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With photos, experiments, and more, this "appealing and highly informative" science book from the beloved TV host is "a winner" (School Library Journal). Science educator, TV host, and New York Times–bestselling author Bill Nye is on a mission to help young people understand and appreciate the science that makes our world work. Featuring a range of subjects—physics, chemistry, geology, biology, astronomy, global warming, and more—this profusely illustrated book covers the basic principles of each science, key discoveries, recent revolutionary advances, and the problems that science still needs to solve for our Earth. Nye and coauthor Gregory Mone present the most difficult theories and facts in an easy-to-comprehend, humorous way. They interviewed numerous specialists from around the world, in each of the fields discussed, whose insights are included throughout. Also included are experiments kids can do themselves to bring science to life! "Wordplay and wry wit put extra fun into a trove of fundamental knowledge." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Includes photographs, illustrations, diagrams, glossary, bibliography, and index
With photos, experiments, and more, this "appealing and highly informative" science book from the beloved TV host is "a winner" (School Library Journal). Science educator, TV host, and New York Times–bestselling author Bill Nye is on a mission to help young people understand and appreciate the science that makes our world work. Featuring a range of subjects—physics, chemistry, geology, biology, astronomy, global warming, and more—this profusely illustrated book covers the basic principles of each science, key discoveries, recent revolutionary advances, and the problems that science still needs to solve for our Earth. Nye and coauthor Gregory Mone present the most difficult theories and facts in an easy-to-comprehend, humorous way. They interviewed numerous specialists from around the world, in each of the fields discussed, whose insights are included throughout. Also included are experiments kids can do themselves to bring science to life! "Wordplay and wry wit put extra fun into a trove of fundamental knowledge." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Includes photographs, illustrations, diagrams, glossary, bibliography, and index
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En raison de restrictions imposées par l'éditeur, la bibliothèque n'est pas en mesure d'acheter des exemplaires supplémentaires de ce titre et nous vous présentons toutes nos excuses si la liste d'attente est longue. N'oubliez pas de regarder s'il existe d'autres exemplaires, car d'autres éditions sont peut-être disponibles.
Starred review from November 1, 2020
Gr 6-9-Nye's middle grade science text covers a wide range of topics, including the human body, zoology, botany, evolution, laws of motion and thermodynamics, plate tectonics, and the solar system. Nye and coauthor Mone provide clear explanations and a springboard for further exploration. Photographs of Nye, colorful diagrams and graphics, and accessible and humorous language work in harmony to create an appealing and highly informative work. The inclusion of brief biographies (astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell and cartographer Marie Tharp), pop culture references (scrawny Steve Rogers's transformation into Captain America is described in the discussion of muscle development), and quick home experiments (use salt and food coloring to learn about water density and ocean currents) add additional layers of investigation. Pages are devoted to examining climate change and other forms of human impact as well as debunking common myths used by science deniers. Readers are empowered to explore and question the world around them. VERDICT A timely and eco-conscious children's science book. Combine the effervescent and enduring appeal of Bill Nye with solid science and the result is a winner.-Alyssa Annico, Youngstown State Univ., OH
Copyright 2020 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
July 1, 2020 This compendium opens with "You Are an Amazing Machine" and concludes with "Huge: Cosmology, Astrophysics, and a Few Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe." Each of eighteen chapters tackles a particular branch of science, including botany, physics, zoology, astrobiology, and climate change. Because the topics are vast, coverage is necessarily condensed, but readers can browse for pleasure or tuck into a chapter and find inspiration to do further research. TV personality Nye's enthusiasm for science comes through in sections packed with information, boxed quotations from working scientists, "Try This" activities, photos, illustrations, diagrams, and graphics. A selected bibliography and index are appended.
(Copyright 2020 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)
Starred review from September 15, 2020 With an amped-up sense of wonder, the Science Guy surveys the natural universe. Starting from first principles like the scientific method, Nye and his co-author marvel at the "Amazing Machine" that is the human body then go on to talk up animals, plants, evolution, physics and chemistry, the quantum realm, geophysics, and climate change. They next venture out into the solar system and beyond. Along with tallying select aspects and discoveries in each chapter, the authors gather up "Massively Important" central concepts, send shoutouts to underrecognized women scientists like oceanographer Marie Tharp, and slip in directions for homespun experiments and demonstrations. They also challenge readers to ponder still-unsolved scientific posers and intersperse rousing quotes from working scientists about how exciting and wide open their respective fields are. If a few of those fields, like the fungal kingdom, get short shrift (one spare paragraph notwithstanding), readers are urged often enough to go look things up for themselves to kindle a compensatory habit. Aside from posed photos of Nye and a few more of children (mostly presenting as White) doing science-y things, the full-color graphic and photographic images not only reflect the overall "get this!" tone but consistently enrich the flow of facts and reflections. "Our universe is a strange and surprising place," Nye writes. "Stay curious." Words to live by. Wordplay and wry wit put extra fun into a trove of fundamental knowledge. (contributors, art credits, selected bibliography, index) (Nonfiction. 11-15)
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