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A Profound Mind
Couverture de A Profound Mind
A Profound Mind
Cultivating Wisdom in Everyday Life
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For the first time for general readers, the Dalai Lama presents a comprehensive overview of the most important teaching of Buddhism.
Perhaps the main difference between Buddhism and other religions is its understanding of our core identity.  The existence of the soul or self, which is central in different ways to Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is actually denied in Buddhism.  Even further, belief in a “self” is seen as the main source of our difficulties in life.  Yet a true understanding of this teaching does not lead one to a despairing, cynical worldview with a sense that life has no meaning—Far from it, a genuine understanding leads to authentic happiness for an individual and the greatest source of compassion for others.
In 2003 and in 2007, the Dalai Lama was invited to New York to give a series of talks on the essential Buddhist view of selflessness. This new book, the result of those talks, is now offered to help broaden awareness of this essential doctrine and its usefulness in living a more meaningful and happy life.
While the Dalai Lama offers a full presentation of his teachings on these key philosophical points for contemplation, he also shows readers how to bring these teachings actively into their own lives with recommendations for a personal practice.  It is only by actually living these teachings that we allow them to bring about a genuine transformation in our perception of ourselves and our lives
A Profound Mind offers important wisdom for those committed to bringing about change in the world through developing their own spiritual capabilities, whether they are Buddhists or not.
For the first time for general readers, the Dalai Lama presents a comprehensive overview of the most important teaching of Buddhism.
Perhaps the main difference between Buddhism and other religions is its understanding of our core identity.  The existence of the soul or self, which is central in different ways to Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is actually denied in Buddhism.  Even further, belief in a “self” is seen as the main source of our difficulties in life.  Yet a true understanding of this teaching does not lead one to a despairing, cynical worldview with a sense that life has no meaning—Far from it, a genuine understanding leads to authentic happiness for an individual and the greatest source of compassion for others.
In 2003 and in 2007, the Dalai Lama was invited to New York to give a series of talks on the essential Buddhist view of selflessness. This new book, the result of those talks, is now offered to help broaden awareness of this essential doctrine and its usefulness in living a more meaningful and happy life.
While the Dalai Lama offers a full presentation of his teachings on these key philosophical points for contemplation, he also shows readers how to bring these teachings actively into their own lives with recommendations for a personal practice.  It is only by actually living these teachings that we allow them to bring about a genuine transformation in our perception of ourselves and our lives
A Profound Mind offers important wisdom for those committed to bringing about change in the world through developing their own spiritual capabilities, whether they are Buddhists or not.
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  • Chapter 1 Chapter 1

    Diverse Spiritual Traditions

    Buddhists believe that we are responsible for the quality of our lives, our happiness, and our resources. In order to achieve a meaningful life we must transform our own emotions, as this is the most effective way to bring about future happiness for ourselves and for all others.

    No one can force us to transform our minds, not even the Buddha. We must do so voluntarily. Therefore Buddha stated, "You are your own master."

    Our efforts must be realistic. We must establish for ourselves that the methods we are following will bring about our desired results. We can't merely rely on faith. It is essential that we scrutinize the path we intend to follow to establish clearly what is and what is not effective, so that the methods of our efforts may succeed. This, I believe, is essential if we wish to find any true happiness in life.

    I hesitate to tell you about a spiritual tradition that is not your own. There exist many fine religions that have, over centuries, helped their followers attain peace of mind and happiness. There may, however, be aspects of Buddhism that you could bring to your spiritual practice.

    Also, some of you have put your religion aside and are looking elsewhere for answers to your deeper inquiries. You may have an inclination toward Eastern philosophies with their belief in karma and past lives. A few young Tibetans have similarly discarded their Buddhist origins, finding spiritual solace in Christianity and Islam.

    Unfortunately many of us from the various traditions of Buddhism, including Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Sri Lankan, simply call ourselves Buddhists without really knowing the meaning of Buddha's word. Nagarjuna, one of Buddhism's greatest scholars and practitioners, wrote many explanatory works on Buddhist thought and practice that reflect the need to know Buddha's teaching well. In order to develop our understanding we must study those teachings. If deep understanding were not so crucial to our practice of Buddhism, I doubt that the great scholars of the past would have bothered to write their important treatises.

    Many misconceptions about Buddhism have arisen, partic-ularly around Tibetan Buddhism, which is often depicted as mysterious and esoteric, involving the worship of wrathful, bloodthirsty deities. I think that we Tibetans, with our fondness for ornate ceremonies and elaborate costumes, are partly responsible for this. Though much of the ritual of our practice has come to us from Buddha himself, we are surely guilty of some embellishment. Maybe the cold climate of Tibet became a justification for our sartorial excesses. Tibetan lamas-our teachers- are also responsible for misconceptions. Each little village had its own monastery with a resident lama who presided over local society. This tradition has mistakenly become identified as Lamaism, suggesting that ours is a separate religion from Buddhism.

    In this time of globalization it seems to me particularly important that we familiarize ourselves with the beliefs of others. The great cities of the West, with their multicultural flavor, have become veritable microcosms of our planet. All the world religions live side by side here. For there to be harmony between these communities it is essential that we know about each other's beliefs.

    Why is it that there are such diverse philosophies with so many varied spiritual traditions based upon them? From the Buddhist point of view we recognize the great diversity in the mental inclinations and dispositions of human beings. Not only are we humans all so very different from one another, but our tendencies-which Buddhists consider to be inherited from...

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, was recognized at the age of two as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama. During the years since his exile from Tibet he has worked tirelessly not only on behalf of the Tibetan people, but as a voice for human rights worldwide.
    Nicholas Vreeland was appointed to Abbot of Rato Monastery in Mundgod, India and serves as director of The Tibet Center. He is the editor of An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life, by the Dalai Lama.
  • Library Journal

    October 1, 2011

    The Dalai Lama (In My Own Words) is one of the most respected spiritual leaders and popular authors of our time. His industry--and the industry of those around him who place his ideas and writings before the reading public--is admirable, to say the least. This volume contains carefully edited versions of several talks the Dalai Lama gave between 2003 and 2007 on the Buddhist doctrine of selflessness, especially as seen in several ancient texts. These addresses are fascinating but not for the beginner--here, the Dalai Lama speaks as a Buddhist to other Buddhists. VERDICT This volume, for all its rather scholarly approach, perhaps suggests the Dalai Lama at his most sincere. Recommended for convinced and experienced Buddhists and larger religious libraries. With an afterword by Richard Gere. [See Prepub Alert, 4/25/11.]

    Copyright 2011 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • From the Afterword by Richard Gere

    "The teachings of the Buddha are of vast benefit to us. Like effective medicine, they address our own personal issues in a specific way. And of course they share striking resonances with teachers and teachings of other spiritual paths. Love, compassion, charity, honesty, kindness, generosity, altruism, joy, and forgiveness are qualities most if not all beings recognize and admire. Buddhism puts great emphasis on developing these wonderful qualities to their fullest.... None of this is easy. It all takes effort. The Buddha himself almost died with the effort. But the rewards are great. Beyond measure. I find it incredibly moving that these great beings like His Holiness the Dalai Lama still do the heavy lifting, still do the hard work on themselves every day, all day. Even with the vast wisdom and compassion His Holiness has generated over countless lifetimes, still he arises from sleep each day at 3:30 a.m. to set his altruistic motivation and begin his hours of practices before engaging in another full day of being of benefit to others. What an inspiration!"

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A Profound Mind
A Profound Mind
Cultivating Wisdom in Everyday Life
Dalai Lama
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