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Wild Born
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Wild Born
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From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Mull comes Spirit Animals, an epic book series that leaps from the page into a riveting online game. Your book is the key to claim your spirit animal!

In the world of Erdas, four children are about to discover if they have a spirit animal bond, a rare link between human and beast that gives great powers to both. Separated by vast distances, Conor, Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan each see a flash of light . . . and then the animals emerge.Wolf, leopard, panda, falcon. Each of the children has summoned a beast from legend. Now their fate is set. The four heroes and their animals must band together on a dangerous quest. A dark force from the past is rising, and only they have the power to stop it.The fate of Erdas has fallen on the shoulders of these brave strangers . . . and on you. Part engrossing book series, part action role-playing game — discover your spirit animal and join the adventure.
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Mull comes Spirit Animals, an epic book series that leaps from the page into a riveting online game. Your book is the key to claim your spirit animal!

In the world of Erdas, four children are about to discover if they have a spirit animal bond, a rare link between human and beast that gives great powers to both. Separated by vast distances, Conor, Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan each see a flash of light . . . and then the animals emerge.Wolf, leopard, panda, falcon. Each of the children has summoned a beast from legend. Now their fate is set. The four heroes and their animals must band together on a dangerous quest. A dark force from the past is rising, and only they have the power to stop it.The fate of Erdas has fallen on the shoulders of these brave strangers . . . and on you. Part engrossing book series, part action role-playing game — discover your spirit animal and join the adventure.
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 15, 2013
    Mull (the Beyonders books) kicks off the multiplatform Spirit Animals series with an exciting first installment (volume two arrives in January 2014, written by Maggie Stiefvater). In the world of Erdas, 11-year-olds must all drink the Nectar to see if they have the rare ability to summon a spirit animal. Greencloaks, those with spirit animals, are an important order that helped defeat the Devourer hundreds of years ago, with help from four Great Beasts who gave their lives to protect Erdas. Now, there are signs that the Devourer may return; meanwhile, four children from around the world shock themselves and those around them when they summon the four Fallen Beasts. Mull carves out each distinct hero in spare prose that moves the story quickly forward (along with several animal- and superpower-driven action sequences) as Meilin, Connor, Rollan, and Abeke forge relationships with their spirit animals and decide where they stand in the imminent war. Readers eager to spend more time in Erdas (and find their own spirit animals) can do so in an online game that ties into the series. Ages 8–12.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from January 27, 2014
    Set in the world of Erdas, this first book in Mull’s new series follows four young children who drink magical Nectar and discover that they have spirit animals—a wolf, a leopard, a panda, and a falcon. As Greencloaks (those in possession of spirit animals), the four children must band together to stop a dark force known as the Devourer that threatens Erdas once again. Expertly narrated by Barber, this audio edition transports listeners to a magical and dangerous world. Barber’s reading is surprisingly understated, but entirely effective. Her subtle characterizations are accurate, believable, and unique. Fun for both young and old, listening becomes a compulsion with Barber at the helm of this wild ride. Ages 8–12. A Scholastic hardcover.

  • Kirkus

    August 1, 2013
    The appearance of the Four Fallen Great Beasts in Erdas signals the re-emergence of an evil power long forgotten. In the tradition of Erdas, four 11-year-olds are given Nectar, a substance designed to help them call their spirit animals. Conor, an indentured servant, calls Briggan the wolf. Uraza the leopard answers the call of the young warrior, Abeke. Jhi the panda comes to Meilin, the daughter of a Zhongese general. Rollan, a poor street urchin, calls Essix the falcon. With the assistance of the Greencloaks, a powerful but secretive order, the four must learn to bond with their spirit animals, drawing strength and wisdom from their gifts. Their mission is to retrieve the talismans from the other Great Beasts before the Devourer can regain power and destroy the world. Constructed in the tradition of The 39 Clues, this fast-paced new series will be penned by various well-known authors. Unfortunately, flat characters and a predictable plot are evidence that this first installment lacks Mull's usual creativity and humor. A companion website promising a multimedia experience invites readers to be paired with their own spirit animals. Should satisfy readers hungry for a new fantasy series. (Fantasy. 8-12)

    COPYRIGHT(2013) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • School Library Journal

    October 1, 2013

    Gr 4-7-In the world of Erdas, when children turn 11, they drink Nectar in order to see if they will have a spirit animal. Conor, Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan are chosen, and, with their spirit animals-a wolf, a leopard, a panda, and a falcon-they must summon the Four Fallen, Great Beasts that gave their lives many years earlier to defeat the Devourer. Now the Devourer is back, and the children have to use their animal powers to defeat it. Minions of the Devourer are hot on their trail and will do anything to stop them from succeeding. This story has a well-developed plot and likable, well-rounded characters. Mull masterfully draws readers into Erdas with his fast-paced scenes. His writing is smooth and easily transitions between characters' points of view without causing confusion. Fans of Mull's Fablehaven (S & S, 2007), Peter Lerangis's The Colossus Rises (HarperCollins, 2013), or other page-turning fantasy adventures will have a hard time putting this book down.-Kira Moody, Whitmore Public Library, Salt Lake City, UT

    Copyright 2013 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    November 15, 2013
    Grades 4-7 In the realm of Erdas, four kids unexpectedly form a bond with the legendary Great Beasts, but they soon learn that this honor comes with the job of defending their world from an evil enemy, the Devourer. Acclaimed author of the Fablehaven series, Mull here offers a new series, Spirit Animals. This first book, Wild Born, is filled with a delightful ambiguity that transcends the formulaic nature of other similar adventure series. Mull introduces readers to an epic tale set in a complex, political world on the brink of war. These four child characters are imperfect heroes who are aware of their responsibility and the risks of participating in the fight. Bonding with the Great Beasts adds an interesting element to the story, as it empowers the children with supernatural abilities that allow them to fight and defend themselves. This multifaceted novel is clearly the introduction to a longer narrative that will engage readers and continue to develop as the series progresses.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2013, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2014
    Four children discover a common bond: their summoned spirit animals turn out to be legendary creatures, called back into being to fight a great evil. The children must learn what having a spirit animal means and determine which side of the fight they're on. Four separate story lines (with an online component) ultimately link up in this by-the-numbers fantasy adventure.

    (Copyright 2014 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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Wild Born
Wild Born
Brandon Mull
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