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Couverture de Sage
A Novel
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In the dramatic finale of #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown’s popular Texas! trilogy, the headstrong youngest daughter of the Tyler family finally steps out of the shadows cast by her two older brothers. But forging her own path will take every ounce of savvy in Sage Tyler’s possession.
The youngest heir to her family’s oil fortune, Sage has always been the unbridled spitfire in the Tyler clan. Now, fresh out of college, she’s looking to settle down at last with her safe, upper-crust fiancé. Then into her life saunters Harlan Boyd, a rootless drifter recently hired for a Tyler Drilling Company project. Harlan’s just the sort of man Sage should avoid, but there’s something irresistible about the laconic cowboy that intrigues her.

When a financial crisis threatens to wreck Tyler Drilling for good, Sage and Harlan must channel their simmering chemistry into the task of saving the family business. But can she trust a man who shares her maverick spirit—and harbors long-held secrets of his own?

In the dramatic finale of #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown’s popular Texas! trilogy, the headstrong youngest daughter of the Tyler family finally steps out of the shadows cast by her two older brothers. But forging her own path will take every ounce of savvy in Sage Tyler’s possession.
The youngest heir to her family’s oil fortune, Sage has always been the unbridled spitfire in the Tyler clan. Now, fresh out of college, she’s looking to settle down at last with her safe, upper-crust fiancé. Then into her life saunters Harlan Boyd, a rootless drifter recently hired for a Tyler Drilling Company project. Harlan’s just the sort of man Sage should avoid, but there’s something irresistible about the laconic cowboy that intrigues her.

When a financial crisis threatens to wreck Tyler Drilling for good, Sage and Harlan must channel their simmering chemistry into the task of saving the family business. But can she trust a man who shares her maverick spirit—and harbors long-held secrets of his own?

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  • From the book

    Chapter One

    Her lips were soft and inviting against his as she sighed, then whispered, "Merry Christmas."

    "Merry Christmas to you, too, Sage."

    Smiling, she folded her arms around his neck and placed her lips on his again, putting more passion into their kiss . . . or trying to. "Travis!"


    "Kiss me."

    "I did."

    "I mean, really kiss me," she said and growled sexily. "You're allowed to kiss sexy, you know, even though it is Christmas."

    "Sage, please." Nervously the young man glanced toward the windows. A party was underway inside the house. "Somebody might see us."

    She removed her arms from around his neck and blew out a gust of air. "Oh, for heaven's sake, Travis, you're so damn proper! Nobody is looking. And if anyone is, who would care if we're out here necking?"

    "Mother would care. Do you like your bracelet?"

    Temporarily distracted, she replied, "Of course I like the bracelet. What woman wouldn't? It's beautiful."

    Raising her arm, she shook the heavy gold bangle around her wrist. "I'm glad you let me open my present tonight instead of waiting for Christmas Day."

    "This way you can enjoy it over the whole holiday."

    "That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you."

    "I still sense that you're disappointed."

    Sage Tyler looked up at him through her dense lashes and made a softly spoken confession. "I thought you might give me my engagement ring for Christmas."

    Before he could say anything, she rushed on. "But it's not as though we've already picked out rings. Who knows? I might not even want a traditional engagement ring. I'll probably flaunt convention and choose something radically different. Maybe a colored stone instead of a diamond."

    Travis cast his eyes down to the white leather pants she was wearing. Her sweater was appropriate enough—white angora with a tasteful amount of glittering studs and rhinestones sprinkled over the shoulders and upper bodice. The pants, however, were definitely a fashion risk.

    He smiled weakly. "Nobody ever accused you of being conventional, Sage."

    "Thank heaven for that." A movement of her head sent her mane of dark blond hair swinging over her shoulders. "I thought your mother was going to have heart failure when I came downstairs and joined the party wearing these pants."

    "Well, she, uh, associates leather clothes with Hell's Angels and rock stars, I guess."

    "Hmm. Maybe I should have worn something in a nice pastel taffeta."

    He frowned in disapproval of her sarcasm. "Mother is Mother. She and her friends are more or less alike. They do the same things, go to the same places, wear basically the same kind of clothes. She's accustomed to certain things."

    "If I'm going to be her daughter-in-law, she had better get accustomed to me, hadn't she? I hope she doesn't expect me to start wearing long plaid skirts and respectable navy flats when I become your wife. All I'll be changing the day we get married is my last name. Speaking of which," she added on a burst of inspiration, "Valentine's Day would be such a romantic date to get officially engaged. Even better than Christmas."

    Sage had dragged Travis outside for a breath of fresh air on the long, wide veranda of the Belcher home. The redbrick Georgian structure was strung with twinkling Christmas lights. In the living room behind them, an enormous Christmas tree, arranged by a decorator who favored lace, pearls, and butterflies, commanded attention from one of the wide windows overlooking the veranda.

    Three evergreens had been temporarily transplanted in the front lawn and decorated for the benefit of passersby who came...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Sandra Brown is the author of more than fifty-eight New York Times bestsellers, with more than seventy million copies of her books in print. She and her husband live in Arlington, Texas.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 1, 1991
    This final novel in the Tyler trilogy (begun in Texas! Lucky ) is summer-reading fluff; a few interesting plot twists, stereotypical but amusing characters and situations, and the factory-made happy ending. Headstrong Sage Tyler expects an engagement ring for Christmas. Instead, she gets jilted: Sage is too flamboyant for her finance's straitlaced family. Home to recuperate over the holidays, Sage is stuck in her kid-sister role, with no definite career plans and no family to compare with her two brothers'. She's also attracted and annoyed by lanky blond cowboy-type Harlan Boyd, a drifter hired for a project to save the family's ailing oil company, Tyler Drilling. Harlan exudes the strength and sexual magnetism her ex-fiance lacked, but his keen perception of Sage's vulnerability unsettles her, whereas he's too independent to commit. Joining Tyler Drilling, Sage must work as Harlan's sales partner as both deny an irresistible chemistry. Their bond intensifies through many bedroom scenes, while business takes off and Harlan's past conflicts are resolved.

  • USA Today

    "A masterful storyteller."

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A Novel
Sandra Brown
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