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A Love by Design
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A Love by Design
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You couldn’t design a better hero than the very eligible and extremely charming Earl Grantham. Unless, of course, you are Margaret Gault, who wants nothing to do with the man who broke her youthful heart.
Widowed and determined, Margaret Gault has returned to Athena’s Retreat and the welcoming arms of her fellow secret scientists with an ambitious plan in mind: to establish England’s first woman-owned engineering firm. But from the moment she sets foot in London her plans are threatened by greedy investors and—at literally every turn—the irritatingly attractive Earl Grantham, a man she can never forgive.
George Willis, the Earl Grantham, is thrilled that the woman he has loved since childhood has returned to London. Not as thrilling, however, is her decision to undertake an engineering commission from his political archnemesis. When Margaret’s future and Grantham’s parliamentary reforms come into conflict, Grantham must use every ounce of charm he possesses—along with his stunning good looks and flawless physique, of course—to win Margaret over to his cause.
Facing obstacles seemingly too large to dismantle, will Grantham and Margaret remain forever disconnected or can they find a way to bridge their differences, rekindle the passion of their youth, and construct a love built to last?
You couldn’t design a better hero than the very eligible and extremely charming Earl Grantham. Unless, of course, you are Margaret Gault, who wants nothing to do with the man who broke her youthful heart.
Widowed and determined, Margaret Gault has returned to Athena’s Retreat and the welcoming arms of her fellow secret scientists with an ambitious plan in mind: to establish England’s first woman-owned engineering firm. But from the moment she sets foot in London her plans are threatened by greedy investors and—at literally every turn—the irritatingly attractive Earl Grantham, a man she can never forgive.
George Willis, the Earl Grantham, is thrilled that the woman he has loved since childhood has returned to London. Not as thrilling, however, is her decision to undertake an engineering commission from his political archnemesis. When Margaret’s future and Grantham’s parliamentary reforms come into conflict, Grantham must use every ounce of charm he possesses—along with his stunning good looks and flawless physique, of course—to win Margaret over to his cause.
Facing obstacles seemingly too large to dismantle, will Grantham and Margaret remain forever disconnected or can they find a way to bridge their differences, rekindle the passion of their youth, and construct a love built to last?
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  • From the cover 1

    London, 1844

    You will take that monstrosity back to where you purchased it, or I remove your spine with my bare hands."

    "If you put your tiny hands anywhere near my perfectly fashioned body, I will crush you. What do you have against sweet little bunnies? Everyone loves bunnies."

    George Willis, Earl Grantham, stood in the foyer of a large town house off Kingsbury Road and held a toy rabbit aloft, safe from the threatened predations of his onetime romantic rival, Arthur Kneland.

    Two years ago, Grantham had proposed to his best friend, the Lady Violet Greycliff. Violet, a genius chemist, and the founder of a secret society of women scientists, had chosen instead to marry Kneland, her former bodyguard. Grantham had opined-aloud and on multiple occasions-that her choice was a consequence of inhaling a few too many gases in her quest to prove Avogadro's law. Kneland had responded by dosing Grantham's tea with emetics.

    The affection between the two men bordered on unseemly.

    "Listen, Kneland," Grantham said with the patience of a saint, "I allowed Violet to marry you-"

    Kneland-whose sense of humor matched his height-rudely interrupted.

    "Violet chose to marry me. You had nothing-"

    "-despite your obvious shortcomings," Grantham continued. "If she saw fit to spend the rest of her days leg-shackled to a dour little Scot, who was I to stop her? However, I will not begrudge my goddaughter the attention and belongings she so richly deserves."

    Ever since the arrival of Violet and Arthur's daughter, Mirren Georgiana, Grantham had brought a baby gift when he came to visit. Kneland, being an aforementioned dour little Scot, had objected to the increasing size and elaborateness of the gifts.

    In fact, Kneland had called the steady stream of presents-culminating in this four-foot-tall stuffed rabbit made with costly angora wool and clad in a custom-designed silk dress with sapphires for eyes-"outrageous, exorbitant, and unreasonable."

    Admittedly, tweaking the former counterassassin with increasingly preposterous trinkets did provide the tiniest bit of amusement. Who would begrudge Grantham a sliver of light in an otherwise gloomy and miserable autumn?

    "I will take that rabbit and shove it so far up your . . ."

    Kneland, that's who.

    A tiny flush high on the man's cheekbones stood out against his weathered white skin, eliciting the sole clue he enjoyed himself as much as Grantham.

    "If you keep holding that monstrosity above your head, it leaves your underbelly exposed to any sharp blade that happens to be in someone's hands," said Kneland through gritted teeth.

    "Tiny hands that can't fit around a knife handle," Grantham observed. Tired of holding the damn thing in the air, he set his other hand on his hip. "Well, where is Vi? Let's ask her if Baby Georgie would like a bunny."

    "My child's name is Mirren, and my wife is not at home. She is fetching a guest from the train station," Kneland informed him. His brows met and he craned his neck to peer around Grantham into the street. "I believe that's her carriage now."

    Grantham looked at Arthur.

    Arthur looked at Grantham.

    Grantham looked at the rabbit.

    A grin ghosted across Arthur's face . . .

    And they were off.

    "What on earth?" the housekeeper, Mrs. Sweet, said, entering the foyer as the men tore past her.

    "Good day, Mrs. Sweet. Don't you look radiant?" Grantham called as they ran by.

    While Grantham had the superior muscular physique, Arthur was slippery like a weasel and the men were well matched as they raced through the hallways of Beacon House. Turning the corner...
  • Library Journal

    Starred review from October 1, 2022

    Lending a fresh perspective to historical romance, Everett's latest installment in her "Secret Scientists of London" Victorian series (following A Perfect Equation) centers on Margaret Gault. Recently widowed, she has returned to London to fulfill her dream of starting her own engineering firm, but she did not count on reuniting with her childhood love, Earl Grantham. Readers familiar with the series will recognize both from previous books, but here they take center stage for a charming story of second-chance love. This book is an excellent entry point to the series, but longtime fans won't find that Everett simply re-treads the same ground. Grantham and Margaret's struggle between their conflicting dreams and desires makes for excellent tension. Everett skillfully creates character moments, building a reunited-lovers scenario that allows both parties to have been wrong and right in past actions, and creating a lasting connection between her characters as they come together once again. VERDICT Enjoyable characters and an avoidance of many of the most common tropes of historical romance enliven Everett's novel; a must-read for those looking for STEM romances.--Brigid Black

    Copyright 2022 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    October 10, 2022
    Everett’s disappointing third Secret Scientists of London Regency romance (after A Perfect Equation) again grants readers a glimpse inside Athena’s Retreat, a haven for female scientists in a world that refuses to acknowledge their intelligence. This premise remains a valiant attempt to shine a light on Regency women outside of the domestic sphere, but this installment unfortunately devolves into an overdramatized and unbelievable mess. Margaret Gault, a hardworking, devoted, and ambitious engineer, has been given a commission that may make her career: to design a tunnel underneath the Thames. As she tackles this monumental project, she rekindles her love with her childhood friend George Willis, now the Earl Grantham. The romantic plot is simplified to a point that it leaves essential chemistry lacking—right up until the couple face sudden danger in the jarring climactic twist. The use of modern slang (the word clit appears multiple times) will pull readers from the narrative while the tidy resolution to a well-established tangle of seemingly insurmountable conflicts fails to satisfy. There’s too little substance behind any of it for readers to feel attached to either the characters or the world they inhabit. Fans will hope for a return to form in future installments. Agent: Ann Leslie Tuttle, Dystel, Goderich & Bourret.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from November 15, 2022
    This Victorian romance builds a bridge over the seeming gap between heterosexual romantic couplehood and a woman's professional fulfillment. The third novel in Everett's Secret Scientists of London series pairs engineer Margaret "Maggie" Gault and George Willis, Earl Grantham, estranged childhood sweethearts. When a widowed Maggie returns to England after her supportive French husband's death, she expects to strive alone in establishing the first woman-owned engineering firm. Despite the support of the other members of Athena's Retreat, a secret club for women scientists, she expects that an ethical compromise she has made to get a life-changing commission will soon earn their disapproval. George, the man who abandoned her as a teenager, is an additional concern, though he seems different from the boy she had trusted or the genial ne'er-do-well the aristocracy once thought him to be. Having grieved his well-meant but misguided abandonment of Maggie, he's hopeful of a reconciliation, but his goal of ruining an opponent of liberal reform puts Maggie's ambitions at risk. Everett raises the stakes from personal love to political battles, framing individual romance against the backdrop of gender and class struggle. Written with an evenhanded mix of slapstick, emotional confrontations, and scenes of intimacy that include reproductive choices, this novel may be the strongest one of the series yet. Fans of Lisa Kleypas will also appreciate glimpses of the tropes she's popularized in the Victorian historical romance genre, including "hurt/comfort," fused with a sequence reminiscent of the scene in Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility in which Alan Rickman's Brandon carries Kate Winslet's Marianne home. A second-chance, friends-to-enemies-to-lovers romance that imagines smashing the patriarchy.

    COPYRIGHT(2022) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from December 1, 2022
    Margaret Gault spends her professional life as an engineer figuring out ways to overcome obstacles. So when her father-in-law closes the family's engineering firm after the death of her husband, Margaret strikes out on her own. Returning home to England seems like a good start to her new business plan, especially when she is contracted to build a railway tunnel under the Thames. However, Margaret encounters two new obstacles. One of the parties funding the project turns out to be the founder of a group of misogynists with a misguided moralistic agenda. Secondly, Margaret finds herself constantly crossing paths with the earl of Grantham, who 16 years earlier broke Margaret's heart. No one does a better job at making science sexy than Everett (A Perfect Equation, 2022), and the latest artfully engineered addition to her Secret Scientists of London series is another triumph of emotional vulnerability and sizzling sexual chemistry. Built upon a solid foundation of engaging characterization and innovative plotting, this clever historical romance is deftly embellished with delightfully droll humor.


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A Love by Design
A Love by Design
Elizabeth Everett
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