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Sunny Chandler's Return
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Sunny Chandler's Return
A Novel
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The unforgettable novel of a woman who must return to her small hometown in the South, only to discover that the years-old secrets and scandals of her past are right where she left them—from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown
Sunny Chandler always said she’d never return to Latham Green, Louisiana. Just three years ago she was at the center of the small town’s juiciest scandal. Now she’s been invited to her best friend’s wedding and has no choice but to go home. And with her return come the whispers . . . the looks . . . the rumors. It doesn’t take her long to see that Latham Green has nothing new to offer. Except maybe Ty Beaumont . . . Ty can see through the gossip to the real Sunny. Yet despite his easy Southern charm, Sunny doesn’t seem interested, even if she’s seriously tempted. For she’s harboring the agonizing secret of why she really left. What she needs is a man who’s not just a lover. And though there’s clearly much more to the roguish Ty Beaumont than meets the eye, Sunny doesn’t know if she can trust anyone with her secret heartbreak—even the one man who may be able to heal it.
The unforgettable novel of a woman who must return to her small hometown in the South, only to discover that the years-old secrets and scandals of her past are right where she left them—from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown
Sunny Chandler always said she’d never return to Latham Green, Louisiana. Just three years ago she was at the center of the small town’s juiciest scandal. Now she’s been invited to her best friend’s wedding and has no choice but to go home. And with her return come the whispers . . . the looks . . . the rumors. It doesn’t take her long to see that Latham Green has nothing new to offer. Except maybe Ty Beaumont . . . Ty can see through the gossip to the real Sunny. Yet despite his easy Southern charm, Sunny doesn’t seem interested, even if she’s seriously tempted. For she’s harboring the agonizing secret of why she really left. What she needs is a man who’s not just a lover. And though there’s clearly much more to the roguish Ty Beaumont than meets the eye, Sunny doesn’t know if she can trust anyone with her secret heartbreak—even the one man who may be able to heal it.
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  • Chapter One One

    "Who is she?"

    "Her name is Sunny Chandler."

    "You know her?"

    "Since third grade."


    "Might have been second grade."

    "So she grew up here?"


    "Where's she been?"

    "All your life?"

    The first man frowned as he looked down at the second. "Where's she been?" he repeated sternly.

    The second man was properly cowed. "New Orleans." His syrupy Southern accent made the pronunciation "Nawlins." "Moved there a few years back. She's a seamstress."

    "A seamstress?" He never would have guessed that by looking at her.

    "Something like that. Wanda could tell you more about what she's been doing."

    He had every intention of asking the other man's wife later all about this Sunny Chandler. She had aroused his curiosity. And his curiosity, like all his other appetites, never went unappeased for long.

    However, for the moment, he was content just to watch Sunny Chandler as she circulated among the other party guests. No longer a small-town girl, she stuck out like a sore thumb.

    Bad comparison, he thought. Sore thumbs were unsightly. He had yet to find a single unsightly thing about this woman.

    "Why did she leave town?" he asked.

    His companion chuckled. "You'd never believe it."

    "Try me."

    "Well, it was like this." In a low voice, the man began to share the juiciest piece of gossip ever to come out of Latham Green.

    The subject of the not-to-be-believed tale that was being recounted across the room stifled a bored yawn. The sudden burst of laughter startled her, as it did everyone else nearby. Turning, Sunny saw two men standing by the wall of windows, which overlooked the golf course. The tall blond one was wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

    Probably telling each other dirty jokes, Sunny thought with distaste. These yokels didn't know how to behave in polite company. The back room at the pool hall and this formal parlor of the country club were one and the same to them. They had no sense of decorum.

    The bridegroom's family had gone all out for this bash they were hosting in honor of the wedding couple. Since no expense had been spared, the chef had put his best efforts into the buffet. The decorator had depleted the stock of wholesale florists for miles around; the large salon was festooned with bouquets of colorful flowers. While the country club's budget was usually stretched to hire a local sextet for their dances, tonight's music was being provided by a jazzy dance band imported from Memphis.

    They weren't bad, either, Sunny thought. She caught the bandleader's roving eye and smiled up at him when they began playing a Kenny Rogers ballad. He winked at her. She winked back, then quickly turned her attention to the buffet. Keeping her head down, she concentrated on filling her plate.

    "Sunny Chandler!"

    Groaning inwardly, Sunny painted on a fake smile and turned around. "Why, hello, Mrs. Morris."

    "Long time no see, girlie."

    Eloquent ol' biddy. "Yes, it's been a while."

    "How long?"

    "Three years." Three years, two months, six days. Obviously not long enough for people to forget.

    "Are you still in New Orleans?"

    "Still there." And loving it. Loving any place that isn't Latham Green.

    "You're looking good."

    "Thank you."

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Sandra Brown is the author of seventy New York Times bestsellers. There are over eighty million copies of her books in print worldwide, and her work has been translated into thirty-four languages. She lives in Texas.
Informations sur le titre+
  • Éditeur
    Random House Publishing Group
  • OverDrive Read
    Date de publication:
  • EPUB eBook
    Date de publication:
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Sunny Chandler's Return
Sunny Chandler's Return
A Novel
Sandra Brown
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