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Spice Road
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Spice Road
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THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ★ Raised to protect her nation from the monsters lurking in the sands, sixteen-year-old Imani must fight to find her brother, whose betrayal is now the country's greatest threat. Get swept away by this romantic fantasy!
In the hidden desert city of Qalia, there is secret spice magic that awakens the affinities of those who drink the misra tea. Sixteen-year-old Imani has the affinity for iron and is able to wield a dagger like no other warrior. She has garnered the reputation as being the next great Shield for battling djinn, ghouls, and other monsters spreading across the sands. 
Her reputation has been overshadowed, however, by her brother, who tarnished the family name after it was revealed that he was stealing his nation's coveted spice—a telltale sign of magical obsession. Soon after that, he disappeared, believed to have died beyond the Forbidden Wastes. Despite her brother’s betrayal, there isn’t a day that goes by when Imani doesn’t grieve him. 
But when Imani discovers signs that her brother may be alive and spreading the nation's magic to outsiders, she makes a deal with the Council that she will find him and bring him back to Qalia, where he will face punishment. Accompanied by other Shields, including Taha, a powerful beastseer who can control the minds of falcons, she sets out on her mission. 
Imani will soon find that many secrets lie beyond the Forbidden Wastes—and in her own heart—but will she find her brother?
"An epic, sand-swept adventure." ― Ayana Gray, New York Times bestselling author of Beasts of Prey
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ★ Raised to protect her nation from the monsters lurking in the sands, sixteen-year-old Imani must fight to find her brother, whose betrayal is now the country's greatest threat. Get swept away by this romantic fantasy!
In the hidden desert city of Qalia, there is secret spice magic that awakens the affinities of those who drink the misra tea. Sixteen-year-old Imani has the affinity for iron and is able to wield a dagger like no other warrior. She has garnered the reputation as being the next great Shield for battling djinn, ghouls, and other monsters spreading across the sands. 
Her reputation has been overshadowed, however, by her brother, who tarnished the family name after it was revealed that he was stealing his nation's coveted spice—a telltale sign of magical obsession. Soon after that, he disappeared, believed to have died beyond the Forbidden Wastes. Despite her brother’s betrayal, there isn’t a day that goes by when Imani doesn’t grieve him. 
But when Imani discovers signs that her brother may be alive and spreading the nation's magic to outsiders, she makes a deal with the Council that she will find him and bring him back to Qalia, where he will face punishment. Accompanied by other Shields, including Taha, a powerful beastseer who can control the minds of falcons, she sets out on her mission. 
Imani will soon find that many secrets lie beyond the Forbidden Wastes—and in her own heart—but will she find her brother?
"An epic, sand-swept adventure." ― Ayana Gray, New York Times bestselling author of Beasts of Prey
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  • From the cover 1

    We will fight, but first we will have tea.

    Not quite the motto of the Shields, but just as apt. Ordinarily I would be outside Qalia’s walls with my squad, defending our lands from a never-ending onslaught of monsters: djinn, ghouls, sand serpents, and whatever other nightmare one can only conjure in the clutches of a fever dream. But even now, when we are home on mandated rest, we are facing a hard day of training—and I am certain Taha ibn Bayek of the Al-Baz clan can’t wait.

    Whenever we are in Qalia’s barracks together, Taha’s squadmates challenge me to spar him. It is a pathetic attempt at settling which of us is the better Shield, but Taha himself has never commented on the ongoing rivalry. In fact, for the two years I’ve known him, Taha has acted as if I don’t exist, apart from the occasional snide comment. I’ve no doubt his squadmates will try again after the tea ceremony, but I have rejected their other challenges as a waste of my time, and I am not about to have a change of heart, even with him coldly staring at me like that from across the tea room. If one knows his reputation, and who in Qalia doesn’t—a talented archer and beastseer who can control the minds of falcons—one would be forgiven imagining a young man with a keen gaze. But Taha’s eyes are troublingly placid, the washed-out green of grasslands that have seen too much sun and not enough rain.

    Tea ceremony etiquette is to watch the person preparing the Spice, but I wish he would deviate from tradition just this once and stop tracking my every move. I untie the drawstring on the silk pouch of misra and remove ribbons of bark. They have been carefully stripped from the ancient misra tree standing in Qalia’s Sanctuary a few buildings over, as it has done for a millennium. I have led tea ceremonies enough times that I could do it with my eyes closed, but I still marvel over what is in my hands. Magic.

    The light of the overhead lanterns winks in the gold-veined bark as I hold it to my nose and inhale deeply. Every Shield in the room does the same. Perhaps they too hope to decipher what scent the misra possesses. Once, I thought it smelled like life itself. Another time, stars and dreams. This morning, it is as bitter as the old ash of a fire long burned down to dark. Of someone gone, but not forgotten. It reminds me of Atheer.

    It has been a year since I last saw my big brother and best friend. I was kneeling like this, preparing the misra, but I was at home and the Spice still smelled pleasant then. He joined me, seeking conversation with that faint, mystifying air of desperation about him.

    “There are things in life greater than duty and rules, Imani,” he said.

    “Like what?” I asked. His eyes took on a somber gleam, as dry as dying light reflecting off a dull blade.

    “Truth,” he said quietly. “The truth is greater than everything; it is worth sacrificing everything for. And I have seen it.” He waited then, for what, I don’t know. Felt like it was all he did in those last few months before his disappearance, wait for something. But I said nothing, and after a time, he left home and did not return. I never asked him what it was, that truth. I didn’t want to know.

    My fingers tremble as I place the bark in the stone mortar. I clench my fists to steady them, then take up the pestle and grind. The aroma floods the room; it wafts up to the ceiling and weaves through the rug fibers. My nose wrinkles; the back of my throat stings. I restrain a cough. My squad leader, Sara, kneels in the front row, inhaling the scent in...
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from November 28, 2022
    Ibrahim’s superbly written fantasy debut, the first in a series, follows 17-year-old Imani on a quest to find her missing, traitorous older brother. Imani is the youngest Shield in history, an individual who wields magic to combat djinn and other mythical beings threatening the safety of the hidden desert city, Qalia. But when her older brother, Atheer, flees with mystical Qalia secrets, labeling him a traitor, Imani’s reputation is tarnished. Though he’s assumed dead, when Imani discovers evidence that he might be alive, she must journey to the Forbidden Wastes to bring him home and secure Qalia’s secrets from the world beyond the city. With the help of a djinn named Qayn, Imani sets off with a group that includes her younger sister, Amira, and her nemesis Taha, 18, who believes Imani may facilitate Atheer’s escape. The further the group travels into the Forbidden Wastes, the more they learn about the real state of Qalia, and Atheer’s reasoning for running away. Imani’s introspective voice, rendered in Ibrahim’s lush prose, propels a deliberately plotted adventure populated by magnetic characters. Overflowing with culturally specific details and set in a fictional, Arabian-inspired world, this high-octane adventure maintains a steady clip toward a scintillating conclusion. Ages 14–up. Agent: Pete Knapp, Park & Fine Literary and Media.

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Spice Road
Spice Road
Maiya Ibrahim
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