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Where the Dark Stands Still
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Where the Dark Stands Still
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A New York Times bestseller

A girl with dangerous magic makes a risky bargain with a demon to be free of her monstrous power in this "dark, devastating, and gothic" (Kirkus Reviews) young adult fantasy perfect for fans of An Enchantment of Ravens and House of Salt and Sorrows.
Liska knows that magic is monstrous, and its practitioners are monsters. She has done everything possible to suppress her own magic, to disastrous consequences. Desperate to be free of it, Liska flees her small village and delves into the dangerous, demon-inhabited spirit-wood to steal a mythical fern flower. If she plucks it, she can use its one wish to banish her powers. Everyone who has sought the fern flower has fallen prey to unknown horrors, so when Liska is caught by the demon warden of the wood—called The Leszy—a bargain seems better than death: one year of servitude in exchange for the fern flower and its wish.

Whisked away to The Leszy's crumbling manor, Liska soon makes an unsettling discovery: she is not the first person to strike this bargain, and all her predecessors have mysteriously vanished. If Liska wants to survive the year and return home, she must unravel her taciturn host's spool of secrets and face the ghosts—figurative and literal—of his past. Because something wakes in the woods, something deadly and without mercy. It frightens even The Leszy...and cannot be defeated unless Liska embraces the monster she's always feared becoming.
A New York Times bestseller

A girl with dangerous magic makes a risky bargain with a demon to be free of her monstrous power in this "dark, devastating, and gothic" (Kirkus Reviews) young adult fantasy perfect for fans of An Enchantment of Ravens and House of Salt and Sorrows.
Liska knows that magic is monstrous, and its practitioners are monsters. She has done everything possible to suppress her own magic, to disastrous consequences. Desperate to be free of it, Liska flees her small village and delves into the dangerous, demon-inhabited spirit-wood to steal a mythical fern flower. If she plucks it, she can use its one wish to banish her powers. Everyone who has sought the fern flower has fallen prey to unknown horrors, so when Liska is caught by the demon warden of the wood—called The Leszy—a bargain seems better than death: one year of servitude in exchange for the fern flower and its wish.

Whisked away to The Leszy's crumbling manor, Liska soon makes an unsettling discovery: she is not the first person to strike this bargain, and all her predecessors have mysteriously vanished. If Liska wants to survive the year and return home, she must unravel her taciturn host's spool of secrets and face the ghosts—figurative and literal—of his past. Because something wakes in the woods, something deadly and without mercy. It frightens even The Leszy...and cannot be defeated unless Liska embraces the monster she's always feared becoming.
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  • OverDrive Read
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • A. B. Poranek grew up in Canada but spent her summers in the Polish countryside, reading under apple trees and helping care for her grandfather's chickens. Her love of animals led her to pursue a degree in veterinary medicine, though she never stopped writing along the way. Her first novel, Where the Dark Stands Still, is an ode to Poland's wild woodlands, wilder folktales, and the girls who were raised by them.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    November 27, 2023
    Growing up in the fictional country of Orlica, where magic practitioners are seen as dangerous heretics, 17-year-old Liska Radost has spent her life desperately trying to suppress her powers. After a particularly disastrous magical outburst, Liska sets out for Driada, a perilous spirit-infested forest, to find a way to rid herself of magic. Liska soon encounters the Leszy, the monstrous warden of the wood who vows to grant her wish in exchange for a year’s servitude to him. Liska settles into her new life and begins forging a strange friendship with the Leszy’s crumbling manor, a talking cat-shaped spirit, and even her surly, enigmatic steward. As something even older and more dangerous than the Leszy stirs within Driada, Liska is forced to delve not only into the dark secrets surrounding her host, but also confront her own traumatic past in hopes of saving those she loves most. Interweaving harrowing scenes of demon hunting terror with quiet moments of domestic life simmering with romantic tension, Poranek employs lush prose to craft a Polish folklore and culture–influenced fantasy realm through which the debut author capably examines themes of trauma, repression, and the healing power of unconditional acceptance. Liska has olive skin and the Leszy is described as “ashen.” Ages 14–up. Agent: Victoria Marini, Irene Goodman Literary.

  • Kirkus

    December 1, 2023
    A village girl and a demon must battle an old god to save a magical wood in this reimagining of "Beauty and the Beast" that's steeped in Polish folklore. Seventeen-year-old Liska Radost, pale-skinned and periwinkle-eyed, seeks to quell rumors that she's a witch and flees her village in search of the fern flower that can grant her desire to be rid of her magic. She ventures into the Driada, a supernatural forest that's home to the antlered, shape-shifting Leszy, its warden. When the Leszy catches Liska attempting to pick the flamelike flower, he offers her a bargain: "serve me for a year, and when you are done, I will grant your wish." Liska moves into the House Under the Rowan Tree, a charming, magical manor, and it's not long before her relationship with the Leszy begins to change from servant to apprentice to something more. As Liska learns about magic and monsters, she uncovers secrets about the Leszy and discovers that there are creatures so terrifying that even a demon fears them. Poranek's stunning worldbuilding immerses readers in a panoply of nightmares. Polish words are scattered throughout, sometimes without translation but easily comprehensible in context. The book is deliberately paced, focusing on the growth of both Liska and, mostly as a result of Liska's actions, the Leszy, and patient readers will be rewarded with a well-written tearjerker featuring a fully fleshed-out magic system with pagan roots. Dark, devastating, and gothic. (Fantasy. 14-18)

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    February 1, 2024
    Grades 9-12 Poranek draws upon Polish folklore in her gothic tale, where magic, a dangerous forest, and romance twine together. Seventeen-year-old Liska Radost is desperate to rid herself of her magical abilities and the accusations of "witch" hurled by fellow villagers, but to do so, she must find a special wish-granting flower that only grows in the darkly enchanted woods. Things take an intriguing turn when she meets the Leszy, a mix of a man and a creature, who offers to keep her safe and give her the coveted flower, with one caveat: Liska must first serve him for a year. Agreeing to his terms, Liska enters into servitude, during which her relationship with the Leszy begins to change, as do her views on magic. As readers follow Liska's journey, they'll sympathize with her struggle to find acceptance in a place riddled with superstitions and inflexible religious beliefs, making her personal growth all the more engrossing. Fans of dark fairy tales and romantacy will find much to admire in Poranek's multifaceted characters, nuanced portrayal of love, and thoughtfully crafted world.


  • School Library Journal

    April 1, 2024

    Gr 8 Up-Inspired by the dark woods of Poland, Poranek's debut is a dark, Gothic tale. Liska, 17, has always been accused of being a witch. In order to prove that she is not, she chooses to go into the Driada, the dark woods, to find a fern flower and banish her power. While she is there, she finds the Leszy, also known as a demonic warden of the Driada, who bargains with her. She must serve the demon for one year in order to get the fern flower and the wish that goes along with it. The worldbuilding is top-notch, moving between the woods and the House Under the Rowan Tree. Polish words are scattered throughout and easy to understand through context. Liska, who has fair skin and blue eyes, is determined and likeable. Her beauty is a stark contrast to the demon who is human, yet gangly in his movement. As Liska learns more about her situation, she finds it is more dire than she initially thought as romance ensues. Readers will respect Liska's strength with her decisions after a heartfelt ending. VERDICT Fans of romantic Gothic fantasy mixed with Polish folklore will appreciate this novel. Recommended.-Karen Alexander

    Copyright 2024 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    Margaret K. McElderry Books
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Where the Dark Stands Still
Where the Dark Stands Still
A. B. Poranek
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