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The Race to the Future
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The Race to the Future
8,000 Miles to Paris--The Adventure That Accelerated the Twentieth Century
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The rise of the automobile as told through its Rubicon moment—a sensational, high-risk race across two continents on the verge of revolution.

The racers—an Italian prince and his chauffeur, a French racing driver, a con man, and several rival journalists—battle over steep inclines, through narrow mountain passages, and across the arid Gobi Desert. Competitors endure torrential rain and choking dust. There are barely any roads, and petrol is almost impossible to find. A global audience of millions follows each twist and turn, devouring reports telegraphed from the course.

More than its many adventures, the Peking-to-Paris Motor Challenge took place on the precipice of a new world. As the twentieth century dawned, imperial regimes in China and Russia were crumbling, paving the way for the rise of communist ones. The electric telegraph was rapidly transforming modern communication, and with it, the news media, commerce, and politics. Suspended between the old and the new, the Peking-to-Paris, as best-selling historian Kassia St. Clair writes, became a critical tipping point.

A gripping, immersive narrative of the race, The Race to the Future sets the drivers' derring-do (and occasional cheating) against the backdrop of a larger geopolitical and technological race to the future. Interweaving events from the fall of the Qing dynasty to the departure of the horse economy and the rise of gendered marketing, St. Clair shows how the Peking-to-Paris provided an impetus for profound social, cultural, and industrial change, while masterfully capturing the mounting tensions between nations and empires—all building up to the cataclysmic event that changed everything: the First World War.

"Consistently mind-boggling, often funny, and occasionally hair-raising" (Philip Ball), The Race to the Future is the incredible true story of the quest against the odds that propelled us along the road to modernity.

The rise of the automobile as told through its Rubicon moment—a sensational, high-risk race across two continents on the verge of revolution.

The racers—an Italian prince and his chauffeur, a French racing driver, a con man, and several rival journalists—battle over steep inclines, through narrow mountain passages, and across the arid Gobi Desert. Competitors endure torrential rain and choking dust. There are barely any roads, and petrol is almost impossible to find. A global audience of millions follows each twist and turn, devouring reports telegraphed from the course.

More than its many adventures, the Peking-to-Paris Motor Challenge took place on the precipice of a new world. As the twentieth century dawned, imperial regimes in China and Russia were crumbling, paving the way for the rise of communist ones. The electric telegraph was rapidly transforming modern communication, and with it, the news media, commerce, and politics. Suspended between the old and the new, the Peking-to-Paris, as best-selling historian Kassia St. Clair writes, became a critical tipping point.

A gripping, immersive narrative of the race, The Race to the Future sets the drivers' derring-do (and occasional cheating) against the backdrop of a larger geopolitical and technological race to the future. Interweaving events from the fall of the Qing dynasty to the departure of the horse economy and the rise of gendered marketing, St. Clair shows how the Peking-to-Paris provided an impetus for profound social, cultural, and industrial change, while masterfully capturing the mounting tensions between nations and empires—all building up to the cataclysmic event that changed everything: the First World War.

"Consistently mind-boggling, often funny, and occasionally hair-raising" (Philip Ball), The Race to the Future is the incredible true story of the quest against the odds that propelled us along the road to modernity.

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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Kassia St. Clair specializes in telling gripping stories about the overlooked and the everyday. She has written about history and culture for publications including the Economist, Elle, and Times Literary Supplement. The author of The Golden Thread and The Secret Lives of Color, she lives in London.
  • Kirkus

    March 15, 2024
    A transcontinental competition becomes a vehicle to explore a broader story. Even from the distance of more than a century, the 1907 automobile race from Peking to Paris seems not only eccentric, but positively harebrained. St. Clair, the author of The Golden Thread and The Secret Lives of Color, plunges into the task of narrating the tale with enthusiasm, discovering new primary sources and finding fresh perspectives. The incredible length of the race gives the author the chance to explore the sociopolitical issues of the time, as the Chinese and Russian empires tottered and new technologies gathered pace. Sponsored by the French newspaper Le Matin, the race garnered worldwide attention, thanks largely to the dispatches sent from the race participants. In fact, the route was designed to intersect with telegraph stations. Five vehicles started the race; amazingly, four finished. The fifth, while generously classed as an automobile by the race organizers, was more like a three-wheeled motorcycle; it sputtered out in "the parched vastness" of the Gobi Desert. The roads across China and Russia were primitive or even nonexistent. Supplies of gas and food were pre-positioned at various locations, but some of the participants could not locate them. Sometimes, the racers helped each other through scrapes and breakdowns, and sometimes the spirit of unscrupulous competition prevailed. St. Clair prunes away the mythology and nationalistic propaganda that has grown up around the race, on the basis that the real story does not need embellishment. It is entirely the right approach, and the book will appeal not only to car and sports aficionados, but to general readers interested in how the automobile, global communications, and media marketing combined to become the defining traits of the modern world. St. Clair is an affectionate, informed narrator, placing personal portraits within the larger context of the era.

    COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    April 15, 2024
    As the twentieth century dawned, technological innovations were bringing parts of the world closer together even as wars threatened to tear nations apart. In the summer of 1907, the Peking-to-Paris Motor Challenge, proposed in the Paris newspaper Le Matin, would showcase the potential of the nascent automobile. The daunting route through uncharted terrain and the exorbitant entrance fee kept the field down to a handful of competitors, representing teams from France, Italy, and the Netherlands. China, the starting point for the race, was experiencing its own transformation due to early globalization. Reporters accompanying the various teams telegraphed their progress along the way, a successful conclusion to the perilous journey in no way guaranteed. The Race to the Future is an enlightening and informative book exploring the 8,000-mile competition that ""drew the eyes of the world."" St. Clair (The Golden Thread: How Fabric Changed History, 2019) is a gifted storyteller, deftly recounting the time line of the rally while highlighting the volatile landscapes of the countries it traveled through.


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The Race to the Future
The Race to the Future
8,000 Miles to Paris--The Adventure That Accelerated the Twentieth Century
Kassia St. Clair
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