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Hole In My Life
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Hole In My Life
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In the summer of 1971, Jack Gantos was an aspiring writer desperate for adventure, college cash, and a way out of a dead-end job. For ten thousand dollars, he recklessly agreed to help sail a sixty-foot yacht loaded with hashish from the Virgin Islands to New York City, where he and his partners sold the drug until federal agents finally caught up to them in a bust at the Chelsea Hotel. For his part in the conspiracy, the twenty-year-old Gantos was sentenced to serve up to six years in prison.
            In Hole in My Life, this acclaimed author of more than 30 books for young people confronts the period of struggle and confinement that marked the end of his own youth. On the surface, the narrative tumbles from one intense moment to the next as Gantos pieces together the story of his restless final year of high school, his short-lived career as a smuggler, and his time in prison. But running just beneath the action is the story of how Gantos—once he found himself locked up in a small, yellow-walled cell—moved from wanting to be a writer to writing, and how this newfound dedication helped him endure the worst experience of his life.
In the summer of 1971, Jack Gantos was an aspiring writer desperate for adventure, college cash, and a way out of a dead-end job. For ten thousand dollars, he recklessly agreed to help sail a sixty-foot yacht loaded with hashish from the Virgin Islands to New York City, where he and his partners sold the drug until federal agents finally caught up to them in a bust at the Chelsea Hotel. For his part in the conspiracy, the twenty-year-old Gantos was sentenced to serve up to six years in prison.
            In Hole in My Life, this acclaimed author of more than 30 books for young people confronts the period of struggle and confinement that marked the end of his own youth. On the surface, the narrative tumbles from one intense moment to the next as Gantos pieces together the story of his restless final year of high school, his short-lived career as a smuggler, and his time in prison. But running just beneath the action is the story of how Gantos—once he found himself locked up in a small, yellow-walled cell—moved from wanting to be a writer to writing, and how this newfound dedication helped him endure the worst experience of his life.
Formats disponibles-
  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • Niveau d'intérêt:
  • Difficulté du texte:
    4 - 5

Prix remportés-
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Jack Gantos has written books for all ages from children to adult, including the popular Rotten Ralph series.  He is nationally recognized as a leading presenter on creative writing and literature for both teachers and students.  He lives with his wife and daughter in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • AudioFile Magazine How do you tell your young readers that your writing career began in prison? If you're Jack Gantos, Newbery Honor winner and two-time Earphones Award winner, you have the trust of your readers and listeners to tell it straight. Some listeners may desire more emotional expression in Gantos's description of the "hole in his life" that led him to make his fateful error. However, the target audience, readers ages 13-17, will appreciate the simplicity of Gantos's storytelling. The reading portrays not the drama of a fictional character caught in a drug-smuggling operation, but the straightforward story of a regular kid tempted by an easy solution. K.C. Winner of 2004 ALA/ YALSA Recording (c) AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from August 23, 2004
    "Gantos uses the same bold honesty found in his fiction to offer a riveting autobiographical account of his teen years ," PW
    said. "It will leave readers emotionally exhausted and a little wiser." Ages 12-up.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 25, 2002
    After penning a number of novels for preteens, including the Joey Pigza books and the Jack series, Gantos makes a smooth transition as he addresses an older audience. He uses the same bold honesty found in his fiction to offer a riveting autobiographical account of his teen years—and the events may well penetrate the comfort zone of even the most complacent young adults. The memoir begins with the dramatic image of the author as a young convict ("When I look at my face in the photo I see nothing but the pocked mask I was hiding behind"). The book then goes on to provide an in-depth examination of the sensitive and intelligent boy residing behind a tough facade. Inspired by the words and lives of some of his favorite American authors, Gantos sought adventure after leaving high school. He eagerly agreed to help smuggle a shipment of hashish from Florida to New York without giving thought of the possible consequences. Knowing that the narrator is destined to land in jail keeps suspense at a high pitch, but this book's remarkable achievement is the multiple points of view that emerge, as experiences force a fledgling writer to continually revise his perspective of himself and the world around him. The book requires a commitment, as it rambles a bit at times, but it provides much food for thought and fuel for debate. It will leave readers emotionally exhausted and a little wiser. Ages 12-up.

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    Books on Tape
  • OverDrive Listen
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  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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Hole In My Life
Hole In My Life
Jack Gantos
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