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The Galveston Diet
Couverture de The Galveston Diet
The Galveston Diet
The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms
A patient-proven eating and lifestyle program to balance nutrition and sustain weight lossincluding more than 40 delicious recipes and 6 weeks of meal planstailored to women in midlife.
“I haven’t changed my diet or exercise habits and yet the scale keeps moving in the wrong direction. What’s going on?!”
Time and again, this is the question Dr. Mary Claire Haver’s patients asked. At first, a practicing OB/GYN, she’d dutifully advise what she’d been taught in medical school: eat less and work out more. But that standard advice didn’t solve the problem because back then she—and so many other doctors—hadn’t taken into account the physiological factors affecting women. They tend to store fat, they can have a hard time accessing that stored fat as active fuel, and their hormonal fluctuations in midlife exacerbate the situation.
Then, Dr. Haver found herself in this exact predicament with the added issues of low energy, hot flashes, and brain fog. So she set out to develop a nutrition program that would meet her own and her patients’ needs once and for all. Now, nearly 100,000 women have found success in Dr. Haver's unique plan for permanent weight loss and reduced menopausal symptoms by following her three interconnected strategies:
• Fuel Refocus: Starting in their thirties, women need a specific ratio of healthy fats, lean protein, and quality carbohydrates to efficiently burn fat as fuel.
• Intermittent Fasting: 16 hours of fasting with a flexible 8-hour eating window coaxes the body to draw energy from stored fat and decreases inflammation.
• Anti-inflammatory Nutrition: Limit added sugars, processed carbs, chemical additives and preservatives and layer in anti-inflammatory foods like leafy greens, olive oil, berries, nuts, and tomatoes.
With these three principles working together, women can finally lose stubborn weight as well as enjoy newfound energy, better sleep, less brain fog, and fewer hot flashes. Featuring forty delicious recipes, six weeks of easy-to-follow meal plans, shopping lists, and success stories of women who have changed their lives on this plan, The Galveston Diet—named for Dr. Haver's hometown—will revolutionize the conversation around weight loss for women, with health benefits that last a lifetime.
This audiobook includes a downloadable PDF of recipes, meal plans, and other resources from the book.
A patient-proven eating and lifestyle program to balance nutrition and sustain weight lossincluding more than 40 delicious recipes and 6 weeks of meal planstailored to women in midlife.
“I haven’t changed my diet or exercise habits and yet the scale keeps moving in the wrong direction. What’s going on?!”
Time and again, this is the question Dr. Mary Claire Haver’s patients asked. At first, a practicing OB/GYN, she’d dutifully advise what she’d been taught in medical school: eat less and work out more. But that standard advice didn’t solve the problem because back then she—and so many other doctors—hadn’t taken into account the physiological factors affecting women. They tend to store fat, they can have a hard time accessing that stored fat as active fuel, and their hormonal fluctuations in midlife exacerbate the situation.
Then, Dr. Haver found herself in this exact predicament with the added issues of low energy, hot flashes, and brain fog. So she set out to develop a nutrition program that would meet her own and her patients’ needs once and for all. Now, nearly 100,000 women have found success in Dr. Haver's unique plan for permanent weight loss and reduced menopausal symptoms by following her three interconnected strategies:
• Fuel Refocus: Starting in their thirties, women need a specific ratio of healthy fats, lean protein, and quality carbohydrates to efficiently burn fat as fuel.
• Intermittent Fasting: 16 hours of fasting with a flexible 8-hour eating window coaxes the body to draw energy from stored fat and decreases inflammation.
• Anti-inflammatory Nutrition: Limit added sugars, processed carbs, chemical additives and preservatives and layer in anti-inflammatory foods like leafy greens, olive oil, berries, nuts, and tomatoes.
With these three principles working together, women can finally lose stubborn weight as well as enjoy newfound energy, better sleep, less brain fog, and fewer hot flashes. Featuring forty delicious recipes, six weeks of easy-to-follow meal plans, shopping lists, and success stories of women who have changed their lives on this plan, The Galveston Diet—named for Dr. Haver's hometown—will revolutionize the conversation around weight loss for women, with health benefits that last a lifetime.
This audiobook includes a downloadable PDF of recipes, meal plans, and other resources from the book.
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  • From the cover Introduction

    From our first day of life until the last, our bodies are always changing. This is a part of aging—a natural process no one can escape. But the changes that happen to women in midlife are unique and are often unsettling. Suddenly we’re having odd symptoms like hot flashes and an accumulation of strange, new weight gain around our midsections. Our skin can be very dry or wrinkling more. We may have joint pain, hair loss, headaches, bloating, and worsening anxiety or depression. Sleep becomes elusive. Sexual intercourse can hurt. Little things set us off.

    A lot of this may be happening to you right now. Trust me, you are not alone. Let me introduce you to someone who knows exactly what you’re going through: me.

    I was a busy physician, a mom, and a wife in my late forties. My main health challenge at the time was polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition caused by insulin resistance, in which insulin can’t do its job of ushering glucose into cells for energy. PCOS leads to erratic periods, acne, infertility, ovarian cysts, and unwanted hair growth.

    About 1 in 10 women of childbearing age has PCOS. The majority (about 70 percent) are overweight or even obese, but I was among the 30 percent of normal weight. Fortunately, PCOS is treatable, and in my case, taking hormones greatly helped.

    Then came a death in my family; I lost my brother, Bob, to liver failure. I was despondent. He was my daughters’ favorite uncle, a creative fun spirit with whom I had a special bond. We were dance partners when I was younger, winning dance competitions all over Louisiana. When he died, I was heartbroken, and losing him brought crushing pain.

    Grief does strange things to each of us. For me, I coped by bingeing. Night after night after long clinic shifts, I stood in front of my pantry, gobbling handfuls of Goldfish crackers. I’d wash them down with glasses of wine. Pretty quickly I gained nearly 20 pounds. I looked like a different person, and I felt miserable.

    With my medical background, I knew that at my age it might be time to come off the hormones for a while. So, I talked to my own doctor, and we agreed that I should.

    But taking the hormones had masked the perimenopausal symptoms that occur during midlife, so within two weeks of being off them, everything abruptly changed—and not for the better. I had hot flashes and I felt like I was burning from the inside out. Along came sleepless nights and, most troubling of all, the fuzzy and forgetful feeling called brain fog. My long, thick hair started falling out by the brushful. My skin felt parched from head to toe, and I had to completely change my skincare routine to keep my skin moisturized. My body ached so much that I kidded with a friend that I’d give up my firstborn to get relief. My sleep became a recurring nightmare of multiple awakenings through the night—at first drenched in sweat, and then freezing once the hot flash passed.

    I knew I was going through a period of hormonal change—perimenopause—but the symptoms it produced were so profoundly intense that I was really alarmed. All this on top of the weight gain? I was a mess.

    Then I heard my brother Bob’s voice in my head. “Girl, you don’t have to wallow in this anymore. You got yourself into this; you can get yourself out.”

    I went to work on my weight first. I did exactly what I and other doctors had always counseled patients to do: eat less, exercise more.

    My efforts paid off, sort of. I’d lose a pound or two, but that was it. Then the weight would come right back on. I was...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Mary Clare Haver, MD, is a board-certified OB/GYN and a Certified Medicine Specialist in medical nutrition. With a thriving practice in Houston, Texas, she has delivered thousands of babies, completed thousands of well-woman exams, and regularly counsels patients through their health issues. She developed her groundbreaking weight loss protocol as an online subscriber program, through which she has helped more than 68,000 women lose weight, burn fat, and get in shape permanently. Dr. Haver lives with her husband and two daughters in Galveston, Texas.
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The Galveston Diet
The Galveston Diet
The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms
Mary Claire Haver, MD
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