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Ghost Roast
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Ghost Roast

Ghost Roast delivers a paranormal adventure full of first crushes, lost histories, and the impossible task of fitting in when your dad is a professional ghosthunter. A stand-alone YA graphic novel from authors Shawneé and Shawnelle Gibbs and artist Emily Cannon!

For as long as she can remember, Chelsea Grant has tried everything she can think of to distance herself from the disastrous damage her father does to her social life. It's not easy to shake her reputation as Ghost Girl when Dad keeps advertising his business as a "paranormal removal expert" in big, bold, loud letters all over New Orleans!

This year, Chelsea's all grown up, attending one of the most prestigious high schools in the city, and she's finally made friends with the popular crowd. Things are looking up—until a night on the town backfires spectacularly, landing her in hot water at home. Her punishment? Working for her dad at Paranormal Removal Services. All. Summer.

Worst of all, her new job reveals an unexpected secret she has to keep: While Dad hunts ghosts with his own DIY tech, Chelsea can actually see them. And when she meets Oliver, a friendly spirit, at the fancy mansion her dad is getting a handsome fee to exorcize, she realizes she has to save his after-life, even if it risks everything her father's worked for.

Ghost Roast delivers a paranormal adventure full of first crushes, lost histories, and the impossible task of fitting in when your dad is a professional ghosthunter. A stand-alone YA graphic novel from authors Shawneé and Shawnelle Gibbs and artist Emily Cannon!

For as long as she can remember, Chelsea Grant has tried everything she can think of to distance herself from the disastrous damage her father does to her social life. It's not easy to shake her reputation as Ghost Girl when Dad keeps advertising his business as a "paranormal removal expert" in big, bold, loud letters all over New Orleans!

This year, Chelsea's all grown up, attending one of the most prestigious high schools in the city, and she's finally made friends with the popular crowd. Things are looking up—until a night on the town backfires spectacularly, landing her in hot water at home. Her punishment? Working for her dad at Paranormal Removal Services. All. Summer.

Worst of all, her new job reveals an unexpected secret she has to keep: While Dad hunts ghosts with his own DIY tech, Chelsea can actually see them. And when she meets Oliver, a friendly spirit, at the fancy mansion her dad is getting a handsome fee to exorcize, she realizes she has to save his after-life, even if it risks everything her father's worked for.

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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Shawneé Gibbs is the co-author of Ghost Roast and the Glyph Award–nominated adventure series The Invention of E.J. Whitaker with her twin sister Shawnelle, the other half of the Gibbs Sisters writing team. She has served as a staff writer for Warner Bros. Animation and has written for DreamWorks Animation, Mattel Studios, and Disney. Originally from Oakland, California, she currently lives and plays in Los Angeles.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from October 23, 2023
    As penance for a poor decision, a 15-year-old New Orleanian must help her father run his ghost-hunting business in the Gibbs sisters’ and illustrator Cannon’s cheeky graphic novel debut. Chelsea Grant, desperate to stay relevant among the popular crowd, reluctantly agrees to attend a party at a local cemetery, during which she drinks and smokes marijuana—until the police arrive. Now grounded, Chelsea must assist her specter-chasing father in keeping his struggling paranormal business afloat, a punishment that dredges up painful middle school memories for a once-ostracized Chelsea. After securing a new client, Chelsea and her dad arrive at the property, a former sugarcane plantation. And while her father is excited to use his ghost roaster to expel the estate’s “irregular energy,” Chelsea—who, unbeknownst to him, can see and speak to ghosts—seeks an alternative solution to help the spectral inhabitants. In the vein of Octavia Butler’s Kindred and boasting the fun of Ghostbusters, the Gibbs sisters invoke New Orleans mysticism to shed light on the city’s history surrounding enslaved peoples. Cannon’s vibrant, beaming color palette keep spirits—and suspense—high amid the dark themes. Chelsea is portrayed as Black; background characters are rendered with varying skin tones. Ages 13–up. (Jan.)

  • Kirkus

    November 1, 2023
    A high school student tries to solve a long-buried mystery involving the spirits haunting a New Orleans mansion. After years of being known as the Ghost Girl from the Seventh Ward, 15-year-old Chelsea Grant is now a member of the popular crowd. Shortly before summer vacation, a rowdy night out with friends ends in a jail cell. Much to her chagrin, Chelsea must spend the summer working for her father's ghost-removal agency as punishment. When her dad is hired to exorcise Harrington Manor, Chelsea assumes the job will be another bust. However, soon after setting foot on the former sugarcane plantation, Chelsea, who is Black, realizes she can see and speak to the manor's ghosts--including Oliver, the gorgeous Harrington heir who went missing in 1879. As Chelsea's friendship with Oliver deepens, she uncovers grave secrets, and Oliver lies at the heart of them. In this well-paced graphic novel by the Gibbs sisters and debut artist Cannon, the tender flush of a first romance is effectively wrapped up in historical intrigue. Chelsea's relationship with her parents is crafted with realism, and the manor's legacy of slavery is explored with honesty. The lively and expressive manga-style illustrations complement the narrative well. Present-day scenes feature a rich, vibrant palette, while Chelsea's flashbacks and historical interludes use faded tones. A fresh and charming modern Southern ghost story starring a plucky hero who isn't afraid to stand up for the truth. (Graphic paranormal. 13-18)

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    February 1, 2024
    Grades 8-10 Chelsea Grant is a popular girl with a huge secret: her father works as a ghost-removal technician. Afraid of being an outcast again, Chelsea never talks about her dad, but when she and her friends get arrested for trespassing in a graveyard and her dad comes to pick her up, her secret's out. And worse, her punishment is working for her father over the summer. Their invitation to the Harrington Plantation Manor is intriguing, though, and as she investigates the manor, she realizes she can see ghosts, including the mysterious Oliver Harrington, and some of them have meaningful stories and shouldn't be destroyed. The Gibbses' enthralling comic is filled with the rich history and lore Louisiana is known for, especially the resonant stories of those who lived on plantations and the secrets they keep. Cannon's bright, vivid artwork, filled with evocative detail and a realistically diverse cast of characters, brings this Ghostbusters-like story to life, and a sprinkle of paranormal romance and a nuanced exploration of race and history will captivate readers looking for more than just a ghost story.


  • School Library Journal

    February 1, 2024

    Gr 9 Up-A quirky and fun supernatural graphic novel set in modern-day New Orleans. The story follows Chelsea Grant, who was finally accepted by the popular crowd at her new school, then got into a bit of trouble and landed herself a summer of having to work with her dad instead of hanging out with her friends. To make matters worse, her dad is the town joke because he runs a real-life ghost hunting business. What starts as punishment takes an unexpected turn when Chelsea realizes that she can actually see the ghosts her dad is hunting. Once she gets to know a few of them, she's not too sure if they should be exterminated. Even with her supernatural capabilities, Chelsea's character is relatable as she deals with normal teenage problems and current social issues. Themes of slavery and plantation history are carefully woven through the story. The authors, sisters, do a wonderful job of developing an authentic and strong protagonist who must deal with realistic problems, all while maintaining a bit of mystical flair. VERDICT An engaging narrative with gorgeous illustrations makes this a captivating graphic novel and a strong purchase for any collection.-Cat Miserendino

    Copyright 2024 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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Ghost Roast
Ghost Roast
Shawneé Gibbs
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