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Even the Darkest Night
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Even the Darkest Night
A Terra Alta Novel
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INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLER • WINNER OF SPAIN’S BIGGEST LITERARY PRIZE • Barcelona detective Melchor Marín is sent to the countryside to investigate a horrific double murder. Before long, it becomes clear that nothing about the case is quite as it seems in this “sweeping romantic novel in the form of a police procedural” (Wall Street Journal).
The first book in the internationally acclaimed series: Melchor, the son of a prostitute, went to prison as a teenager, convicted of working for a Colombian drug cartel. Behind bars, he read a book that changed his life: Les Misérables. Then his mother was murdered. He decided to become a cop.
This new case, in Terra Alta, a remote region of rural Catalonia—the murder of a wealthy local man and his wife—will turn Melchor’s life upside down yet again.
Even the Darkest Night is a thought-provoking, elegantly constructed thriller about justice, revenge, and, above all, the struggles of a righteous man trying to find his place in a corrupt world.
INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLER • WINNER OF SPAIN’S BIGGEST LITERARY PRIZE • Barcelona detective Melchor Marín is sent to the countryside to investigate a horrific double murder. Before long, it becomes clear that nothing about the case is quite as it seems in this “sweeping romantic novel in the form of a police procedural” (Wall Street Journal).
The first book in the internationally acclaimed series: Melchor, the son of a prostitute, went to prison as a teenager, convicted of working for a Colombian drug cartel. Behind bars, he read a book that changed his life: Les Misérables. Then his mother was murdered. He decided to become a cop.
This new case, in Terra Alta, a remote region of rural Catalonia—the murder of a wealthy local man and his wife—will turn Melchor’s life upside down yet again.
Even the Darkest Night is a thought-provoking, elegantly constructed thriller about justice, revenge, and, above all, the struggles of a righteous man trying to find his place in a corrupt world.
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  • From the cover 1

    Melchor is still in his office, simmering on the low flame of his own impatience waiting for the night shift to end, when the phone rings. It’s the duty officer at the front desk. Two dead at the Adell country house, he announces.

    “The printing company Adells?” Melchor says.

    “That’s right,” the officer says. “Do you know where they live?”

    “Out on the Vilalba dels Arcs Road, no?”


    “Have we got anyone there?”

    “Ruiz and Mayol. They just phoned in.”

    “I’m on my way.”

    Until that moment, the night had been as calm as usual. In the hours before dawn there is hardly anyone left in the station and, as Melchor turns off the lights, closes his office door and runs down the deserted stairs, pulling on his jacket as he goes, the silence is so intense that it reminds him of those first days in Terra Alta, when he was still addicted to the roar of the city and the silence of the countryside kept him awake, condemning him to sleepless nights he fought with novels and sleeping pills. That memory brings back the forgotten image of the man he was four years earlier, when he arrived in Terra Alta; it also brings back an obvious fact: that he and that individual are two different people, as distinct as a criminal and a law-abiding man, as Jean Valjean and Monsieur Madeleine, the split and contradictory protagonist of Les Misérables, his favourite novel.

    When he reaches the ground floor, Melchor checks out his Walther P99 and a box of ammunition from the armoury, telling himself it’s been too long since he last read Les Misérables and that he’ll have to resign himself to missing breakfast with his wife and daughter that morning.

    He gets into his Opel Corsa and, while he pulls out of the station garage, he phones Sergeant Blai.

    “You better pray that whatever you have to tell me is important, españolazo,” the sergeant grunts, his voice still drenched in sleep. “Or I’ll string you up by your balls.”

    “There are two dead at the Adells’ house,” Melchor says.

    “The Adells? Which Adells?”

    “The printing Adells.”

    “You’re joking.”

    “I’m not joking,” Melchor says. “A patrol car just called it in. Ruiz and Mayol are already there. I’m on my way.”

    Suddenly awake, Blai begins to give him instructions.

    “Don’t tell me what I have to do,” Melchor interrupts him. “Just one thing: should I call Salom and the forensics team?”

    “No, I’ll make the calls,” Blai says. “We’ve got to tell everyone and their dog. You take care of preserving the scene, sealing off the house—”

    “Don’t worry, Sergeant,” Melchor cuts him off again. “I’ll be there in five.”

    “Give me half an hour,” Blai says and, as if no longer talking to Melchor but to himself, grumbles: “The Adells, for Christ’s sake. What a shitstorm this is going to be.”

    Without turning on the siren or his flashing lights, Melchor drives full speed through the streets of Gandesa, which at that hour are almost as deserted as the stairs and corridors of the police station. Occasionally he passes a cyclist in cycling gear, or a runner in running gear, or a car that might be returning from a long Saturday night or just beginning a long Sunday. Dawn is breaking in Terra Alta. An ashen sky heralds a morning without...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • JAVIER CERCAS was born in Spain in 1962. He is a novelist and columnist, and he has received numerous international awards. His books include Soldiers of Salamis (which has sold more than a million copies worldwide), The Anatomy of a Moment, The Tenant and The Motive, The Speed of Light, and The Impostor. His books have been translated into more than thirty languages. He lives in Barcelona.
    Translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean
  • Publisher's Weekly

    April 25, 2022
    The shadow of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables looms large over the engrossing latest from Spanish writer Cercas (Outlaws). Hugo’s classic is the favorite of ex-con Melchor Marín, who read the book while serving time for his involvement with a Colombian drug cartel and who identifies with police inspector Javert, whom he thinks of as a “false bad guy.” Now a detective in the Spanish town of Terra Alta, Melchor begins to channel some of Javert’s implacable pursuit of justice in his investigation of the murder of a printing magnate and his wife. Though the businessman had many enemies, no evidence turns up to implicate anyone for the crime, prompting his department to close the case. That rankles Melchor, in part because it reminds him of the death of his mother, a sex worker whose murder was never solved. Melchor’s dogged determination to keep investigating the case behind the backs of his superiors eventually risks danger to himself and his loved ones. While Cercas resorts to lengthy swaths of exposition to relate the characters’ back stories, the narrative is generally well paced and suspenseful, and a surprise ending firmly roots the novel in Spain’s troubled 20th-century history and brings Melchor’s Javert fixation full circle. Fans of literary detective novels ought to take a look.

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Even the Darkest Night
Even the Darkest Night
A Terra Alta Novel
Javier Cercas
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