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White Bird
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White Bird
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Inspired by her blockbuster phenomenon Wonder, R. J. Palacio presents an unforgettable story of the power of kindness and unrelenting courage in a time of war.
In R. J. Palacio's bestselling collection of stories Auggie & Me, which expands on characters in Wonder, audiences were introduced to Julian's grandmother, Grandmère. Here, Palacio presents Grandmère's heartrending story: how she, a young Jewish girl, was hidden by a family in a Nazi-occupied French village during World War II; how the boy she and her classmates once shunned became her savior and best friend. 
Sara's harrowing experience movingly demonstrates the power of kindness to change hearts, build bridges, and even save lives. As Grandmère tells Julian, "It always takes courage to be kind, but in those days, such kindness could cost you everything." With poignant symbolism that brings Sara's story out of the past and cements it firmly in this moment in history, White Bird is sure to captivate anyone who was moved by the book Wonder or the blockbuster movie adaptation and its message.
This full-cast audio adaptation of White Bird transforms the graphic novel into a truly original audio performance.
This audiobook includes a PDF of the Glossary, Suggested Reading List, Organizations and Resources, and Bibliography.

Audio Narrators:
Grandmère, read by Hillary Huber
Sara Blum, read by Emily Ellet
Julian and Paul, read by Robbie Daymond
Maquisard and Monsieur Lafleur, read by Graham Halstead
Mademoiselle Petitjean, read by Lauren Ezzo
Jean Paul, read by Sean Patrick Hopkins
Max, Jerome, and Rabbi Bernstein, read by Robert Fass
Julien, read by Michael Crouch
Nazi Soldier, read by Tristan Morris
Pastor Luc, read by Adam Alexi-Malle
Vincent and a Nazi Soldier, read by P.J. Ochlan
Marianne and Ruth, read by Karissa Vacker
Rose, Sophie, and Madame Lafleur, read by Elizabeth Knowelden
Vivienne and Rabbi Bernstein's Wife, read by Lisa Flanagan
Praise for Wonder:
#1 New York Times bestseller
USA Today bestseller
Time Magazine's 100 Best Young Adult Books of All Time
"In a wonder of a debut, Palacio has written a crackling page-turner filled with characters you can't help but root for." —Entertainment Weekly
"Rich and memorable." —The New York Times
"A beautiful, funny and sometimes sob-making story of quiet transformation." —The Wall Street Journal
Inspired by her blockbuster phenomenon Wonder, R. J. Palacio presents an unforgettable story of the power of kindness and unrelenting courage in a time of war.
In R. J. Palacio's bestselling collection of stories Auggie & Me, which expands on characters in Wonder, audiences were introduced to Julian's grandmother, Grandmère. Here, Palacio presents Grandmère's heartrending story: how she, a young Jewish girl, was hidden by a family in a Nazi-occupied French village during World War II; how the boy she and her classmates once shunned became her savior and best friend. 
Sara's harrowing experience movingly demonstrates the power of kindness to change hearts, build bridges, and even save lives. As Grandmère tells Julian, "It always takes courage to be kind, but in those days, such kindness could cost you everything." With poignant symbolism that brings Sara's story out of the past and cements it firmly in this moment in history, White Bird is sure to captivate anyone who was moved by the book Wonder or the blockbuster movie adaptation and its message.
This full-cast audio adaptation of White Bird transforms the graphic novel into a truly original audio performance.
This audiobook includes a PDF of the Glossary, Suggested Reading List, Organizations and Resources, and Bibliography.

Audio Narrators:
Grandmère, read by Hillary Huber
Sara Blum, read by Emily Ellet
Julian and Paul, read by Robbie Daymond
Maquisard and Monsieur Lafleur, read by Graham Halstead
Mademoiselle Petitjean, read by Lauren Ezzo
Jean Paul, read by Sean Patrick Hopkins
Max, Jerome, and Rabbi Bernstein, read by Robert Fass
Julien, read by Michael Crouch
Nazi Soldier, read by Tristan Morris
Pastor Luc, read by Adam Alexi-Malle
Vincent and a Nazi Soldier, read by P.J. Ochlan
Marianne and Ruth, read by Karissa Vacker
Rose, Sophie, and Madame Lafleur, read by Elizabeth Knowelden
Vivienne and Rabbi Bernstein's Wife, read by Lisa Flanagan
Praise for Wonder:
#1 New York Times bestseller
USA Today bestseller
Time Magazine's 100 Best Young Adult Books of All Time
"In a wonder of a debut, Palacio has written a crackling page-turner filled with characters you can't help but root for." —Entertainment Weekly
"Rich and memorable." —The New York Times
"A beautiful, funny and sometimes sob-making story of quiet transformation." —The Wall Street Journal
Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • Difficulté du texte:
    2 - 3

Prix remportés-
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • R. J. Palacio is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Wonder, which has sold over 15 million copies worldwide. The book's message inspired the Choose Kind movement and has been embraced by readers around the world, with the book published in over 50 languages. Wonder was made into a blockbuster movie starring Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, and Jacob Tremblay. Palacio’s other bestselling books include Pony, 365 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne’s Book of PreceptsAuggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories, the picture book We’re All Wonders, and the graphic novel White Bird, which is currently being filmed as a major motion picture starring Gillian Anderson and Helen Mirren. Palacio lives in Brooklyn with her husband, two sons, and two dogs.
  • AudioFile Magazine An ensemble cast speaking French and English brings this graphic novel to life on audio. Fans of WONDER will recognize Julian as his grandm�re Sara tells the story of his namesake, a boy from her childhood in France. In 1940, when Nazi soldiers arrive at her school to take the Jewish children, Sara hides and is rescued by a bullied, crippled classmate named Julien. Music and sound effects increase the drama, although it may be too intense for some listeners. For example, we hear the blows as one character is beaten, a wolf growling and a child's screams as he is mauled to death. The sound of gunshots is particularly harrowing in another tragic scene, but this is overall a powerful and ultimately hopeful audiobook. S.C. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine
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  • OverDrive Listen
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  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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White Bird
White Bird
R. J. Palacio
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