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The Second Sleep
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The Second Sleep
A novel
From the internationally best-selling author of Fatherland and the Cicero Trilogy—a chilling and dark new thriller unlike anything Robert Harris has done before.
1468. A young priest, Christopher Fairfax, arrives in a remote Exmoor village to conduct the funeral of his predecessor. The land around is strewn with ancient artefacts—coins, fragments of glass, human bones—which the old parson used to collect. Did his obsession with the past lead to his death?
     Fairfax becomes determined to discover the truth. Over the course of the next six days, everything he believes—about himself, his faith, and the history of his world—will be tested to destruction.
From the internationally best-selling author of Fatherland and the Cicero Trilogy—a chilling and dark new thriller unlike anything Robert Harris has done before.
1468. A young priest, Christopher Fairfax, arrives in a remote Exmoor village to conduct the funeral of his predecessor. The land around is strewn with ancient artefacts—coins, fragments of glass, human bones—which the old parson used to collect. Did his obsession with the past lead to his death?
     Fairfax becomes determined to discover the truth. Over the course of the next six days, everything he believes—about himself, his faith, and the history of his world—will be tested to destruction.
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  • From the book

    Chapter 1

    The hidden valley

    Late on the afternoon of Tuesday the ninth of April in the Year of Our Risen Lord 1468, a solitary traveller was to be observed picking his way on horseback across the wild moorland of that ancient region of ­southwestern England known since Saxon times as Wessex. If this young man’s expression was troubled, we may grant he had good cause. More than an hour had elapsed since he had last seen a living soul. Soon it would be dusk, and if he was caught out of doors after curfew he risked a night in jail.

    He had stopped to ask directions in the market town of Axford, where a group of ­rough-­looking fellows had been drinking outside an inn beneath the painted sign of a swan. After grinning between themselves at the strangeness of his accent, and imitating the refinement of his yeses and yous, they had assured him that to reach his destination all he needed to do was to ride straight towards the setting sun. But now he was beginning to suspect this might have been another piece of local mischief, for no sooner had he passed the high walls of the town’s prison, where three executed felons hung rotting from their gibbets, and crossed the river and entered open country than heavy clouds had blown across the western sky, obliterating the sunset. Behind him the tall spire of Axford’s church had long since submerged below the horizon. Ahead, the road twisted and dipped between unpopulated ridges of dark woodland and stretches of wild heath daubed with streaks of yellow gorse before dwindling into the murk.

    Presently, in the way that often in those parts signals a change in the weather, it became very still. All the birds went quiet, even the huge red kites with their incongruous ­high-­pitched cries that had pursued him for miles. Chilly veils of sodden grey mist drifted across the moor and draped themselves around him, and for the first time since he set off early that morning he felt moved to pray aloud for protection to his name saint, who had borne the infant Christ on his back across the river.

    After a while, the road began to ascend a wooded hillside. As it climbed, so it dwindled, until it was little better than a cart ­track—ridged brown earth covered loosely by stones, shards of soft blue slate and yellow gravel braided by the running rainwater. From the steep banks on either side rose the scent of wild ­herbs—lungwort, lemon balm, mustard ­garlic—while the overhanging branches drooped so low he had to duck and fend them off with his arm, dislodging further showers of fresh cold water that drenched his head and trickled down his sleeve. Something shrieked and flashed emerald in the gloom, and his heart seemed to jump halfway up his throat, even though he realised almost at once that it was nothing more sinister than a common parakeet. He shut his eyes in relief.

    When he opened them again, he saw a brownish object up ahead. At first he mistook it for a fallen tree. He wiped his sleeve across his face and leaned forward in his saddle. A figure in a hessian smock, cowled like a monk, was pushing a handcart. He dug his knees into the flanks of his mount and urged her on. “God be with you!” he shouted down at the curious apparition. “I am a stranger here.”

    The figure pushed ahead even harder, pretending not to have heard, so that he was obliged to pass it once again. This time he wheeled around to block the narrow lane. He noticed the cart was piled with wool bales. He loosened the neck strings of his cape. “I mean you no harm. Christopher Fairfax is my name.” He pulled down the wet...

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • ROBERT HARRIS is the author of twelve novels: Fatherland, Enigma, Archangel, Pompeii, Imperium, The Ghost Writer, Conspirata, The Fear Index, An Officer and a Spy, Dictator, Conclave, and Munich. Several of his books have been adapted to film, most recently The Ghost Writer. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages. He lives in the village of Kintbury, England, with his wife, Gill Hornby.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from September 2, 2019
    Thriller Award–winner Harris (Munich) does a masterly job playing with readers’ expectations in this mystery set in 15th-century England. Fr. Christopher Fairfax has been dispatched by his bishop to Wessex to officiate at the funeral of Fr. Thomas Lacy, a parish priest who died in a fall. The assignment seems routine enough, but on reaching the town of Addicott St. George, he finds unexpected questions to answer. When he visits Lacy’s library, he learns that the man he’s about to inter in consecrated ground possessed numerous heretical volumes relating to an antiquarian society proscribed by the church. Eager to keep things uncomplicated, Fairfax proceeds with the funeral service as if he’d never seen the books, only to have the rites disrupted by an attendee who yells that Lacy’s death was not the result of “evil chance.” When foul weather delays Fairfax’s departure, he finds even more oddities, including the disappearance of the church register and an unsettling letter by a Cambridge professor found in a mass grave, which supports his suspicion that Lacy’s interest in the past was more than innocent scholarly curiosity. Few readers will pick up on the fairly planted clues. This is a clever complement to Harris’s debut mystery, Fatherland. 75,000-copy announced first printing. Agent: Michael Carlisle, Inkwell Management.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from October 15, 2019
    In Wessex, England, "the year of our Risen Lord 1468," Father Thomas Lacy takes a deadly fall from the Devil's Chair, a mysterious ruin left by heretical ancients. Dispatched to tend to Lacy's burial, young priest Christopher Fairfax must extend his stay in the remote village after debris from a storm obstructs roads. Fairfax sees it as a sign from God; he discovered an illegal set of The Proceedings and Papers of the Society of Antiquaries in Father Lacy's library and is torn between obedience and the desire to investigate Lacy's heresy. Lacy's library reveals a shocking contradiction to the church's teachings that the ancients were eliminated by an apocalypse meant to punish their idolatrous craving of scientific knowledge. Lacy hid a letter from Dr. Peter Morgenstern, an ancient physicist who predicted technology's role in modern society's demise and hinted at a plan for preserving advanced scientific knowledge. As Fairfax begins to question orthodoxy, so does the reader: Is this an alternative history set in the future, not the past? Fairfax, clearly a better detective than a pastor, finds fellow questioners in Lady Sarah Durston, Captain Hancock, and a pair of heretical antiquarians. Fueled by mounting evidence that Morgenstern's stash of ancient technology is buried at the Devil's Chair, they develop a plan to excavate right under the church's authoritarian nose. Set against a neo-Dark Ages England, Fairfax's innocent truth-seeking is a thought-provoking lens through which to view this tale of murder and obsession. Strongly recommended for book groups.HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: This could be Harris' biggest hit since Fatherland (1992); film rights have already been sold for a multipart TV series.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2019, American Library Association.)

  • Library Journal

    June 1, 2019

    From Fatherland to the "Cicero" trilogy, the internationally best-selling Harris ranges far, here landing in 1468 England. Having traveled to a bleak Exmoor village to conduct the funeral of his predecessor, fresh-faced priest Christopher Fairfax wonders at the man's obsession with the past--he'd hoarded ancient coins, bits of glass, even human bones--and whether that obsession precipitated his death. With a 75,000-copy first printing.

    Copyright 2019 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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The Second Sleep
The Second Sleep
A novel
Robert Harris
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