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William Shakespeare's Macbeth Retold: A Novel
de Jo Nesbo
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Shakespeare’s dark and tragic play retold in a heart-pounding New York Times bestselling thriller from the author of The Snowman and The Thirst.

Set in the 1970s in a run-down, rainy industrial town, Jo Nesbo's Macbeth centers around a police force struggling to shed an incessant drug problem. Duncan, chief of police, is idealistic and visionary, a dream to the townspeople but a nightmare for criminals. The drug trade is ruled by two drug lords, one of whom—a master of manipulation named Hecate—has connections with the highest in power, and plans to use them to get his way. 
Hecate’s plot hinges on steadily, insidiously manipulating Inspector Macbeth: the head of SWAT and a man already susceptible to violent and paranoid tendencies. What follows is an unputdownable story of love and guilt, political ambition, and greed for more, exploring the darkest corners of human nature, and the aspirations of the criminal mind.
Shakespeare’s dark and tragic play retold in a heart-pounding New York Times bestselling thriller from the author of The Snowman and The Thirst.

Set in the 1970s in a run-down, rainy industrial town, Jo Nesbo's Macbeth centers around a police force struggling to shed an incessant drug problem. Duncan, chief of police, is idealistic and visionary, a dream to the townspeople but a nightmare for criminals. The drug trade is ruled by two drug lords, one of whom—a master of manipulation named Hecate—has connections with the highest in power, and plans to use them to get his way. 
Hecate’s plot hinges on steadily, insidiously manipulating Inspector Macbeth: the head of SWAT and a man already susceptible to violent and paranoid tendencies. What follows is an unputdownable story of love and guilt, political ambition, and greed for more, exploring the darkest corners of human nature, and the aspirations of the criminal mind.
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  • From the book The man hadn’t shown himself for months, but only one person owned that helmet and the red Indian Chief motorbike. Rumour had it the bike was one of fifty the New York Police Department had manufactured in total secrecy in 1955. The steel of the curved scabbard attached to its side shone.
    Some claimed he was dead, others that he had fled the country, that he had changed his identity, cut off his blond plaits and was sitting on a terrazza in Argentina enjoying his old age and pencil-thin cigarillos.
    But here he was. The leader of the gang and the cop-killer who, along with his sergeant, had started up the Norse Riders some time after the Second World War. They had picked rootless young men, most of them from dilapidated factory-worker houses along the sewage-fouled river, and trained them, disciplined them, brainwashed them until they were an army of fearless soldiers Sweno could use for his own purposes. To gain control of the town, to monopolise the growing dope market. And for a while it had looked as if Sweno would succeed, certainly Kenneth and police HQ hadn’t stopped him; rather the opposite, Sweno had bought in all the help he needed. It was the competition. Hecate’s home-made dope, brew, was much better, cheaper and always readily available on the market. But if the anonymous tip-off Duff had received was right, this consignment was big enough to solve the Norse Riders’ supply problems for some time. Duff had hoped, but not quite believed, what he read in the brief typewritten lines addressed to him was true. It was simply too much of a gift horse. The sort of gift that – if handled correctly – could send the head of the Narco Unit further up the ladder. Chief Commissioner Duncan still hadn’t filled all the important positions at police HQ with his own people. There was, for example, the Gang Unit, where Kenneth’s old rogue Inspector Cawdor had managed to hang on to his seat as they still had no concrete evidence of corruption, but that could only be a question of time. And Duff was one of Duncan’s men. When there were signs that Duncan might be appointed chief commissioner Duff had rung him in Capitol and clearly, if somewhat pompously, stated that if the council didn’t make Duncan the new commissioner, and chose one of Kenneth’s henchmen instead, Duff would resign. It was not beyond the bounds of possibility that Duncan had suspected a personal motive behind this unconditional declaration of loyalty, but so what? Duff had a genuine desire to support Duncan’s plan for an honest police force that primarily served the people, he really did. But he also wanted an office at HQ as close to heaven as possible. Who wouldn’t? And he wanted to cut off the head of the man out there.
    He was the means and the end.
    Duff looked at his watch. The time tallied with what was in the letter, to the minute. He rested the tips of his fingers on the inside of his wrist. To feel his pulse. He was no longer hoping, he was about to become a believer.
    “Are there many of them, Duff?” a voice whispered.
    “More than enough for great honour, Seyton. And one of them’s so big, when he falls, it’ll be heard all over the country.”

    Duff cleaned the condensation off the window. Ten nervous, sweaty police officers in a small room. Men who didn’t usually get this type of assignment. As head of the Narco Unit it was Duff alone who had taken the decision not to show the letter to other officers; he was using only men from his unit for...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • JO NESBO is a musician, songwriter, and economist, as well as a writer. His Harry Hole novels include The Snowman, The Leopard, and Phantom and he is the author of several stand-alone novels, including The Son, as well as the Doctor Proctor series of children's books. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Glass Key for best Nordic crime novel.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 29, 2018
    In this ambitious entry in the Hogarth Shakespeare series, bestseller Nesbø (The Thirst and 10 other Harry Hole novels) transmutes Macbeth into a crime novel set in 1970s Scotland. Macbeth heads the SWAT team in a dreary city called Capitol, determined to take down criminal gangs and to clean up the corrupt local government, a goal shared by Duncan, Capitol’s upstanding police chief. But local drug kingpin Hecate wants to be rid of Duncan and schemes to put Macbeth, something of an outsider and an addict to a drug called “brew,” in charge. Hecate sends Macbeth three sisters (the witches in Shakespeare’s original), who foretell his future: that he will be head of the Organised Crime Unit and then chief commissioner. Macbeth is promoted to the first post by Duncan, and “Lady,” Macbeth’s consort and a local casino magnate, has the manipulative wiles to ensure Macbeth does whatever it takes to eliminate Duncan and rule the city. The themes will resonate well with contemporary readers, but, at nearly 500 pages, the story feels bloated. It’s a clever reengineering of one of Shakespeare’s great tragedies, but may disappoint Nesbø’s fan base.

  • Kirkus

    February 1, 2018
    The reigning king of Scandinavian noir (The Thirst, 2017, etc.) updates the Scottish play.Most of the cast members retain their own names, or something very like them. The setting--an indeterminate town during the drug wars of the 1970s--is, like the settings of earlier entries in the Hogarth Shakespeare series, both the same and different. Nesbo's Inspector Macbeth is the respected leader of the SWAT team whose efficiency and honesty mark him as a natural leader when he takes charge of the otherwise spectacularly botched stakeout of a drug transfer to the heavily armed members of Norse Riders. Swiftly leapfrogging his old friend Inspector Duff to become head of Organized Crime, he's pressed by his wife, Lady, to get ahead even further and faster by killing Chief Police Commissioner Duncan while he sleeps in the Inverness Casino, which Lady owns. As in Shakespeare, Duncan's murder unleashes the powers of hell, which here take the form of massive and spreading corruption--everyone on every conceivable side of the law seems to be double-crossing someone else--more fully fleshed-out accounts of Lady's background, Duff's escape, Macbeth's tangled alliances, and a body count even higher than the Bard's. Reimagining Shakespeare's royal tragedy as just another chapter in the essentially unending struggle of working towns against the familiar tokens of criminal blight, though it produces a less offbeat update than the film Scotland, PA, is eminently in the tradition of the gangster remake Joe Macbeth, and Nesbo's antihero has a chance to get off some trenchant one-liners about himself, his legion of enemies, and his town, which "likes dead criminals better than duplicitous policemen." On the whole, though, this brutal account is no tragedy.The main takeaway is how remarkably contemporary the most traditional of Shakespeare's great tragedies remains, whether it's updated or not.

    COPYRIGHT(2018) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from April 1, 2018
    In some of his most revered tragedies, Shakespeare wrote crime fiction. Hamlet, on one level, is a detective story starring a quintessentially flawed sleuth, and Macbeth?except for the ending, which, by Elizabethan convention, restores a measure of order to society?is the darkest of noirs. Nesb�, one of our contemporary noir masters, offers only the illusion of restored order in this latest entry in the Hogarth Shakespeare Project, which reinterprets the Bard's works across multiple genres. Hewing closely to the story, Nesb� fashions Macbeth as the head of a SWAT unit in a rain-darkened, drug-infested Scottish city. His success in battling a notorious biker gang lifts Macbeth near the top of the police force's upper echelon, but standing in the way of still more power is the corruption-fighting chief commissioner, Duncan. Leave it to Macbeth's lover?known here only as Lady?who owns a casino called Inverness, to conceive a plan in which Macbeth kills Duncan and takes his place. Helped along by their addiction to a superdrug called Brew, Lady and Macbeth do the deed and then gradually unravel in a guilt-fueled fever dream that prompts still more violence. Nesb� infuses the mythic elements of the tragedy with bold strokes of horrific, Don Winslow-like drug-war realism. The result displays in a strikingly original way both the timelessness of Shakespeare's art and the suppleness of noir to range well beyond the strictures of formula.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2018, American Library Association.)

  • Library Journal

    February 1, 2018

    In the latest retelling in the Hogarth "Shakespeare" series, internationally best-selling Nesb sets his version of Shakespeare's Scottish play in the 1970s in a former industrial town where the factories have long been shut down and crime and drugs are now the main industry. The new police commissioner, Duncan, has vowed to clean up the town, including taking on drug lord Hecate, who manufactures the highly addictive Brew. Both the head of the Narco Unit, Duff, and the head of SWAT, Macbeth, have been tipped off about the arrival of a large drug shipment for Sweno, Hecate's competitor, and are staking out the location. This scene launches the political and bloody battles that take place over the next 500 pages. Macbeth and Duff jockey for power, with Macbeth supported by fellow police officer Banquo and casino owner and lover Lady. As Macbeth and Lady use Brew, provided by Hecate, their paranoia and ambition increases, along with the body count. Now it's up to Duff and Malcolm to stop them. VERDICT Nesb's usual skill at writing gripping crime novels with compelling protagonists is not on display here. His Shakespeare retelling has a forced story line and characters who are not nearly as memorable as in the original. [See Prepub Alert, 10/9/17.]--Melissa DeWild, Spring Lake Dist. Lib., MI

    Copyright 2018 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Library Journal

    November 1, 2017

    Up next in the Hogarth Shakespeare series: international crime fiction phenomenon NesbO reenvisioning the icy-dark Macbeth. In a rundown industrial town in the 1970s, drug dealer Hekate, her product overseen by a crew of weird sisters, tells Inspector Macbeth that one day he'll replace upright chief of police Duncan. Macbeth's lover, a casino owner named Lady, knows exactly what must happen to Duncan and his loyal assistant chief, Malcolm, to make that prediction come true.

    Copyright 2017 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • James Shapiro, New York Times Book Review (cover) "Inventive and deeply satisfying...[Nesbo] offers a dark but ultimately hopeful Macbeth, one suited to our troubled times."
  • The Washington Post "Nesbo manages the balancing act of being true to the original play without slighting his own interests as a writer: bleak settings, loyalty (or the lack thereof) among crooks, clever escapes from tight spots, the affinities between policemen and the criminals they chase."
  • Associated Press "The legions of readers who adore the dark Scandinavian noir of Jo Nesbø will also love Macbeth, his adaptation of Shakespeare's famous play."
  • Booklist (starred)
    "Macbeth is a modern-day drug-war, power-struggle, double-cross, lawmen-versus-gangsters recast of Shakespeare's Scottish play."
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Jo Nesbo
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