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Dark Angel
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Dark Angel
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Letty Davenport, the tough-as-nails adopted daughter of Lucas Davenport, takes on an undercover assignment that brings her across the country and into the crosshairs of a dangerous group of hackers.
Letty Davenport’s days working a desk job at are behind her. Her previous actions at a gunfight in Texas—and her incredible skills with firearms—draw the attention of several branches of the US government, and make her a perfect fit for even more dangerous work. The Department of Homeland Security and the NSA have tasked her with infiltrating a hacker group, known only as Ordinary People, that is intent on wreaking havoc. Letty and her reluctant partner from the NSA pose as free-spirited programmers for hire and embark on a cross country road trip to the group’s California headquarters.
While the two work to make inroads with Ordinary People and uncover their plans, they begin to suspect that the hackers are not their only enemy. Someone within their own circle may have betrayed them, and has ulterior motives that place their mission—and their lives—in grave danger.
Letty Davenport, the tough-as-nails adopted daughter of Lucas Davenport, takes on an undercover assignment that brings her across the country and into the crosshairs of a dangerous group of hackers.
Letty Davenport’s days working a desk job at are behind her. Her previous actions at a gunfight in Texas—and her incredible skills with firearms—draw the attention of several branches of the US government, and make her a perfect fit for even more dangerous work. The Department of Homeland Security and the NSA have tasked her with infiltrating a hacker group, known only as Ordinary People, that is intent on wreaking havoc. Letty and her reluctant partner from the NSA pose as free-spirited programmers for hire and embark on a cross country road trip to the group’s California headquarters.
While the two work to make inroads with Ordinary People and uncover their plans, they begin to suspect that the hackers are not their only enemy. Someone within their own circle may have betrayed them, and has ulterior motives that place their mission—and their lives—in grave danger.
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  • OverDrive Listen
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  • From the cover One

    In the summer of 2021, the woman flew into Miami International with nothing to declare but the clothes she stood in, a phony passport, an iPhone with a broken screen, and a ballpoint pen. The pen didn't work, but did conceal a two-inch-long razor-sharp blade that could be used to slice open a carotid artery (for example).

    She looked more than tired. Exhausted, but fighting it. She had dishwater blond hair that hadn't been washed recently, a mottled tan, turquoise eyes, and a thin white scar that extended from one nostril down across her lips to her chin.

    The clothes she stood in were speckled with mud and what the young Customs and Border Patrol officer thought might be dried blood; the clothes reeked of old sweat and something else, like swamp water.

    Her ragged tee-shirt-the only clothing above her waist, worn paper thin, he could see her nipples pushing out against it-featured a drawing of a llama with a legend that said "Como Se Llama?" which the young officer understood as a Spanish pun. She had flown in on United, from the Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chavez in Lima, Peru. How she'd gotten on the plane, he couldn't even guess.

    The CBP officer was giving her his best no-admittance stink-eye as he thumbed through her passport. He asked, "Your name is Angeles Chavez?"

    The woman shook her head: "No."

    "What?" Hadn't heard that before; he checked her turquoise-green eyes. "Then what is it?"

    "I'm not allowed to tell you that."

    He was about to call for help when the head of the CBP unit stepped up behind his booth, took the passport from his hand, and said, "Let her in."

    Hadn't heard that before, either. He let her in.

    A man in a plutonium suit and tie was standing a few feet behind his boss, rolling a wooden matchstick between his lips. When the woman whose name wasn't Angeles Chavez stepped past the CPB booth, the man took the matchstick out of his mouth, grinned, and asked, "How you doin', honey-bun?"

    "I think I got a leech up my ass," the woman said.


    So then Letty Davenport was sitting on a battered swivel chair in a near-empty room on the second floor of a warehouse off Statesville Road in Charlotte, North Carolina, watching a door on another warehouse across the street.

    August was slipping away, but the heat was holding on with both hands, and the warehouse was only somewhat air-conditioned. When she lifted her arms to look through her binoculars, she could smell her armpits, if only faintly, and her face was... moist.

    Letty was twenty-five, of average height, dancer-slender and dancer-muscled, with dark hair that fell to the nape of her neck. Crystalline blue eyes. A whiff of Tom Ford's Fucking Fabulous perfume mixed with the perspiration. She was an investigator for the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security, although her real boss was a U.S. senator.

    She'd suffered a spasm of fame, or notoriety, after a shoot-out in the Rio Grande town of Pershing, Texas, the year before, in which she'd killed two men. She'd shot to death a third man earlier in the same trip.

    All for God and Country; Country, anyway.

    Behind her, in the long, wide, near-empty room was a ping-pong table. Three youngish FBI agents were taking turns being bad at ping-pong when they weren't trying to determine her relationship status.

    Nothing had come through the door across the street in the two hours that Letty had been watching it, but she wasn't bored. She had a laptop where it was supposed to be-on her lap-and she was riding on a wi-fi signal from the food wholesaler next door.

    From Bing, the search app, she'd learned...
  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 27, 2023
    In bestseller Sandford’s strong sequel to 2022’s The Investigator, Sen. Christopher Colles needs the skills of investigator Letty Davenport, who once worked for the powerful senator, who helped her get her current job with the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general. Colles wants her to go undercover to infiltrate Ordinary People, a group of American hackers who infiltrated the Russian rail system. The group maintained total control over Russian trains for months until $50 million in ransom was paid, but now the U.S. government fears that Ordinary People may be setting its sights on their own country. Evidence that the hackers are poking around natural gas networks has led Colles to worry that they may turn off natural gas for a northern city or cities in the middle of winter. Given that restarting that heating source could take weeks, such a cyberattack could cause massive fatalities. Letty agrees to the hazardous assignment, only to learn her mentor has another objective. Sandford keeps his foot on the gas throughout, without stretching plausibility too far. Lee Child fans will be hooked. Agent: Esther Newberg, ICM Partners.

  • AudioFile Magazine Robert Petkoff meets the challenge of portraying Letty Davenport and the other tough, smart no-nonsense female characters who drive the plot of the second audiobook in this thriller series. Petkoff also masterfully performs the many male characters, including a group of Russian mobsters. Letty and an NSA computer geek are tasked with going undercover to expose a highly sophisticated, dangerous hacker group. Sandford fans will be treated to the author's signature nonstop action and quirky characters, all of which are delivered by Petkoff with just the right pace and tone. Although the story stretches credulity at points, listeners will be totally engaged from start to finish. E.Q. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine
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Dark Angel
Dark Angel
John Sandford
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