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Vincent and Theo
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Vincent and Theo
The Van Gogh Brothers
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The deep and enduring friendship between Vincent and Theo Van Gogh defined both brothers' lives. As a confidant, champion, sympathizer, and friend, Theo financially and emotionally supported his older brother as the artistic but troubled Vincent struggled to find his path in life as both a painter and a man. Throughout that struggle, the brothers shared everything - swapping stories of lovers and friends, successes and disappointments, dreams and ambitions. Drawing on the 658 letters Vincent wrote to Theo during his lifetime, Deborah Heiligman weaves a meticulously researched tale of those two intertwined lives and the extraordinary love that fueled them.
The deep and enduring friendship between Vincent and Theo Van Gogh defined both brothers' lives. As a confidant, champion, sympathizer, and friend, Theo financially and emotionally supported his older brother as the artistic but troubled Vincent struggled to find his path in life as both a painter and a man. Throughout that struggle, the brothers shared everything - swapping stories of lovers and friends, successes and disappointments, dreams and ambitions. Drawing on the 658 letters Vincent wrote to Theo during his lifetime, Deborah Heiligman weaves a meticulously researched tale of those two intertwined lives and the extraordinary love that fueled them.
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  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • From the cover An incredible story about brotherly love and the famous artist who was shaped by it.
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Deborah Heiligman is the author of Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith, a National Book Award finalist and the winner of the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults. A graduate of Brown University, she began her writing career working for Scholastic News Explorer and has since written more than twenty books for children. She is married to Jonathan Weiner, the 1994 Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Beak of the Finch.
  • AudioFile Magazine Narrator Phil Fox weaves facts and anecdotes with aplomb as he delivers the biographies of brothers Vincent and Theo van Gogh. Fox's delivery is crisp and precise, a style that goes well with the present-tense writing. The audiobook has the structure of a walk through an art gallery, and Fox helps listeners enter the scenes. This dynamic biography includes imaginative portrayals and quotes from letters, both of which illuminate important moments in the brothers' lives. Fox's narration makes the story and its time period clear. In addition, he stresses emotional experiences such as the van Gogh parents' devotion, Theo's frustration with Vincent's eccentricity, the brothers' shared passion for art, and the many struggles they both have with depression, love, and art. S.W. © AudioFile 2017, Portland, Maine
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from January 30, 2017
    As teenagers, the Van Gogh brothers, Vincent and Theo, pledged to “be companions in the search for meaning in life and meaning in art.” In this intensive exploration of their turbulent lives, Heiligman (Charles and Emma) focuses on their complex relationship and anchoring mutual bond. Writing in present tense, she follows them from their childhood closeness as two of six children of a Protestant pastor in the heavily Catholic Dutch village of Zundert into their contrasting adulthoods in France: painter Vincent’s life was precarious and erratic, while art dealer Theo’s was more stable and decorous, if often lonely. Heiligman tells the brothers’ story in short chapters, sometimes just scenes, and occasionally offers what she calls “croquis” (sketches) to give a better sense of “someone whose whole being cannot be captured on paper in one steady view. Like Theo.” She also recounts, in exhaustive detail, Vincent’s frequent cycles of descent into mental illness and subsequent rebounds, as well as the way the brothers alternately clashed with and clung to each other. Extensive back matter includes a character list, timeline, bibliography, endnotes, and author’s note. Ages 14–up. Agent: Susan Ginsberg, Writers House.

  • Kirkus, Starred Review A remarkably insightful, profoundly moving story of fraternal interdependence and unconditional love.
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    Dreamscape Media
  • OverDrive Listen
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  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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Vincent and Theo
Vincent and Theo
The Van Gogh Brothers
Deborah Heiligman
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