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The Last Boyfriend
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The Last Boyfriend
The Inn Boonsboro Trilogy Series, Book 2
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#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts presents the story of a shared past, a fresh start, and a lifetime of love in the second novel in the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy.
Owen is the organizer of the Montgomery clan, running the family’s construction business with an iron fist—and an even less flexible spreadsheet. And though his brothers bust on his compulsive list-making, the Inn BoonsBoro is about to open right on schedule. The only thing Owen didn’t plan for was Avery McTavish...
Avery’s popular pizza place is right across the street from the inn, giving her a first-hand look at its amazing renovation—and a newfound appreciation for Owen. Since he was her first boyfriend when they were kids, Owen has never been far from Avery’s thoughts. But the attraction she’s feeling for him now is far from innocent.
As Avery and Owen cautiously take their relationship to another level, the opening of the inn gives the whole town of Boonsboro a reason to celebrate. But Owen’s hard work has only begun. Getting Avery to let down her guard is going to take longer than he expected—and so will getting her to realize that her first boyfriend is going to be her last…
Don't miss the other books in the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy
The Next Always
The Perfect Hope 

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts presents the story of a shared past, a fresh start, and a lifetime of love in the second novel in the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy.
Owen is the organizer of the Montgomery clan, running the family’s construction business with an iron fist—and an even less flexible spreadsheet. And though his brothers bust on his compulsive list-making, the Inn BoonsBoro is about to open right on schedule. The only thing Owen didn’t plan for was Avery McTavish...
Avery’s popular pizza place is right across the street from the inn, giving her a first-hand look at its amazing renovation—and a newfound appreciation for Owen. Since he was her first boyfriend when they were kids, Owen has never been far from Avery’s thoughts. But the attraction she’s feeling for him now is far from innocent.
As Avery and Owen cautiously take their relationship to another level, the opening of the inn gives the whole town of Boonsboro a reason to celebrate. But Owen’s hard work has only begun. Getting Avery to let down her guard is going to take longer than he expected—and so will getting her to realize that her first boyfriend is going to be her last…
Don't miss the other books in the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy
The Next Always
The Perfect Hope 

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  • From the book


    A fat winter moon poured light over the old stone and brick of the inn on The Square. In its beams, the new porches and pickets glowed, and the bright-penny copper of the roof glinted. The old and new merged there—the past and the now—in a strong and happy marriage. Its windows stayed dark on this December night, prizing its secrets in shadows. But in a matter of weeks they would shine like others along Boonsboro’s Main Street. As he sat in his truck at the light on The Square, Owen Montgomery looked up Main at the shops and apartments draped in their holiday cheer. Lights winked and danced. To his right, a pretty tree graced the big front window of the second-floor apartment. Their future innkeeper’s temporary residence reflected her style. Precise elegance. Next Christmas, he thought, they’d have Inn BoonsBoro covered with white lights and greenery. And Hope Beaumont would center her pretty little tree in the window of the innkeeper’s apartment on the third floor.

    He glanced to his left where Avery MacTavish, owner of Vesta Pizzeria and Family Restaurant, had the restaurant’s front porch decked out in lights.

    Her apartment above—formerly his brother Beckett’s—also showed a tree in the window. Otherwise the windows were as dark as the inn’s. She’d be working tonight, he thought, noting the movement in the restaurant. He shifted, but couldn’t see her behind the work counter.

    When the light changed, he turned right onto St. Paul Street, then left into the parking lot behind the inn. Then sat in his truck a moment, considering. He could walk over to Vesta, he thought, have a slice and a beer, hang out until closing. Afterward he could do his walk-through of the inn.

    He didn’t actually need to walk through, he reminded himself. But he hadn’t been on-site all day as he’d been busy with other meetings, other details on other Montgomery Family Contractors’ business. He didn’t want to wait until morning to see what his brothers and the crew had accomplished that day.

    Besides, Vesta looked busy, and had barely thirty minutes till closing. Not that Avery would kick him out at closing—probably. More than likely, she’d sit down and have a beer with him.

    Tempting, he thought, but he really should do that quick walkthrough and get home. He needed to be on-site, with his tools, by seven.

    He climbed out of the truck and into the frigid air, already pulling out his keys. Tall like his brothers, with a build leaning toward rangy, he hunched in his jacket as he walked around the stone courtyard wall toward the doors of The Lobby.

    His keys were color-coded, something his brothers called anal, and he deemed efficient. In seconds he was out of the cold and into the building.

    He hit the lights, then just stood there, grinning like a moron.

    The decorative tile rug highlighted the span of the floor and added another note of charm to the softly painted walls with their custom, creamy wainscoting. Beckett had been right on target about leaving the side wall exposed brick. And their mother had been dead-on about the chandelier.

    Not fancy, not traditional, but somehow organic with its bronzy branches and narrow, flowing globes centered over that tile rug. He glanced right, noted The Lobby restrooms with their fancy tiles and green-veined stone sinks had been painted.

    He pulled out his notebook, jotted down the need for a few touch-ups before he walked through the stone arch to the...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 9, 2012
    Roberts' newest addition to her enormous body of work (after The Next Always: Book One of the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy) fails to uphold the dictum that practice makes perfect—or at least makes better. Though Roberts has authored over 200 books, this second installment in the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy falls flat. Owen Montgomery is responsible for seeing to it that the titular inn—recently restored by Owen and his brothers, Beckett and Ryder—opens on time. But then again, he wasn't planning on being sidetracked, especially by an old flame. Avery McTavish claims Owen as her first boyfriend, no matter that she was five years old at the time. Now Owen is determined to rekindle their love and make sure he's the last boyfriend she ever has. Helped along by the Inn's resident ghost, Owen's plan may work out in his favor, but a contrived plot and clinical romance leaves readers plodding along without excitement or seduction. Redeemed only by the mature manner in which the main characters handle their problems, this book is best left for the die-hard Roberts fans.

  • Booklist

    April 15, 2012
    Owen Montgomery is all about details, and continually keeping on track and ontop of things is what makes him so good at his job. Owen's brother Beckett might be the design genius of Montgomery Family Contractors, and his brother Ryder might be able to build anything, but the family business would be lost without Owen's gift for making sure that all of the company's projects, including their current renovation and restoration of the old inn in Boonsboro, run smoothly. Up until now, Owen has planned every aspect of his life, and those plans do not include becoming romantically involved with Avery McTavish. But after sharing one kiss with Avery, Owen discovers even the most carefully constructed plan can change. In the second expertly crafted installment of her Inn Boonsboro Trilogy (The Next Always, 2011), Roberts drops a few more clues about the ghostly presence that haunts the Inn Boonsboro, while fashioning a splendidly sexy romance that delivers a knockout combination of engaging writing, tart humor, and realistically complicated characters with whom readers can easily relate. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: Stock up: the ever-popular Roberts continues her latest reader-pleasing series.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2012, American Library Association.)

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The Last Boyfriend
The Last Boyfriend
The Inn Boonsboro Trilogy Series, Book 2
Nora Roberts
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