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The Speaker
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The Speaker
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The sequel to the critically-acclaimed New York Times bestselling fantasy The Reader, “highly recommended for fans of Cornelia Funke's Inkheart and female-powered adventures.”—School Library Journal

Having barely escaped the clutches of the Guard, Sefia and Archer are back on the run, slipping into the safety of the forest to tend to their wounds and plan their next move. Haunted by painful memories, Archer struggles to overcome the trauma of his past with the impressors, whose cruelty plagues him whenever he closes his eyes. But when Sefia and Archer happen upon a crew of impressors in the wilderness, Archer finally finds a way to combat his nightmares: by hunting impressors and freeing the boys they hold captive.
With Sefia’s help, Archer travels across the kingdom of Deliene rescuing boys while she continues to investigate the mysterious Book and the secrets it contains. But the more battles they fight, the more fights Archer craves, until his thirst for violence threatens to transform him from the gentle boy Sefia knows to a grim warrior with a cruel destiny. As Sefia begins to unravel the threads that connect Archer’s fate to her parents’ betrayal of the Guard so long ago, she and Archer must figure out a way to subvert the Guard’s plans before they are ensnared in a war that will pit kingdom against kingdom, leaving their future and the safety of the entire world hanging in the balance.
The sequel to the critically-acclaimed New York Times bestselling fantasy The Reader, “highly recommended for fans of Cornelia Funke's Inkheart and female-powered adventures.”—School Library Journal

Having barely escaped the clutches of the Guard, Sefia and Archer are back on the run, slipping into the safety of the forest to tend to their wounds and plan their next move. Haunted by painful memories, Archer struggles to overcome the trauma of his past with the impressors, whose cruelty plagues him whenever he closes his eyes. But when Sefia and Archer happen upon a crew of impressors in the wilderness, Archer finally finds a way to combat his nightmares: by hunting impressors and freeing the boys they hold captive.
With Sefia’s help, Archer travels across the kingdom of Deliene rescuing boys while she continues to investigate the mysterious Book and the secrets it contains. But the more battles they fight, the more fights Archer craves, until his thirst for violence threatens to transform him from the gentle boy Sefia knows to a grim warrior with a cruel destiny. As Sefia begins to unravel the threads that connect Archer’s fate to her parents’ betrayal of the Guard so long ago, she and Archer must figure out a way to subvert the Guard’s plans before they are ensnared in a war that will pit kingdom against kingdom, leaving their future and the safety of the entire world hanging in the balance.
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  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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    3 - 4

  • From the book  
    Chapter 3
    The Call of Thunder
    Impressors. The word dredged up the memories that flooded Archer whenever he closed his eyes: Hatchet, Redbeard, Palo Kanta, the fights, chains, and crates, the branding iron on his upper arm—the sizzle of flesh and the stink of singed hair—each burn a sign of his victory.

    Of each of the boys he’d killed. Of the animal he’d been. 

    At his feet, the wheel ruts and boot prints blurred together as he stared at the dusty track. He touched his arm, his fingers splaying over the burns the impressors had given him. They’d called it the “count”—an official record of his kills. Fifteen fights overseen by arbitrators. Fifteen deaths for which Hatchet got paid handsome amounts of money. Fifteen burns to get him to the final fighting ring in Jahara, where one more kill would get him an audience with the Guard.

    His nails dug into his flesh. He’d killed so many more than that. And now he knew it. In the Guard’s office beneath Corabel, Rajar had triggered the return of his memories, and with them had come his voice, his conscience, his guilt.

    He closed his eyes, and the dream from that morning came rushing back to him, as vivid as if he were living it all over again. He’d completely obliterated Argo’s face—teeth and flakes of bone protruding through layers of muscle and flesh.

    There was a roaring in his blood.

    “That’s right, boy!” Hatchet’s face swam before him, ruddy skin and watery eyes. “We’re going to make a killing off you!”

    He leapt for Hatchet’s throat. “Archer!”

    He opened his eyes. Sefia was peering up at him, her face filled with concern.

    He staggered back, half-afraid he’d attack her in his delir- ium. “Did they go west?” His voice came out as a growl, unfa- miliar even to himself.

    She reached for him. “Archer—”

    But he drew back again. His limbs ached, wanting to fin- ish the jump, wanting to grab and fight and wound. His body yearned for it. “Did they go west?” he repeated.

    For a moment Sefia studied him, and he saw a flicker of guilt in her teardrop eyes. Her father’s eyes, she’d told him once.

    He knew it wasn’t her fault. She wasn’t her parents. She hadn’t even been born when they’d done those things. But how could he look at her now without seeing the impressors, the fights, the kills? She’d never look at him with such compassion if she knew what he’d done, what he’d been, what kind of vio- lence still thrashed inside of him.

    At last, she nodded.

    He gripped the hilt of his sword and headed west, with Sefia, for once, trailing behind.

    With each step, dust billowed at his heels. With each step, he drew closer to his enemy. His footfalls became a chant: Soon. Soon. Soon. He channeled all his anger into that—the promise of retribution. Soon.

    Dusk came and went. Stars cluttered the sky. But Archer didn’t stop until they found the impressors camped under the moonlight.

    His heart took up the refrain. Soon. Soon. Soon.

    Slinging off their packs, Archer and Sefia crept forward, peering through the leaves.

    The camp was positioned between a willow thicket and a se- ries of creeks that gleamed faintly beyond the branches. Men and women lounged about, while sentries patrolled the perim- eter, guarding the carts, the horses, and the...
  • Booklist

    October 15, 2017
    Grades 9-12 Sefia and Archer barely made it out of the Guard's grasp at the end of Chee's series opener, The Reader (2016). This volume opens with the two teens trying to determine what to do next. With Sefia guilt-ridden that her parents are the cause of Archer's pain, and Archer desperately trying to tell himself that he cannot be the boy from the prophecythe boy who will lead the world into the greatest war ever seenthey decide to use the book to seek out the Impressors and rescue as many boys as they can. However, the more Archer fights, the more he feels a blood lust that makes him certain he is the boy the Guard wants, resulting in Sefia bargaining with the devil to save Archer's future. Chee continues to build an in-depth world full of magic and strife, while still touching on other secondary characters, such as pirate Captain Reed, whose journeys are just as intriguing. Fans will be knocking down the door to read this exciting sequel.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2017, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2018
    After Sefia and Archer (�cf2]The Reader�cf1]) rescue a group of enslaved boys, they vow to hunt down the remaining impressor gangs and free their captives, too. Excerpts from Sefia's prophetic book and several seemingly unconnected subplots are interspersed; the capable heroine, diverse cast of characters, and fully realized fantasy setting will keep readers engaged as elements slowly come together for a suspenseful, poignant climax.

    (Copyright 2018 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • School Library Journal

    Starred review from September 1, 2017

    Gr 7 Up-This installment picks up where The Reader ended, with Sefia and Archer on the run from The Guard. Unsure about how to proceed, Sefia searches the Book and uncovers several jaw-dropping discoveries: Tanin is still alive and Archer is still believed to be the one to lead the impending Red War. In an effort to quell Archer's nightmares and to stop the conflict, the pair uses the Book to find and kill impressors and free their captives. Meanwhile, Tanin will stop at nothing to retrieve the Book, to ensure important events take place that lead to the Red War, and to hold on to her power. This sequel is an intense story about destiny, sacrifice, and selflessness. Chee introduces dynamic characters with gut-wrenching backstories, whom readers will want to hate but won't be able to resist rooting for. Strategically written with elements from the previous volume, this entry is rich with twists and turns that will leave readers in constant shock while reminding them that there are no coincidences in this narrative. VERDICT A must-have for all collections and highly recommended for fans of Mary E. Pearson's "The Remnant Chronicles" or Megan Whalen Turner's "The Queen's Thief" series.-Dawn Abron, Zion-Benton Public Library, IL

    Copyright 2017 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    Penguin Young Readers Group
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The Speaker
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