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Kindness Goes Unpunished
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Kindness Goes Unpunished
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Walt brings Western-style justice to Philadelphia in this action-packed thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Land of Wolves

Walt Longmire has been Sheriff of Absaroka County, Wyoming, for almost a quarter of a century, but when he joins his good friend Henry Standing Bear on a trip to the City of Brotherly Love to see his daughter, Cady, he's in for a shock. Walt hasn't even put his boots up when Cady is viciously attacked and left near death on the steps of the Franklin Institute. He soon discovers that she has unwittingly become involved in a deadly political cover-up. Backed by Henry, Dog, Deputy Victoria Moretti, and the entire Moretti posse of Philadelphia police officers, Walt unpacks his saddlebag of tricks to mete out some Western-style justice.
Walt brings Western-style justice to Philadelphia in this action-packed thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Land of Wolves

Walt Longmire has been Sheriff of Absaroka County, Wyoming, for almost a quarter of a century, but when he joins his good friend Henry Standing Bear on a trip to the City of Brotherly Love to see his daughter, Cady, he's in for a shock. Walt hasn't even put his boots up when Cady is viciously attacked and left near death on the steps of the Franklin Institute. He soon discovers that she has unwittingly become involved in a deadly political cover-up. Backed by Henry, Dog, Deputy Victoria Moretti, and the entire Moretti posse of Philadelphia police officers, Walt unpacks his saddlebag of tricks to mete out some Western-style justice.
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    I didn’t wear my gun. They had said that it was going to be easy and, like the fool I am, I believed them. They said that if things got rough to make sure I showed the pictures, of which there were only twenty-three; I had already shown all of them twice. “‘Long, long ago, there lived a king and queen…’”

    I looked around the room for a little backup, but there wasn’t anyone there. They had said that I didn’t have to worry, that they wouldn’t leave me alone, but they had. “‘…who didn’t have any children. One day, the queen was visited by a wise fairy, who told her, “You will have a lovely baby girl.” The king was so overjoyed when he heard the news that he immediately made plans for a great feast. He invited not only his relatives, but also the twelve fairies who lived in the kingdom.’”

    “Where’s your gun?”

    My thought exactly. “I didn’t think I was going to need it.” They all nodded, but I wasn’t particularly sure they agreed.

    “How long have you been a sheriff?”

    “Twenty-three years.” It just seemed like a million.

    “Do you know Buffalo Bill?”

    Maybe it was a million. “No, he was a little before my time.”

    “My daddy says you’re a butt hole.”

    I looked down at the battered book in my hands. “Okay, maybe we should concentrate on today’s story…”

    “He says you used to drive around drunk all the time…”

    The instigator in the front row looked like a little angel but had a mouth like a stevedore. He was getting ready to say something else, so I cut him off by holding up Grimm’s Fairy Tales open to the page where the young princess had been enchanted and put to sleep for a hundred years. “Why do you think the fairy visited the queen?” A dark-haired girl with enormous eyes who sat in the third row slowly raised her hand. “You?”

    She cocked her head in disgust. “I told you, my name is Anne.”

    I nodded mine in contrition. “Right. Anne, why do you think the fairy visited the queen?”

    “Because their daughter is going to fall asleep.” She said it slowly, with the hearty contempt even young people have for civil servants who can’t get it right.

    “Well, yep, but that happens later on because one of the fairies gets angry, right?” Anne raised her hand again, but I ignored her for a slight redheaded boy in the back. His name was Rusty, and I quietly thanked the powers that be for word association. “Rusty?”

    “My dad says that my Uncle Paul is a fairy.”

    I’m not sure when it was that my storytelling abilities began to atrophy, but it must have been somewhere between Sesame Street and The Electric Company. I think I used to be pretty good at it, but that was a long time ago. I was going to have to ask my daughter if that really was the case; she was now “The Greatest Legal Mind of Our Time” and a Philadelphia lawyer. When I had spoken to Cady last night, she had still been at the office library in the basement. I felt sorry for her till she told me the basement was on the twenty-eighth floor. My friend Henry Standing Bear said that the law library was where all the lawyers went to sleep at about $250 an hour.

    “You are the worstest storyteller we ever had.”

    I looked down at another would-be literary critic who...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    December 11, 2006
    In Johnson's appealing third Walt Longmire mystery (after 2006's
    \t\t Death Without Company), the Wyoming sheriff
    \t\t is drawn into a messy situation in the City of Brotherly Love when his daughter
    \t\t Cady's ex-boyfriend is killed a few days after Longmire accuses him of being
    \t\t behind the assault that left Cady, a Philadelphia lawyer, comatose. Longmire's
    \t\t deputy, Victoria Moretti, soon arrives on the scene as her family of Philly
    \t\t cops tries to decide whether to suspect Longmire of murder or ask his help with
    \t\t the investigation. Everyone in the cast appears to be a stereotype of some
    \t\t sort—the Italian police clan, the Salvadoran drug dealer, the Irish publican
    \t\t and Longmire's eternally wise and mystical Cheyenne friend, Henry Standing
    \t\t Bear—but Johnson plays it for the right kind of laughs. When someone
    \t\t introduces Henry as Longmire's "Native American sidekick," Longmire ripostes
    \t\t that it's the other way around. The quick pace and tangled web of
    \t\t interconnected crimes will keep readers turning pages.

  • Booklist

    March 1, 2007
    Absaroka County, Wyoming, Sheriff Walt Longmire goes on a rare road trip in this third entry in a consistently entertaining series. The trip has two purposes: visit Walt's daughter, Cady, a lawyer in Philadelphia, and support his best friend, Henry Standing Bear, who is the guest of honor at the opening of an exhibit of Native American photographs. Plans change quickly when Cady, the victim of a vicious attack, hovers near death. After Cady's former boyfriend and the assumed perpetrator of the attack is killed, Walt takes matters into his own hands, with the help of Henry and Victoria Moretti, Walt's deputy, a Philadelphia native who returns home to ride shotgun. There is a built-in problem whenever a mystery author takes his series on the road: without the defining landscape, the characters often seem stripped of their personalities. That's the case here, to some extent, though Johnson uses the fish-out-of-water theme effectively, setting up Walt as a kind of McCloud in the 1970s Dennis Weaver television show. Satisfying as road trips go, but fans will be glad to have Walt back in Wyoming.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2007, American Library Association.)

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Kindness Goes Unpunished
Kindness Goes Unpunished
Craig Johnson
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