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Love Lettering
Couverture de Love Lettering
Love Lettering
A Witty and Heartfelt Love Story
"The perfect quarantine read. It's funny, sweet, and beautifully written. The romance is so perfect it made me ache."
—Alisha Rai, Bustle

Kirkus Best Fiction Book of 2020
PopSugar Crazy Popular Books of 2020
Amazon Best Romance of the Month
Top Ten Best Romances of 2019—Entertainment Weekly

Kobo Best Romance of the Year
Bustle 17 Best New Books Of December 2019

SheReads' Most Anticipated Books of 2020
HelloGiggles 8 Best New Books To Read In December

One of the most beloved romantic comedies of 2020, Love Lettering is a heart-melting and touching story that fans of Tessa Bailey, Jen DeLuca, and Emily Henry cannot miss.

In this warm and witty romance from acclaimed author Kate Clayborn, one little word puts a woman's business—and her heart—in jeopardy . . .

Meg Mackworth's hand-lettering skill has made her famous as the Planner of Park Slope, designing custom journals for her New York City clientele. She has another skill too: reading signs that other people miss. Knowing the upcoming marriage of Reid Sutherland and his polished fiancée was doomed to fail is one thing, but weaving a secret word of warning into their wedding program is another. Meg may have thought no one would spot it, but she hadn't counted on sharp-eyed, pattern-obsessed Reid.

A year later, Reid has tracked Meg down to find out how she knew that his meticulously planned future was about to implode. But with a looming deadline and a bad case of creative block, Meg doesn't have time for Reid's questions—unless he can help her find her missing inspiration. As they gradually open up to each other, both try to ignore a deepening connection between them. But the signs are there—irresistible, indisputable, urging Meg to heed the messages Reid is sending her, before it's too late . . .
Praise for Love Lettering
"I can't wait for the whole world to fall in love with Love Lettering!"
—Jasmine Guillory

"Delicious and beautiful and perfect."
New York Times bestselling author Sarah MacLean

"This book will wake you up in the middle of the night aching for these perfectly imperfect characters."
—Sonali Dev, author of Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors
"The perfect quarantine read. It's funny, sweet, and beautifully written. The romance is so perfect it made me ache."
—Alisha Rai, Bustle

Kirkus Best Fiction Book of 2020
PopSugar Crazy Popular Books of 2020
Amazon Best Romance of the Month
Top Ten Best Romances of 2019—Entertainment Weekly

Kobo Best Romance of the Year
Bustle 17 Best New Books Of December 2019

SheReads' Most Anticipated Books of 2020
HelloGiggles 8 Best New Books To Read In December

One of the most beloved romantic comedies of 2020, Love Lettering is a heart-melting and touching story that fans of Tessa Bailey, Jen DeLuca, and Emily Henry cannot miss.

In this warm and witty romance from acclaimed author Kate Clayborn, one little word puts a woman's business—and her heart—in jeopardy . . .

Meg Mackworth's hand-lettering skill has made her famous as the Planner of Park Slope, designing custom journals for her New York City clientele. She has another skill too: reading signs that other people miss. Knowing the upcoming marriage of Reid Sutherland and his polished fiancée was doomed to fail is one thing, but weaving a secret word of warning into their wedding program is another. Meg may have thought no one would spot it, but she hadn't counted on sharp-eyed, pattern-obsessed Reid.

A year later, Reid has tracked Meg down to find out how she knew that his meticulously planned future was about to implode. But with a looming deadline and a bad case of creative block, Meg doesn't have time for Reid's questions—unless he can help her find her missing inspiration. As they gradually open up to each other, both try to ignore a deepening connection between them. But the signs are there—irresistible, indisputable, urging Meg to heed the messages Reid is sending her, before it's too late . . .
Praise for Love Lettering
"I can't wait for the whole world to fall in love with Love Lettering!"
—Jasmine Guillory

"Delicious and beautiful and perfect."
New York Times bestselling author Sarah MacLean

"This book will wake you up in the middle of the night aching for these perfectly imperfect characters."
—Sonali Dev, author of Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors
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  • OverDrive Read
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Kate Clayborn is the critically acclaimed author of contemporary romance novels. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Oprah Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Bookpage, and more. By day she works in education, and by night (and sometimes, by very early morning) she writes contemporary romances about smart, strong, modern heroines who face the world alongside true friends and complicated families. She resides in Virginia with her husband and their dog. She can be found online at KateClayborn.com.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    November 18, 2019
    This whimsical rom-com from Clayborn (Best of Luck) contrasts cute romance with cringe-worthy moments of embarrassment for the bumbling central couple. Meg Mackworth is a New York City calligraphy artist whose intricate hand-lettering is in high demand. No one but Meg was ever supposed to notice the secret messages she doodles into her designs to keep her work from becoming boring. When Meg’s former client Reid, a high-strung math genius, confronts her about spotting the word mistake hidden in the wedding programs Meg made for him and his now-ex, Meg admits to having picked up on the couple’s discontentment. Stalled out on her latest project and feeling guilty for embedding the subversive message in Reid’s wedding programs, Meg impulsively invites him to walk the city with her in search of inspiration in the form of signs both literal and figurative. This leads to a sweet, if frequently awkward, slow burn as the pair grows closer over the following weeks. Though Clayborn’s style occasionally verges on twee, her loving descriptions of New York are deeply appealing. This touching story is full of love and laughter. Agent: Taylor Haggerty, Root Literary.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from November 1, 2019
    A quirky romance between a New York City woman famous for her lovely hand-lettering and the Wall Street mathematician who discovers the secret messages she embeds in her work. Meg, an Instagram-famous hand-letterer and calligrapher, couldn't resist embedding a hidden code in the wedding program of society bride Avery and her handsome but taciturn groom, Reid. When the wedding is cancelled, Reid, a quantitative analyst who discovered Meg's message ("M-I-S-T-A-K-E"), seeks her out. Reid knows the breakup was for the best, but it brings home how lost and out of place he feels in New York. For her part, Meg has been experiencing artist's block as she prepares to compete for a contract with a major retail chain to feature her work in their stationery line. She invites Reid to walk the streets of the city with her, looking for meaning in the words and letters around them. As their romance heats up, Reid has to contend with some major conflict at work, and Meg is coping with the demands of a new celebrity client and the increasing distance of her best friend and roommate, Sibby. Clayborn's (Best of Luck, 2018, etc.) depiction of the artistry of hand-lettering and the worlds that letters open up for Meg is fascinating. Letters and signs organize Meg's experience: "L-I-K-E, after all, is a word I've been turning over and over a lot in my head over these last two weeks, trying to absorb it into my being, trying to keep it from becoming something else." Meg's dry observations are hilarious (her drink is a "defibrillator in a cup"), and even readers familiar with New York will see the city in a new light, through its signs and symbols. Reid and Meg are wonderfully unique, and their romance carves a sweet, winding, and sexy path to self-acceptance and mutual affirmation. Fresh, funny, clever, and deeply satisfying.

    COPYRIGHT(2019) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Library Journal

    December 1, 2019

    Meg Mackworth built a business and a reputation through her fine ability for hand-lettering and is now in demand as the "Planner of Park Slope," designing custom journals and invitations for Brooklyn's well-heeled. On an impulse, and based on her finely tuned intuition, Meg decides to hide a secret message in a wedding program she's designing for Reid Sutherland and his fiancée, warning that the marriage will fail. To her surprise, he appears one year later with no wife and questions her about the hidden word. To assuage her guilt and hopefully overcome her own creative block, Meg invites Reid on walking tours of New York's best signage. Against all odds, the two develop a sigh-inducingly satisfying relationship that's threatened by the secrets they both are keeping. VERDICT Clayborn (Beginner's Luck) delivers an emotionally resonant love story filled with charming details of city life and the artisanal trendiness of hand-lettering and calligraphy that adorns the urban setting. This will be popular among the enthusiastic and growing audience for romantic comedies.--Meagan Day, High Plains Lib. Dist., CO

    Copyright 2019 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Library Journal

    December 1, 2019

    Meg Mackworth built a business and a reputation through her fine ability for hand-lettering and is now in demand as the "Planner of Park Slope," designing custom journals and invitations for Brooklyn's well-heeled. On an impulse, and based on her finely tuned intuition, Meg decides to hide a secret message in a wedding program she's designing for Reid Sutherland and his fianc�e, warning that the marriage will fail. To her surprise, he appears one year later with no wife and questions her about the hidden word. To assuage her guilt and hopefully overcome her own creative block, Meg invites Reid on walking tours of New York's best signage. Against all odds, the two develop a sigh-inducingly satisfying relationship that's threatened by the secrets they both are keeping. VERDICT Clayborn (Beginner's Luck) delivers an emotionally resonant love story filled with charming details of city life and the artisanal trendiness of hand-lettering and calligraphy that adorns the urban setting. This will be popular among the enthusiastic and growing audience for romantic comedies.--Meagan Day, High Plains Lib. Dist., CO

    Copyright 2019 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • BookPage on Best of Luck "Breathtaking... easily one of the best I have ever read."
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    Kensington Books
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Love Lettering
Love Lettering
A Witty and Heartfelt Love Story
Kate Clayborn
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