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The Big, Fun Kids Cookbook
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The Big, Fun Kids Cookbook
150+ Recipes for Young Chefs
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! The ultimate kids cookbook from America’s #1 food magazine: 150+ fun recipes for young cooks, plus bonus games and food trivia!

“This accessible and visually stunning cookbook will delight and inspire home cooks of all ages and get families cooking together.” —School Library Journal
The trusted chefs in Food Network’s test kitchen give food lovers and kids of all ages everything they need to succeed in the kitchen. Each recipe is totally foolproof and easy to follow, with color photos, tips and fun facts to help beginners get excited about cooking.
Inside you’ll find:
  • 150+ easy recipes for every meal and snack, all using common ingredients
  • Colorful photos with every recipe
  • Cooking tips from the pros
  • Special fake-out cakes (one looks like a bowl of mac and cheese!)
  • Choose-your-own-adventure recipes (like design-your-own Stuffed French Toast)
  • Kid crowd-pleasers like Ham & Cheese Waffle Sandwiches, Pepperoni Chicken Fingers, Raspberry Applesauce and more!
  • Fun food games and quizzes (like “What’s Your Hot Dog IQ?”)
  • Bonus coloring book pages
  • Removable book jacket that doubles as a cooking cheat sheet with tips, tricks, and substitutions
  • It sounds dramatic, but it’s true: If you introduce your children to the magic of cooking and baking when they’re young, they’ll be hooked forever—and this easy cookbook for beginners is the perfect way to do that. Kids will find everything they need to succeed as young cooks and have fun while they’re at it. This playful introduction to cooking is the perfect summer activity book for kids and families, and also an ideal gift for kids who love to cook. They’ll never want to leave the kitchen!
    You asked “You think it’s ok to use a wide age range like this? This book really is great for all kids.”
    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! The ultimate kids cookbook from America’s #1 food magazine: 150+ fun recipes for young cooks, plus bonus games and food trivia!

    “This accessible and visually stunning cookbook will delight and inspire home cooks of all ages and get families cooking together.” —School Library Journal
    The trusted chefs in Food Network’s test kitchen give food lovers and kids of all ages everything they need to succeed in the kitchen. Each recipe is totally foolproof and easy to follow, with color photos, tips and fun facts to help beginners get excited about cooking.
    Inside you’ll find:
  • 150+ easy recipes for every meal and snack, all using common ingredients
  • Colorful photos with every recipe
  • Cooking tips from the pros
  • Special fake-out cakes (one looks like a bowl of mac and cheese!)
  • Choose-your-own-adventure recipes (like design-your-own Stuffed French Toast)
  • Kid crowd-pleasers like Ham & Cheese Waffle Sandwiches, Pepperoni Chicken Fingers, Raspberry Applesauce and more!
  • Fun food games and quizzes (like “What’s Your Hot Dog IQ?”)
  • Bonus coloring book pages
  • Removable book jacket that doubles as a cooking cheat sheet with tips, tricks, and substitutions
  • It sounds dramatic, but it’s true: If you introduce your children to the magic of cooking and baking when they’re young, they’ll be hooked forever—and this easy cookbook for beginners is the perfect way to do that. Kids will find everything they need to succeed as young cooks and have fun while they’re at it. This playful introduction to cooking is the perfect summer activity book for kids and families, and also an ideal gift for kids who love to cook. They’ll never want to leave the kitchen!
    You asked “You think it’s ok to use a wide age range like this? This book really is great for all kids.”
    Formats disponibles-
    • OverDrive Read
    • EPUB eBook
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    Au sujet de l’auteur-
    • Food Network Magazine is the #1 selling magazine at newsstands in America across all magazines. It has 13.55 million readers every month—more than for any other food or lifestyle magazine. The magazine is every food lover's essential handbook: a monthly supply of expert advice, inspiring ideas and must-try recipes. The magazine's bright, lively design captures the energy of Food Network, while story after story reminds readers that food is fun, and that anyone—of any age—can cook like a star.
      Maile Carpenter is the founding editor in chief of Food Network Magazine, the best-selling monthly magazine in the U.S., and The Pioneer Woman Magazine, a new magazine launched in 2017 with cookbook author, Food Network star and social-media phenom Ree Drummond. Maile is an expert in kids cooking—she has two young daughters who love to experiment in the kitchen and hold family cooking competitions!
    • Booklist

      March 15, 2020
      Grades 3-7 The Food Network has launched countless young people on the path to becoming chefs. In this covered, spiral-bound cookbook (making countertop use easier), the editors of the Food Network Magazine give all children an opportunity to explore their inner foodie. A visual index kicks off the book, which is then divided into color-coded sections on breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, dessert, and fake-out cakes. The 150-plus recipes are simple to follow, with many basic ingredients, and several allow variations for users to experiment according to their personal taste. While the dishes comprise many kid-friendly favorites, like waffles, pizza, and cupcakes, there are also fun, healthy alternatives, such as melon fries, spaghetti squash, and ants on a log remix. Large color photos of the finished dishes; helpful tips; Did You Know? facts (e.g., waffles inspired Nike's first running shoe); and food quizzes keep the text even more engaging. With recipes for cakes that look like cheeseburgers, mac and cheese, giant s'mores, and more, the final section may be reason enough to purchase this delightful cookbook.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2020, American Library Association.)

    • School Library Journal

      Starred review from May 1, 2020

      Gr 3-7-This engaging cookbook for young people is packed with recipes. Retro endpapers that feature white kitchen tools and food against a bright blue background will instantly grab readers' attention. From the spiral binding to the brightly color-coded section pages, this book is designed to be functional and accessible. A visual recipe index at the beginning of the book provides a miniature photograph of each completed dish with the recipe's name and the corresponding page number. Every recipe's page shows a large color photograph and a "tip" or a fun fact about the food. Many of the recipes offer "design-your-own" options to circumvent picky eaters and spark creativity, such as the chicken salad, stuffed French toast, and fruit and veggie fries. The recipes are a combination of classic kid-friendly cuisine (chicken fingers and pizza) and more adventurous fare (Chinese meatball sliders and Cuban beef pockets). The book also contains games, food quizzes, and a miniature coloring book. The dust jacket is a poster to guide young cooks who want to earn their "Junior Chef Certificate." The text, from the introduction letter to the recipes themselves, may require younger readers to ask for adult help, as it is not aimed specifically at the younger set. Some steps require multiple tools and processes. VERDICT This accessible and visually stunning cookbook will delight and inspire home cooks of all ages and get families cooking together.-Shannon O'Connor, Unami Middle School, Chalfont, PA

      Copyright 2020 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

    • Publisher's Weekly

      May 18, 2020
      This thoroughly enjoyable cookbook from the editors of Food Network Magazine presents over 150 recipes “that any kid can make.” There are some recipes that young home cooks (ages 8–12) can prepare with minimal adult supervision, such as one of the six variations of Ants on a Log, as well as others that will require help from an adult, such as the giant s’mores cake, which requires the use of a kitchen torch. In addition to several kids’ favorites like mac and cheese, and creative riffs such as French toast muffins, there are several “design your own recipe” sections that encourage readers to create their own variations of basic staples, such as granola bars. The recipes are simple to follow with easy-to-find ingredients and plenty of valuable tips (“Split English muffins in half with a fork... so you’ll end up with good nooks and crannies”). Alongside the recipes are dozens of facts (“There are 10,000 varieties of grapes in the world,” they write next to a recipe for candied grapes), food trivia quizzes, and coloring pages that are bound to spark enthusiasm. This is an exceptional introduction to cooking that children and even novice adult home cooks will enjoy.

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    The Big, Fun Kids Cookbook
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