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A Soul as Cold as Frost
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A Soul as Cold as Frost

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good fright..."
The Quarrel of Sword and Bone was a death sentence for anyone who stepped into the arena with the deranged Queen, whose soul had crisped to frost in an age long since past.
What if St. Nicholas was really a young, mad trickster and you had the one thing he wanted? What if the only person who agreed to protect you from him had a dark past of letting those he's meant to protect die? What if one day you're walking in the city and suddenly you can see a whole other world tucked into the cracks of your own?
Sixteen-year-old Helen Bell understood tragedy better than most kids growing up. She knew what it was like to wear clothes from donation bins and be mocked in school. She thought those brutal experiences made her ready for anything, but when an encounter leaves her able to see a species of invisible people walking among us, and a young, handsome Winter guardian appears to aid her in a crisis, all the holiday legends she heard as a child begin to haunt her. After magical happenings infiltrate her daily life, and a train horn begins calling to her from across the city, she finds herself in the middle of a war of good versus evil.
A Soul as Cold as Frost is Jennifer Kropf's debut novel, ideal for fans of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, and The Nutcracker and the Four Realms by Meredith Rusu and Ashleigh Powell.
"Wow, I loved this book! I've not read anything quite like it before, and the author pulls it off wonderfully. This book was a magical twist between Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, and Spirited Away, yet somehow read as effortlessly original. The descriptions are vivid and really make you feel like you're freezing, trudging through snow, or drinking the best hot chocolate of your life. It was gripping, fast paced and full of action, yet not lacking in heart. Highly recommended for young YA readers upwards."

- USA Today Bestselling author Alice Ivinya

"It's the Chronicles of Narnia meets Harry Potter. This fantastic winter tale is the perfect blend of classic portal fantasy and the magic world co-existing with our own. It's a beautiful reminder of what is truly important in life."

- USA Today Bestselling author Astrid V. J.

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good fright..."
The Quarrel of Sword and Bone was a death sentence for anyone who stepped into the arena with the deranged Queen, whose soul had crisped to frost in an age long since past.
What if St. Nicholas was really a young, mad trickster and you had the one thing he wanted? What if the only person who agreed to protect you from him had a dark past of letting those he's meant to protect die? What if one day you're walking in the city and suddenly you can see a whole other world tucked into the cracks of your own?
Sixteen-year-old Helen Bell understood tragedy better than most kids growing up. She knew what it was like to wear clothes from donation bins and be mocked in school. She thought those brutal experiences made her ready for anything, but when an encounter leaves her able to see a species of invisible people walking among us, and a young, handsome Winter guardian appears to aid her in a crisis, all the holiday legends she heard as a child begin to haunt her. After magical happenings infiltrate her daily life, and a train horn begins calling to her from across the city, she finds herself in the middle of a war of good versus evil.
A Soul as Cold as Frost is Jennifer Kropf's debut novel, ideal for fans of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, and The Nutcracker and the Four Realms by Meredith Rusu and Ashleigh Powell.
"Wow, I loved this book! I've not read anything quite like it before, and the author pulls it off wonderfully. This book was a magical twist between Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, and Spirited Away, yet somehow read as effortlessly original. The descriptions are vivid and really make you feel like you're freezing, trudging through snow, or drinking the best hot chocolate of your life. It was gripping, fast paced and full of action, yet not lacking in heart. Highly recommended for young YA readers upwards."

- USA Today Bestselling author Alice Ivinya

"It's the Chronicles of Narnia meets Harry Potter. This fantastic winter tale is the perfect blend of classic portal fantasy and the magic world co-existing with our own. It's a beautiful reminder of what is truly important in life."

- USA Today Bestselling author Astrid V. J.

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A Soul as Cold as Frost
A Soul as Cold as Frost
Jennifer Kropf
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