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Behind You Is the Sea
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Behind You Is the Sea
A Novel
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"Behind You Is the Sea fearlessly confronts stereotypes about Palestinian culture, weaving a remarkable portrait of life's intricate moments, from joyous weddings to heart-wrenching funerals, from shattered hearts to hidden truths—I wept and grew alongside this family. This is a story that challenges perceptions, offering a heartfelt glimpse into the interior lives of those who call this community home. A must read novel with unforgettable characters and an unwavering, fresh voice—I couldn't put it down until the very last page! Darraj delivers an instant, necessary, and authentic classic to the cannon of Arab-American literature."—Etaf Rum, author of Evil Eye and A Woman Is No Man

An exciting debut novel that gives voice to the diverse residents of a Palestinian American community in Baltimore—from young activists in conflict with their traditional parents to the poor who clean for the rich—lives which intersect across divides of class, generation, and religion.

Funny and touching, Behind You Is the Sea brings us into the homes and lives of three main families—the Baladis, the Salamehs, and the Ammars—Palestinian immigrants who've all found a different welcome in America.

Their various fates and struggles cause their community dynamic to sizzle and sometimes explode: The wealthy Ammar family employs young Maysoon Baladi, whose own family struggles financially, to clean up after their spoiled teenagers. Meanwhile, Marcus Salameh confronts his father in an effort to protect his younger sister for "dishonoring" their name. Only a trip to Palestine, where Marcus experiences an unexpected and dramatic transformation, can bridge this seemingly unbridgeable divide between the two generations.

Behind You Is the Sea faces stereotypes about Palestinian culture head-on and, shifting perspectives to weave a complex social fabric replete with weddings, funerals, broken hearts, and devastating secrets.

"Behind You Is the Sea fearlessly confronts stereotypes about Palestinian culture, weaving a remarkable portrait of life's intricate moments, from joyous weddings to heart-wrenching funerals, from shattered hearts to hidden truths—I wept and grew alongside this family. This is a story that challenges perceptions, offering a heartfelt glimpse into the interior lives of those who call this community home. A must read novel with unforgettable characters and an unwavering, fresh voice—I couldn't put it down until the very last page! Darraj delivers an instant, necessary, and authentic classic to the cannon of Arab-American literature."—Etaf Rum, author of Evil Eye and A Woman Is No Man

An exciting debut novel that gives voice to the diverse residents of a Palestinian American community in Baltimore—from young activists in conflict with their traditional parents to the poor who clean for the rich—lives which intersect across divides of class, generation, and religion.

Funny and touching, Behind You Is the Sea brings us into the homes and lives of three main families—the Baladis, the Salamehs, and the Ammars—Palestinian immigrants who've all found a different welcome in America.

Their various fates and struggles cause their community dynamic to sizzle and sometimes explode: The wealthy Ammar family employs young Maysoon Baladi, whose own family struggles financially, to clean up after their spoiled teenagers. Meanwhile, Marcus Salameh confronts his father in an effort to protect his younger sister for "dishonoring" their name. Only a trip to Palestine, where Marcus experiences an unexpected and dramatic transformation, can bridge this seemingly unbridgeable divide between the two generations.

Behind You Is the Sea faces stereotypes about Palestinian culture head-on and, shifting perspectives to weave a complex social fabric replete with weddings, funerals, broken hearts, and devastating secrets.

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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Susan Muaddi Darraj is the author of American Book Award–winner A Curious Land and was a finalist for a Palestine Book Award. A United States Artists' Ford Fellow and past winner of the Maryland State Arts Council's Independent Artist Award, she is also the author of Farah Rocks, the first children's book series to feature a Palestinian American character. She lives in Baltimore, Maryland, and teaches at Harford Community College and Johns Hopkins University.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from November 1, 2023
    A pregnant teen girl is ostracized by her family. A Palestinian American cop has divided loyalties. Refugees and their children alternately worship "America's glory . . . Macy's One-Day Sale!" and chafe at the rejection they experience. In this episodic debut novel, Darraj portrays the joys, resentments, and yearnings of three generations of a tight-knit Palestinian American community. The elders, the Sittis and Siddos, Babas and Mamas, struggle to maintain their cultural values, including ethnocentrism and sexism, and pass them on to children who either prefer assimilation or who resist the refugee legacy while discovering that the dream life of America conceals racism and exploitation. The offspring of fathers who amiably smoked water pipes together at the corner store now humiliate their compatriots at the bottom of the economic ladder because "sometimes your own are the worst." A teen theater-lover struggles to explain her discomfort with Aladdin to her beloved drama teacher, who remains deliberately oblivious. A father cautions his assimilated son: "Don't let them use you. You're Arab, first and always." "But see, Baba," thinks the son, "that's not what my birth certificate says." This son will return his father's body to their home village in Palestine on a journey that will unite past and present, refugee and homeland, reaffirming unbreakable generational ties. Marvelous and moving.


  • Kirkus

    December 1, 2023
    Their homeland casts a heavy shadow in this poignant novel about Baltimore's Palestinian immigrant community. Taken from a famous saying by legendary commander Tariq ibn Zayid ("Behind you is the sea. Before you, the enemy"), the title of Darraj's novel aptly describes the situation facing her ensemble cast, which finds itself trapped between Old World expectations and the challenges of life in America. Like Zayid's soldiers, they have no choice but to fight to understand their places in the world. Young people are frequently the heroes here--in "A Child of Air," pregnant teen Reema Baladi braves shame to keep her baby, and in "Gyroscopes," brilliant science student Layla Marwan challenges her high school's choice of the stereotype-ridden Aladdin for its big drama production--while Darraj's older characters struggle under the weight of their disillusionment. In "Mr. Ammar Gets Drunk at the Wedding," strip mall owner Walid Ammar can't hide his frustration as his cherished son marries a blue-eyed non-Arab woman who has "transformed Raed, his football-playing, lawyer son...from a pathfinder into a mule that lowers itself to the ground for its back to be loaded." That wedding scene is masterfully choreographed in a book in which each chapter reads like a small masterpiece. In fact, as characters disappear and later reappear, the book reads less like a novel than like an interconnected series of stories reminiscent of Darraj's A Curious Land (2016). For example, readers meet Marcus Salameh, a 30-something police detective who endures the daily traumas of his job, the impatience of his girlfriend, and the iciness of a father whose bitter disappointment with life has frozen his relationship with Marcus and his sister. The novel culminates in the brilliant "Escorting the Body," in which Marcus honors his father's dying wish to be buried in Palestine. Darraj deftly captures the entire experience, from Marcus' jarring arrival in Palestine to the homespun humor of village life. When Marcus discovers a secret--that his father was actually capable of showing affection, just not to his children--he makes a startling offer that changes someone's life and his, too. A moving portrait of Palestinian families caught between the pressures of the Old World and the New.

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 8, 2024
    This potent novel-in-stories from Muaddi Darraj (The Inheritance of Exile) follows a group of Palestinian Americans in Baltimore. In “Ride Along,” Marcus Salameh, a U.S. Marine, is trying to mediate a conflict between his father and his sister, who’s graduating from college with honors after coming out of a rough patch following an abortion. “Escorting the Body” finds Marcus returning to Palestine to bury his father and reflect on how his Baba’s American dream had turned sour because of his inability to be more compassionate to his family. The title story looks at the power dynamics between rich and poor immigrants, as a young woman named Maysoon Baladi takes a job as a cleaner for the Ammars, a wealthy fellow Palestinian family. In “Gyroscopes,” high school student Layla Marwan, a cousin of the Ammars, expresses concern about the negative representation of Arabs in her school’s production of Aladdin, but is ignored by her adviser. Throughout, Muaddi Darraj brilliantly depicts complex characters reckoning with the costs of holding tightly to their principles. This is a beautiful portrait of a family reaching for their dreams while holding onto their roots. Agent: Thomas Colchie, Colchie Agency.

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Behind You Is the Sea
Behind You Is the Sea
A Novel
Susan Muaddi Darraj
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