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Couverture de Areté
Activate Your Heroic Potential


"This book will change your life. And, if enough of us commit, it will change the world." — Phil Stutz, MD, bestselling author of The Tools, featured in the Netflix documentary, Stutz

In Areté, Brian Johnson integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools to, as per the sub-title of the book, help you activate your Heroic potential and fulfill your destiny.

If you asked the ancient stoic philosophers how to live a good life, they'd answer you in a single word: Areté. We translate Areté as "virtue" or "excellence" but the word has a deeper meaning—something closer to being your best self moment to moment to moment.

Phil Stutz, MD, the author of The Tools, who was featured in the Netflix documentary called Stutz, wrote the foreword to the book.

He says: "What Brian has developed is much more than a bunch of coping mechanisms for the over-stressed modern person; although that would be an improvement for most of us. He's developed a training program for the soul.

Commit to this training and you will gain the ability to transmute your biggest problems, your darkest days, into unstoppable courage, endless enthusiasm, and an unshakable faith in the future.

This book will change your life. And, if enough of us commit, it will change the world."Book discussion questions are available here: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/www.blackstoneaudio.com/docs/Arete_Discussion%20Questions.pdf


"This book will change your life. And, if enough of us commit, it will change the world." — Phil Stutz, MD, bestselling author of The Tools, featured in the Netflix documentary, Stutz

In Areté, Brian Johnson integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools to, as per the sub-title of the book, help you activate your Heroic potential and fulfill your destiny.

If you asked the ancient stoic philosophers how to live a good life, they'd answer you in a single word: Areté. We translate Areté as "virtue" or "excellence" but the word has a deeper meaning—something closer to being your best self moment to moment to moment.

Phil Stutz, MD, the author of The Tools, who was featured in the Netflix documentary called Stutz, wrote the foreword to the book.

He says: "What Brian has developed is much more than a bunch of coping mechanisms for the over-stressed modern person; although that would be an improvement for most of us. He's developed a training program for the soul.

Commit to this training and you will gain the ability to transmute your biggest problems, your darkest days, into unstoppable courage, endless enthusiasm, and an unshakable faith in the future.

This book will change your life. And, if enough of us commit, it will change the world."Book discussion questions are available here: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/www.blackstoneaudio.com/docs/Arete_Discussion%20Questions.pdf

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  • OverDrive Read
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Brian Johnson is the Founder and CEO of Heroic Public Benefit Corporation. He's 50% philosopher, 50% CEO, and 101% committed to helping create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051. As a Founder/CEO he's raised $25M+, made crowdfunding history, and built and sold two social platforms. As a philosopher/teacher, he's helped millions of people from around the world, trained 10,000+ Heroic Coaches from 100+ countries and created a protocol that science says changes lives. He lives in the country outside Austin, Texas, with his wife, Alexandra, and their two kids, Emerson and Eleanor.

  • Phil Stutz, MD, bestselling author of The Tools, featured in the Netflix documentary Stutz

    "This book will change your life. And, if enough of us commit, it will change the world."

  • John Mackey, cofounder and former CEO of Whole Foods Market

    "I wish this book was available fifty years ago when I was just starting out on my own life journey. I wholeheartedly recommend it."

  • Cal Newport, New York Times bestselling author of Digital Minimalism and Deep Work

    "Optimization for the sake of optimization is ultimately shallow. Brian Johnson draws from profound ancient wisdom, activated with powerful modern science, to provide a deeper alternative: the cultivation of heroism. This book provides the answer for those who are asking that most basic of questions: What should I do with my life?"

  • Tal Ben-Shahar, New York Times bestselling author of Happier

    "From the beginning of this book Brian Johnson sets up incredibly high expectations, promising us the best, most heroic version of ourselves. And then, with each word, metaphor, story, and research, Brian proceeds to overdeliver on his promise. You have in your hands a life-changing masterpiece."

  • Sonja Lyubomirsky, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside and author of The How of Happiness

    "In [Areté], Brian Johnson masterfully integrates time-honored wisdom with contemporary science, creating a road map for increased well-being. This will sound cheesy but it's more than just a book—it's a call for all of us to unearth our untapped potential. Brian offers practical, tangible tools for turning our greatest challenges into fuel for resilience and personal transformation. His new book is essential reading for anyone seeking to harness their heroic potential and influence the world in a positive way."

  • Mark Divine, New York Times bestselling author of Unbeatable Mind and The Way of the SEAL

    "Brian Johnson is a Stoic reincarnate. [Areté] is your next read AND your training template for a life well-lived."

  • Joe De Sena, CEO and Founder of Spartan

    "Brian is the most Stoic guy I know. When I'm in a jam, when the universe is turning my life upside down, Brian is the man I call. Every Spartan in the world should read [Areté]."

  • Ben Greenfield, founder of Kion and bestselling author of Boundless

    "This book threatens to be one of the all-time best and most timeless masterpieces of personal productivity and self-development. From ancient wisdom to modern science, training the body to training the mind and soul, optimizing energy, love, sleep, work, and beyond, it is a profoundly thorough treatise on everything you need to live as a full and complete human. Shove aside any books you've been planning to read, and move [Areté] to the front of the line. You'll thank yourself forever if you do."

  • Scott Parsons, Character Development Integrator, United States Military Academy at West Point

    "Brian Johnson's virtues of Zest, Service, and Optimism are only matched by his Kindness, Generosity, and Love. These virtues were embodied in Brian making Heroic available to the Corps of Cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point. These future Army Officers now have access to tools to assist them in leader development, self-mastery, and antifragility. The beauty of this is not just the self-development aspect of Cadets using [Areté], but that upon graduation and commissioning, they will take these virtues and skills as Second Lieutenants to their platoon of America's finest young women and men. This book gives heroic leaders from all walks of life access to Brian's wisdom. I highly recommend it."

  • Mike Manazir, Retired US Navy Admiral and Top Gun Pilot, bestselling author of Learn How to Lead to Win

    "[Areté] will unlock the recesses of your true capabilities. Brian Johnson shows even the most successful leaders that there is more in the fuel tank to reach even greater heights. An absolute 'must-read' for those who want to reach the Mount Olympus of leading superstar-performing teams."

  • Brian Cain, Mental Performance Coach for MLB, UFC, NFL, PGA, and NCAA Champions

    "I have followed Brian Johnson's work for over a decade. He is the coach of coaches. The impact he's had on me and, as a result, those I coach, is immeasurable. If you're looking to level up every aspect of your personal and professional life, [Areté] is a must-read."

  • John Herdman, Olympic Medal–Winning Head Coach of the Canadian Men's National Soccer Team

    "Brian has alchemized the wisdom and teachings from the greatest thinkers on the planet, past and present. His teachings have created a framework for my own personal peak performance and leadership."

  • Jim Huling, former Global Managing Consultant for Franklin Covey and bestselling author of The 4 Disciplines of Execution

    "Prepare to have your mind expanded and your heart opened by Brian Johnson's remarkable new book. [Areté] is a masterpiece that is certain to be read and...

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Activate Your Heroic Potential
Brian Johnson
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