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The Gingerbread Pirates
Couverture de The Gingerbread Pirates
The Gingerbread Pirates

What if a brave Captain Cookie stood up to Santa? A fresh, funny story that sparkles with all the excitement of a pirate adventure — and all the magic of Christmas morning. (Ages 4-10)
Features an audio read-along! A funny and magical Christmas story about a gingerbread pirate, Captain Cookie, and his daring adventure on Christmas eve to rescue his crew from a mysterious cannibal named Santa Claus...

What if a brave Captain Cookie stood up to Santa? A fresh, funny story that sparkles with all the excitement of a pirate adventure — and all the magic of Christmas morning. (Ages 4-10)
Features an audio read-along! A funny and magical Christmas story about a gingerbread pirate, Captain Cookie, and his daring adventure on Christmas eve to rescue his crew from a mysterious cannibal named Santa Claus...

Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Read
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    K - 2

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • I grew up in Sioux City, Iowa, in the beautiful hills that border the Missouri River. When I was young, I read as much as possible—new books, old books I had already read a hundred times, stacks of books checked out from the public library, and stacks of books brought home by my mother, who was a school librarian. I took piano lessons and developed the useful ability to play music while reading a book. Besides reading and playing music, I loved to draw and thought I would be an illustrator when I grew up.
    In college, I took courses in many different subjects, none of them related to writing. I liked astronomy, which made me think I might like to be a physicist. Eventually I figured out that wasn't really what I wanted to do, so I focused instead on history of science. (I still enjoy reading about how scientists figure things out.) After college, I lived first in Minnesota and then in Massachusetts. I worked at different jobs—editing, typing, and even writing—though nothing remotely related to children's books. In my twenties, I took classes in drawing, painting, printmaking, and film animation. I tried writing and illustrating a picture book, revising the manuscript many times until I got tired of the story. I started a novel, but couldn't think what would happen after the beginning chapters. Though I had lots of time for writing, I didn't seem to get much of it done. It wasn't until I was older and more disciplined that I decided I'd better try harder. As it happened, I also had a full-time job, a husband, and two children, so I had a lot less time.
    Before I wrote my first novel, I assumed I should have the plot mapped out in my head. I still wish I could write that way, because it would be a lot more efficient. The fact is that I just have to plunge in and start writing before I figure out the general shape of a story. I spend a lot of time pretending to be the main characters, trying to figure out what they would do in whatever situation I've got them into, and trying to understand how the story will affect them. I also spend a lot of time revising what I've already written. I try to write in the morning, often going to the library because it's less distracting than being at home.
    Three Things You Might Not Know About Me:
    1. I want to like spiders, but can't because I'm terrified of them. I don't like slugs and I don't want to like them. It's easier to get away from a slug than a spider, so I did allow my children to have a pet slug for a while.
    2. I love almost all kinds of music; I can play the piano pretty well, and the violin and Appalachian dulcimer not very well at all.
    3. When I was young I liked to swim and would pretend that I was going to an underwater school for mermaids-in-training.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from October 26, 2009
    A boy makes a gingerbread pirate crew on Christmas Eve; his mom leaves most of the pirates for Santa, but the boy takes the captain to his room. As the boy sleeps, the captain—sporting a ruffled shirt made of icing and a toothpick peg leg—makes his way downstairs (“Where's my crew?
    he wondered. And who's this Santa Claus who wants to eat them?
    ”). Luckily, Santa ends up being a friend who gives the pirates a ship of their own. Swashbuckling gusto and a poignant finish should make this a new favorite. Ages 4–10.

  • School Library Journal

    October 1, 2009
    PreS-Gr 3-After Jim and his mother bake pirate gingerbread men for Santas snack, toothpick-legged Captain Cookie undertakes a daring rescue of his crew from the hungrybut understandingSanta Claus, who works a magical transformation. When Jim awakes Christmas morning, he finds under the Christmas tree not only a magnificent toy pirate ship, but also a peg-legged captain and crew onboard. An exciting story and full-page, dramatically composed paintings depicting harrowing adventures with a mouse, a cat, and the crew imprisoned in a cookie jar make this a good holiday read-aloud."Maureen Wade, Los Angeles Public Library"

    Copyright 2009 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    September 15, 2009
    Preschool-G On Christmas Eve, Jim and his mother bake and decorate a batch of pirate-shaped cookies, including peg-legged Captain Cookie. That night, the intrepid captain, who heard Jims mother suggest leaving out pirates for Santa Claus to eat and hopes to save his crew from that cannibal, makes his way to the living room. When Jim awakens on Christmas morning, he finds beside the tree a wonderful model pirate ship manned by wooden pirates who curiously resemble the cookies made the night before. Large in scale and dramatic in effect, watercolor-and-gouache paintings create believable settings, sometimes seen from unusual perspectives, and sympathetically portray the characters, especially the pirates, whose icing-sugar mouths and eyes are surprisingly expressive. Children will enjoy knowing more about Christmas than the pirate captain, who bravely charges himself into a situation he doesnt understand and challenges an unexpectedly benevolent foe. Fine for reading aloud, this secular seasonal story combines pirates and Christmas in a childlike, imaginative picture book.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2009, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2010
    A pirate captain gingerbread man refuses to accept his crew's fate on the plate of the season's most notorious cookie eater, Santa. In the end, Santa steps in to teach the pirates about the true nature of Christmas, graciously forgoing his snack. Tavares's vivid watercolor and gouache paintings dramatize Kladstrup's lively text with vigor in this imaginative adventure story.

    (Copyright 2010 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • The Horn Book

    November 1, 2009
    On Christmas Eve, a pirate captain gingerbread man (with a toothpick for a peg leg) refuses to accept his crew's fate on the plate of the season's most notorious cookie eater, Santa. Captain Cookie's quest to rescue his crew from their cookie-jar imprisonment is not without peril, and humorous obstacles abound, including an encounter with a mouse that leaves him weaponless (his gingerbread cutlass is devoured before his eyes) and a pervasive confusion as to what Christmas is all about. In the end, Santa steps in to teach the pirates about the true nature of Christmas, graciously forgoing his snack in their favor and granting Captain Cookie his wish -- to become the captain of a toy pirate ship. Tavares's vivid watercolor and gouache paintings dramatize Kladstrup's lively text with vigor in this imaginative adventure story.

    (Copyright 2009 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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    Candlewick Press
  • OverDrive Read
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The Gingerbread Pirates
The Gingerbread Pirates
Kristin Kladstrup
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