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There's a Lion in My Cornflakes
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There's a Lion in My Cornflakes
Sainsbury's Children's Book Award winner for Best Picture Book; A Guardian Best New Children's Book; The Sunday Times' Children's Book of the Week
If you ever see a box of cornflakes offering a free lion, ignore it!
This is the hair-raising story of two brothers who didn't – and then ended up with a grizzly bear, a cranky old crocodile, and a huge gorilla!
Now if only they could get a free tiger . . .
This hilarious and whimsical picture book with audio is sure to be a hit with kids and adults alike!
Sainsbury's Children's Book Award winner for Best Picture Book; A Guardian Best New Children's Book; The Sunday Times' Children's Book of the Week
If you ever see a box of cornflakes offering a free lion, ignore it!
This is the hair-raising story of two brothers who didn't – and then ended up with a grizzly bear, a cranky old crocodile, and a huge gorilla!
Now if only they could get a free tiger . . .
This hilarious and whimsical picture book with audio is sure to be a hit with kids and adults alike!
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    K - 2

Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Michelle Robinson is the bestselling, award-winning author of picture books including The World Made a Rainbow, She Rex, There's a Lion in my Cornflakes, A Beginner's Guide to Bearspotting, Grandmas from Mars, the Goodnight Spaceman series and many, many more. She has won several awards, including the Lollies Laugh Out Loud Book Award, Sainsbury's Children's Book Award, the Stockport Children's Book Award and the North Somerset Teachers' Book awards. She is also the author of funny young fiction including Do Not Disturb the Dragons and Do Not Mess with the Mermaids.
    michellerobinson.co.uk / @micherobinson
  • Publisher's Weekly

    March 16, 2015
    In this wry cautionary tale, Robinson (How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth) and Field introduce two brothers who make “a million trips to the supermarket” and spend a year’s allowance on cornflakes to collect 100 coupons from the cereal boxes. The prize they are sending away for: a free lion. They’re so keen on getting one that they don’t mind that their peeved mother makes them eat “nothing but cornflakes until they were all gone.” They do mind, though, when no lion arrives—and all the other kids in town are happily playing soccer, skateboarding, and picnicking with their lions. The cereal company, which has run out of lions, sends the two boys a bear, crocodile,
    and gorilla, instead, and the resulting mayhem plays out hilariously in Field’s loopy digital illustrations. Unfolding through younger brother Eric’s don’t-make-the-same-mistake-I-did narration, the story proceeds leisurely, but the underlying message about the value of standing out from the crowd goes down easy thanks to all the over-the-top animal shenanigans. Ages 3–6.

  • Kirkus

    March 15, 2015
    An all-too-successful cereal promotion leads to surprises, some of them unpleasant, for two lads who send in coupons for a free lion.As the British import starts out on a cautionary path, makes an abrupt turnabout, and then ends with what could be construed (on this side of the pond, anyway) as trademark infringement, it's all rather a muddle. After urging readers to ignore cereal coupons, a young narrator describes how he and his brother spent a year's allowance on 100 boxes of Mr. Flaky cornflakes only to see all their neighbors getting their lions first. Worse yet, they finally receive (because the company had run out of lions) a bad-tempered grizzly bear, a cranky crocodile, and finally a destructive gorilla. But then said animals are suddenly, inexplicably transformed from annoyances to assets (the croc, for instance, obligingly bites open cans). Furthermore, lions aren't worth the trouble-"EVERYONE'S got one"- but check out the new prize offering: a genial, anthropomorphic tiger! Field's lackadaisical scenes of tidy suburban chaos, swarms of mostly well-behaved (male) lions, and human figures with exaggerated expressions of dismay or irritation do little to boost the comedy or clarify the message, if any. This bland addition to the "unusual pets" genre misses most of the comedic possibilities and ends up a long way from "grrrrreat." (Picture book. 5-7)

  • School Library Journal

    July 1, 2015

    K-Gr 2-When a young boy with a Dennis the Menace haircut and huge round glasses sees that his cereal box offers a "free lion" if one saves 100 coupons, the game is on. The young boy and his brother Dan buy boxes and boxes of cornflakes to cut out the coupons, saving them to send in and get their own lion. The family eats cornflakes morning, noon, and night. After sending in their pile of collected coupons, the boys eagerly watch for their lion to arrive in the mail. All the other kids who had collected coupons already have their lions, but when the delivery truck finally arrives, the brothers get a bear instead. They exchange their unwanted bear and get a crocodile and so on, adding new creatures each time. Each arrival is more ridiculous than the last, and after all of their complaints to the cornflake company, they wind up with a lifetime supply of a cereal they dislike! Gack! The boys learn to appreciate all the things their unexpected prizes can do for them and eventually become happy with their menagerie. But then they get a box of cornflakes advertising a tiger if one collects 100 coupons. Hmmm. This is a delightfully silly book with terrific illustrations. The graphic for the lion coupons alone is a winner. Exaggerated cartoonlike pictures will make young readers laugh out loud. VERDICT A recommended selection for children's collections.-Mary Hazelton, formerly at Warren & Waldoboro Elementary Schools, ME

    Copyright 2015 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • The Horn Book

    July 1, 2015
    Imagine an absurd twist on sending away for a decoder ring: two brothers buy every cornflake box they can to save coupons for a free lion. Instead of a lion, they receive a bear, a crocodile, and a gorilla...and cornflakes for life (ugh!). Exaggerated digital illustrations contain funny touches, and the story delivers on its silly premise.

    (Copyright 2015 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • Publishers Weekly [T]he underlying message about the value of standing out from the crowd goes down easy thanks to all the over-the-top animal shenanigans.
  • School Library Journal A delightfully silly book with terrific illustrations . . . Will make young readers laugh out loud.
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  • Éditeur
    Bloomsbury Publishing
  • OverDrive Read
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There's a Lion in My Cornflakes
There's a Lion in My Cornflakes
Michelle Robinson
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