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Very Bad Company
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Very Bad Company
A Novel
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From the national bestselling author of Bad Summer People

  • "Another irresistible summer read." ―W Magazine
  • "A darkly funny mystery." —TIME
  • "Juicy and hilarious." ―Glamour
  • "Fun, page-turning." ―People
  • A high-stakes, high-drama novel that reads like White Lotus meets Succession

    Every year, executives at the trendy tech startup Aurora gather the company's top employees for an exclusive retreat in Miami, and this year Caitlin Levy—Aurora's newest hire—is joining the team as head of events. The benefits are outstanding: a seven-figure salary, stock shares, a discretionary bonus, limitless vacation days—what could possibly go wrong?
    When a fellow high-level executive vanishes after the first night, the disappearance has the potential to derail the future of the company's sale and cost everyone on the team millions. Now more than ever, Caitlin and her colleagues must continue the charade—partaking in team-building exercises, group brainstorms, dinners—in order to keep the future of Aurora afloat amid all the fatal speculations.
    Compulsively readable, Very Bad Company is a slick send-up of corporate culture wrapped in a captivating mystery.

  • From the national bestselling author of Bad Summer People

  • "Another irresistible summer read." ―W Magazine
  • "A darkly funny mystery." —TIME
  • "Juicy and hilarious." ―Glamour
  • "Fun, page-turning." ―People
  • A high-stakes, high-drama novel that reads like White Lotus meets Succession

    Every year, executives at the trendy tech startup Aurora gather the company's top employees for an exclusive retreat in Miami, and this year Caitlin Levy—Aurora's newest hire—is joining the team as head of events. The benefits are outstanding: a seven-figure salary, stock shares, a discretionary bonus, limitless vacation days—what could possibly go wrong?
    When a fellow high-level executive vanishes after the first night, the disappearance has the potential to derail the future of the company's sale and cost everyone on the team millions. Now more than ever, Caitlin and her colleagues must continue the charade—partaking in team-building exercises, group brainstorms, dinners—in order to keep the future of Aurora afloat amid all the fatal speculations.
    Compulsively readable, Very Bad Company is a slick send-up of corporate culture wrapped in a captivating mystery.

  • Formats disponibles-
    • OverDrive Read
    • EPUB eBook
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    Au sujet de l’auteur-
    • Emma Rosenblum is the bestselling author of Bad Summer People. She is also chief content officer at Bustle Digital Group, overseeing content and strategy for Bustle, Elite Daily, Nylon, The Zoe Report, Romper, Scary Mommy, The Dad, and Inverse.
    • Library Journal

      December 1, 2023

      Best seller Rosenblum (Bad Summer People) offers a send-up of corporate culture as the top executives of a tech startup gather for their annual retreat in Miami. It's all stock shares and team building until one of them goes missing, threatening the elite status of them all. With a 200K-copy first printing. Prepub Alert.

      Copyright 2023 Library Journal

      Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

    • Booklist

      April 1, 2024
      Rosenblum (Bad Summer People, 2023) returns with a gossipy murder mystery set in a luxe Miami resort. The ensemble cast comes together under the direction of John Shiller, a typical tech bro and the owner of Aurora. Top execs include new events manager Caitlin; head of HR Debra, who is secretly pregnant; and communications officer Olive, who's having an affair with the company president. The management team is on a retreat to discuss their common goals, but no one wants to talk about work. Caitlin doesn't even know her job description. After a boozy night out, one of Aurora's founders turns up dead, having overdosed on cocaine laced with fentanyl. John insists the death was an accident, but the execs know better. Yet they're all lying and backstabbing--and at Aurora, no one is innocent. Each person at the company gets at least one chance to tell their story, and Rosenblum is a deft storyteller, juggling these points of view with ease. Readers will delight in knowing every secret while waiting for the explosive denouement.


    • Publisher's Weekly

      April 15, 2024
      Rosenblum sends up the tech industry in her entertaining if slightly undercooked sophomore effort (after Bad Summer People). On paper, TV producer Caitlin Levy has it all: a prestigious job in New York City, an adoring husband, and kids who love her. Still, she’s bored. So when John Schiller, CEO of tech firm Aurora, comes knocking with a $3 million job offer as the company’s head of events, Caitlin jumps at the opportunity, despite her lack of experience—or interest—in event planning. Her first assignment is Aurora’s annual Miami Beach team-building event, which becomes a baptism by fire as professional rivalries, petty jealousies, and Schiller’s cutthroat management style flare up. When an executive goes missing and then turns up dead after a wild, booze-soaked night, the main concern on everyone’s lips isn’t notifying the family—it’s how her absence might affect an impending billion-dollar merger. As the group’s efforts to save the company grow more desperate, Rosenblum cycles through the perspectives of multiple Aurora employees, revealing just how much everyone has to hide. The wicked streak Rosenblum exhibited in her debut shows up here, too, but her characters are a little less well-rounded this time out, and the pace flags in the middle. Still, this is a beach read with bite. Agent: Alexandra Machinist, CAA.

    • Kirkus

      April 15, 2024
      In Rosenblum's debut, Bad Summer People (2023), adults misbehaved on vacation. Here, they do it on a high-flying corporate retreat in Miami. Aurora CEO John Shiller's is the first perspective of the book. He's on the way to identify a body. Rewind a couple of days and meet Caitlin Levy. She just got hired to run events at Aurora, a wildly successful ad-tech startup that has nothing to do with events. Why did she take that job? Three million dollars. What is that job? Caitlin has no idea and, possibly worse, she's a fish out of water at the extremely bougie retreat, where the rest of the C-Suite executives have well-established relationships (some siblinglike, some sexual). Everyone is angling for more money, some of them have secrets, and all of them think John is a grade-A weirdo (which he is, possibly on purpose) but remain loyal to him for reasons they cannot quite articulate. The identity of the body is revealed earlier than expected, but information about the murderer and motive are leaked sparingly along with other buried facts that threaten the entire company. This is not a tight ship. The crew members are chummy and casual with each other, high performing but emotionally immature, terrible at keeping secrets, and ultimately out only for themselves. They are also just sympathetic enough to spend time with, even care about. Readers get to inhabit several characters' heads, learning their doubts and insecurities. While the book is not as well constructed as Rosenblum's debut, it is funnier. The CEO's Winston Churchill obsession alone is a hilarious running joke. And, again, the author is fantastic at showing the subtle corruption of wealth and how those who have it justify both the having and the wanting more. A fun, decadent ride.

      COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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    Very Bad Company
    A Novel
    Emma Rosenblum
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