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Notes on a Nervous Planet
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Notes on a Nervous Planet
de Matt Haig
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From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Midnight Library.
The world is messing with our minds. What if there was something we could do about it?
Looking at sleep, news, social media, addiction, work and play, Matt Haig invites us to feel calmer, happier and to question the habits of the digital age. This book might even change the way you spend your precious time on earth.
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Midnight Library.
The world is messing with our minds. What if there was something we could do about it?
Looking at sleep, news, social media, addiction, work and play, Matt Haig invites us to feel calmer, happier and to question the habits of the digital age. This book might even change the way you spend your precious time on earth.
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    A conversation, about a year ago

    I was stressed out.

    I was walking around in circles, trying to win an argument on the internet. And Andrea was looking at me. Or I think Andrea was looking at me. It was hard to tell, as I was looking at my phone.

    "Matt? Matt?"

    "Uh. Yeah?"

    "What's up?" she asked, in the kind of despairing voice that develops with marriage. Or marriage to me.


    "You haven't looked up from your phone in over an hour. You're just walking around, banging into furniture."

    My heart was racing. There was a tightness in my chest. Fight or flight. I felt cornered and threatened by someone on the internet who lived over 8,000 miles away from me and who I would never meet, but who was still managing to ruin my weekend. "I'm just getting back to something."

    "Matt, get off there."

    "I just-"

    The thing with mental turmoil is that so many things that make you feel better in the short term make you feel worse in the long term. You distract yourself, when what you really need is to know yourself.


    An hour later, in the car, Andrea glanced at me in the passenger seat. I wasn't on my phone, but I had a tight hold of it, for security, like a nun clutching her rosary.

    "Matt, are you okay?"

    "Yeah. Why?"

    "You look lost. You look like you used to look, when . . ."

    She stopped herself saying "when you had depression" but I knew what she meant. And besides, I could feel anxiety and depression around me. Not actually there but close. The memory of it something I could almost touch in the stifling air of the car.

    "I'm fine," I lied. "I'm fine, I'm fine . . ."

    Within a week I was lying on my sofa, falling into my eleventh bout of anxiety.

    A life edit

    I was scared. I couldn't not be. Being scared is what anxiety is all about.

    The bouts were becoming closer and closer. I was worried where I was heading. It seemed there was no upper limit to despair.

    I tried to distract myself out of it. However, I knew from past experience alcohol was off limits. So I did the things that had helped before to climb out of a hole. The things I forget to do in day-to-day life. I was careful about what I ate. I did yoga. I tried to meditate. I lay on the floor and placed my hand on my stomach and inhaled deeply-in, out, in, out-and noticed the stuttery rhythm of my breath.

    But everything was difficult. Even choosing what to wear in the morning could make me cry. It didn't matter that I had felt like this before. A sore throat doesn't become less sore simply because you've felt it before.

    I tried to read, but found it hard to concentrate.

    I listened to podcasts.

    I watched new Netflix shows.

    I went on social media.

    I tried to get on top of my work by replying to all my emails.

    I woke up and clasped my phone, and prayed that whatever I could find there could take me out of myself.

    But-spoiler alert-it didn't work.

    I began to feel worse. And many of the "distractions" were doing nothing but driving me further to distraction. In T. S. Eliot's phrase from his Four Quartets, I was "distracted from distraction by distraction."

    I would stare at an unanswered email, with a feeling of dread, and not be able to answer it. Then, on Twitter, my go-to digital distraction of choice, I noticed my anxiety intensify. Even just passively scrolling my timeline felt like an exposure of a wound.

    I read news websites-another distraction-and my mind couldn't take it. The knowledge of so much suffering in the world didn't help put...
  • Kirkus

    November 15, 2018
    An anxiety-afflicted writer offers thoughtful tools for coping with our anxiety-provoking culture.In this illuminating follow-up to his memoir, Reasons to Stay Alive, novelist and children's author Haig (How to Stop Time, 2018, etc.) continues to explore how the rapid pace of our modern world can adversely affect our psyche. Early on, he asks, "how can we live in a mad world without ourselves going mad?" In bite-sized chapters, the author considers the various issues that plague us, including our increasing addiction to smartphones and social media, the emotional impact of absorbing 24-hour cycles of often grueling international news events, and our collective lack of sleep. Haig recalls his past anxiety attacks and prolonged bouts of serious depression, emotional episodes he addressed in his previous memoir, but here he reflects on the details as a launching pad for confronting these challenges. "In writing this book I have tried to look at the human psychological cost of the world by looking at the only psychology I truly know--my own," he writes. "I have written about how we as individuals can try to stay sane within a maddening world. The fact that I have had mental illness, though a nightmare in reality, has educated me on the various triggers and torments of the modern world." Haig's solutions align with the current trend of mindfulness exercises--conscious breathing techniques, meditation, walks in nature, etc.--but he also expounds on the deeper benefits derived from reading good books and other activities. His prescription is to embrace the best of what modern culture has to offer and attempt to find balance rather than allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the increasing demands of so much social and technological stimuli. As he notes, "a completely connected world has the potential to go mad, all at once."A somewhat repetitive but often wise and inspiring self-help title strengthened by the author's very personal experiences and acquired insight.

    COPYRIGHT(2018) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    December 1, 2018
    He was having a panic attack in the middle of a mall. At 24 years old, Haig had first had an attack the previous month, filled with pain and terror. And now he was crying in the middle of a shopping center, with his girlfriend, Andrea, trying to talk him through it. Years later, Andrea, now Haig's wife, would try to help him again, this time preventing him from getting caught up in a fight on the internet. And soon he would have another bout with anxiety. But as he disconnected from technology to try to recover, Haig began thinking about writing a book to address how to handle the constant demands of modern life. Notes on a Nervous Planet contains lists, imagined conversations, essays, and personal stories that critique the damage that worry?about the environment, politics, the news, and everything else that demands our attention on a daily basis?wreaks on our ability to live a full life. Haig artfully, powerfully counters these challenges with battle-tested advice from his own hard-won experience.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2018, American Library Association.)

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    Penguin Publishing Group
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Notes on a Nervous Planet
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Matt Haig
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