chemicals, it turns out, circle the globe like the winds.
Despite such evidence--that toxic chemicals are, in essence, everywhere--human health advocates have struggled for decades to convince the public that there may be a link between so-called environmental toxins and individual and community health. After the stir caused by the publication of Silent Spring in the early 1960s, it took a full decade for the government to pass, and begin to enforce, pollution controls in factories and hazardous waste dumps. And thirty years after that, it remains more difficult than ever to convince people that the products they rely on every day--products that are made, after all, with these same toxic chemicals--might in any way be risky to use.
It's important to understand that your body is already full of toxic chemicals. This is true even if, as the saying goes, you were born yesterday. Long before you ever bought a flame retardant couch, or a sheet of plywood, or a can of ant spray, the chances are quite good that you absorbed toxins through your mother's placenta, her breast milk, or both. Given the ubiquity of chemicals in our lives, the accumulation grows from there.
In Maryland, where I live, a lot of attention is paid to the health of oysters, one of many endangered species suffering from toxic runoff in the Chesapeake Bay. Oysters spend their days on the bay floor, filtering water in one end and out the other. Whatever microscopic material is in the water passes through the oyster. Most of it exits; some of it stays inside. These toxins can be measured.
What is becoming clear is that we are all oysters. We are all exposed to all kinds of toxins. Some of these we filter out; others stay inside us.
In recent years, public health groups have come up with a new tactic to make this point: the body burden study. Such studies are not, at least primarily, invested in proving that toxic chemicals are "dangerous." This work is being done, with increasingly clear results, in scientific laboratories. What the body burden studies do is prove that these chemicals are everywhere--in the environment, in wild and domestic animals, and, with increasing frequency, in our bodies. Proving that toxic chemicals are dangerous hits people in their heads. Proving that people have chemicals in their bodies hits people in their guts. For decades, the chemical industry has been able to convince our heads that chemical harm is still in dispute, that "more research is needed." The authors of the new body burden studies are betting that the gut is less easily persuaded.
"Our experience with persistent chemicals of the past such as DDT and PCBs has shown what happens when we wait to gather conclusive evidence of a chemical's harm instead of acting on mounting evidence," the Public Interest Research Group reported in 2003. "By the time the chemicals were regulated, they had spread across the globe and left a path of damage from which we have yet to recover."
If lab science aspires to prove...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
McKay Jenkins holds degrees from Amherst College, Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism, and Princeton, where he received a Ph.D. in English. He is the author of The Last Ridge, The White Death, and Bloody Falls of the Coppermine. The Cornelius A. Tilghman Professor of English and director of journalism at the University of Delaware, Jenkins lives with his family in Baltimore.
Robyn O'Brien, author of The Unhealthy Truth and founder of AllergyKids Foundation
"The landscape of health has changed. When you look at the increases in the rates of cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergies and autism, the statistics are numbing. But epidemics don't have genetic causes, they have environmental ones. And today, as McKay Jenkins details in What's Gotten Into Us?, some of the greatest threats to our health aren't found in our DNA, but in our food supply and environment. This book is jam-packed with information and is not only an invaluable resource for those interested in protecting their loved ones, but a sound investment and a book that will pay health dividends for a lifetime."
Deborah Blum, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York
"All of us long for answers on how to navigate our perilous chemical world. You could not find a better guide in exploring such important questions than What's Gotten into Us. In this wonderfully readable journey of a book, McKay Jenkins illuminates not only the science of everyday toxic compounds but the best ways to manage them in everyday life. Read it and keep it. You'll be glad you did."
Sandra Steingraber, author of Living Downstream: An Ecologist's Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment
"McKay Jenkins allows the discovery of a tumor in his left hip to lead him -- and us -- into the world of failed chemical regulations. What's Gotten Into Us? is a story of unflinching courage combined with hardheaded research. It's chock full of suspense... and footnotes, too. Be warned: the answer to the title's question will almost certainly amaze you -- and may just send you to the barricades."
Richard Preston, author of The Hot Zone
"What's Gotten Into Us delivers a scary punch. The everyday environment of American life is seething with little-understood and sometimes demonstrably dangerous chemical compounds--weird stuff that's crept into all our bodies, whether we know it or not. And we don't know what it does or could do to us. A nice piece of work, a Silent Spring for the human body."
-Publisher's Weekly, starred review
"In this serious exposé that is surprisingly entertaining and positive, Jenkins uncovers the ubiquity and danger of [everyday] chemicals and offers some solutions, both personal and political..."
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