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In Old School, Book 10 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, life was better in the old days. Or was it?
That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world.
With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Or is going "old school" just too hard for a kid like Greg? Collect all the books in the #1 bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (#1) | Rodrick Rules (#2) | The Last Straw (#3) | Dog Days (#4) | The Ugly Truth (#5) | Cabin Fever (#6) | The Third Wheel (#7) | Hard Luck (#8) | The Long Haul (#9) | Old School (#10) | Double Down (#11) | The Getaway (#12) | The Meltdown (#13) | Wrecking Ball (#14) | The Deep End (#15) | Big Shot (#16) | Diper Överlöde (#17) | No Brainer (#18) | Hot Mess (#19) See the Wimpy Kid World in a whole new way with the #1 bestselling Awesome Friendly books, told from the perspective of Greg Heffley's best friend Rowley Jefferson: Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson's Journal | Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure | Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories
In Old School, Book 10 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, life was better in the old days. Or was it?
That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world.
With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Or is going "old school" just too hard for a kid like Greg? Collect all the books in the #1 bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (#1) | Rodrick Rules (#2) | The Last Straw (#3) | Dog Days (#4) | The Ugly Truth (#5) | Cabin Fever (#6) | The Third Wheel (#7) | Hard Luck (#8) | The Long Haul (#9) | Old School (#10) | Double Down (#11) | The Getaway (#12) | The Meltdown (#13) | Wrecking Ball (#14) | The Deep End (#15) | Big Shot (#16) | Diper Överlöde (#17) | No Brainer (#18) | Hot Mess (#19) See the Wimpy Kid World in a whole new way with the #1 bestselling Awesome Friendly books, told from the perspective of Greg Heffley's best friend Rowley Jefferson: Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson's Journal | Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure | Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories
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En raison de restrictions imposées par l'éditeur, la bibliothèque n'est pas en mesure d'acheter des exemplaires supplémentaires de ce titre et nous vous présentons toutes nos excuses si la liste d'attente est longue. N'oubliez pas de regarder s'il existe d'autres exemplaires, car d'autres éditions sont peut-être disponibles.
Au sujet de l’auteur-
Jeff Kinney is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series and the Awesome Friendly Kid series. He is a six-time Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award winner for Favorite Book and has been named one of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and moved to New England, where he and his wife own a bookstore named An Unlikely Story.
November 9, 2015 "Mom says the problem with society these days is everybody's got their nose in a screen, and nobody takes the time to get to know the people who live around them," laments Greg Heffley, who reluctantly kicks it old school in this 10th installment of the über-popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. When Mrs. Heffley gets the town to unplug for 48 hours, Greg tries (but naturally fails) to cash in on neighborhood foot traffic with a lemonade stand ("One guy had a problem with the fact that we were using the same glass for every customer"). Grandpa, who has moved in with the Heffleys to save money, is also full of "back in the day" stories; Greg and Rowley finally try playing kick-the-can, but quit of boredom after 30 seconds. A weeklong trip to "Hardscrabble Farm," where Greg and his classmates sleep in primitive cabins and do chores, is the final affront, though it reveals that Greg may come by his artful dodging honestly. Kinney's fans will find the same winning formula: at least one joke every two pages. Expect readers to line up for Greg's latest. Ages 8â12. Agent: Sylvie Rabineau, RWSG Literary Agency.
The Wimpy Kid series marches on.Greg Heffley's diary continues with the 10th entry in the popular franchise. This volume revolves around several loosely connected plot threads, the most prominent of which is Greg's grandfather's coming to live with the Heffley clan and the hilarity that ensues. Other plots involve Rodrick's first job, Mrs. Heffley's determination to turn the town into an electronics-free zone, and a trip to Hardscrabble Farms, the traditional field trip location for the seventh-grade class. The novel definitely lacks focus, but how many seventh-grader's diaries come with a complex narrative arc? Greg's rambling, irreverent musings coupled with his doodles maintain their charm even after so many years, and at this point fans of the series know what they're getting. The novel delivers the series' trademark family dynamics and absurdist comic stylings. Fans will chortle at the Heffley's pet pig, which wears pants, and smile as Greg and his dad come to an understanding over the pitfalls of camp life. By novel's end the characters have returned to their status quo and are ready for further comic mishaps. These diaries continue to be solid steppingstones into the literary world for any reluctant reader.Harmless fun that neither rocks the boat nor swings for the fences. (Graphic/fiction hybrid. 8-12) COPYRIGHT(1) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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