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Couverture de Harvest
Unexpected Projects Using 47 Extraordinary Garden Plants
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A beautifully photographed, gift-worthy guide to growing, harvesting, and utilizing 47 unexpected garden plants to make organic pantry staples, fragrances, floral arrangements, beverages, cocktails, beauty products, bridal gifts, and more.
Every garden—not just vegetable plots—can produce a bountiful harvest! This practical, inspirational, and seasonal guide will help make any garden more productive and enjoyable with a variety of projects using unexpected and often common garden plants, some of which may already be growing in your backyard.
Discover the surprising usefulness of petals and leaves, roots, seeds, and fruit: turn tumeric root into a natural dye and calamintha into lip balm. Make anise hyssop into a refreshing iced tea and turn apricots into a facial mask. Crabapple branches can be used to create stunning floral arrangements, oregano flowers to infuse vinegar, and edible chrysanthemum to liven up a salad. With the remarkable, multi-purpose plants in Harvest, there is always something for gardeners to harvest from one growing season to the next.
A beautifully photographed, gift-worthy guide to growing, harvesting, and utilizing 47 unexpected garden plants to make organic pantry staples, fragrances, floral arrangements, beverages, cocktails, beauty products, bridal gifts, and more.
Every garden—not just vegetable plots—can produce a bountiful harvest! This practical, inspirational, and seasonal guide will help make any garden more productive and enjoyable with a variety of projects using unexpected and often common garden plants, some of which may already be growing in your backyard.
Discover the surprising usefulness of petals and leaves, roots, seeds, and fruit: turn tumeric root into a natural dye and calamintha into lip balm. Make anise hyssop into a refreshing iced tea and turn apricots into a facial mask. Crabapple branches can be used to create stunning floral arrangements, oregano flowers to infuse vinegar, and edible chrysanthemum to liven up a salad. With the remarkable, multi-purpose plants in Harvest, there is always something for gardeners to harvest from one growing season to the next.
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  • From the book from the INTRODUCTION

    Harvest is a practical, inspirational, and seasonal guide to living with an edible landscape. In this book, you'll find ways to make your garden more productive and enjoyable with a variety of projects using unexpected and often well-known garden plants, some of which may already be growing in your garden.

    Discover the surprising usefulness of petals and leaves, roots, seeds, and fruit. Turn turmeric root into a natural dye and calendula into medicinal oil. Use lilacs to create sweet-smelling cream and apricots to create a facial mask. Use crabapple branches to create stunning floral arrangements, oregano flowers to infuse vinegar, and edible chrysanthemum to enliven a salad. The plants in this book are not only remarkably useful, but they make for stunning additions anywhere in your garden. You'll find something exciting to harvest and create from one growing season to the next.



    Classic cocktail meets holiday tradition, compliments of Stefani's mom, Garna, who took the margarita and dressed it with a splash of festive red. Whether you are making a single glass or a pitcher, the ratio of the ingredients stays the same. Use more lime juice if you prefer a tart margarita or more pomegranate juice if you prefer it sweeter.


    1 cup of your favorite tequila
    1 cup triple sec
    ½ cup fresh pomegranate juice (from about 2 pomegranates)
    ½ cup fresh lime juice
    Large-grained salt such as kosher or flake salt
    Lime slice
    Ice cubes
    Handful of pomegranate seeds, for garnish

    Combine the tequila, triple sec, and both juices in a pitcher and stir thoroughly. Pour the salt onto a small plate. Rub the lime slice around the rim of each glass, and then dip the rims in the salt. Pour the margarita over ice in the salt-rimmed glasses. For a seasonal festive touch, garnish with the pomegranate seeds.



    It's fun to make your own lip balm from the garden. And if you keep bees, this is also a great way to use your beeswax.


    3 tablespoons calamintha-infused olive oil
    1 tablespoon beeswax

    Place the calamintha olive oil and beeswax into a heatproof glass measuring cup with a pour spout. Fill a saucepan with a couple inches of water. Set the measuring cup into the saucepan and gently warm over medium-low heat until the oil and beeswax melt together. Stir occasionally to ensure that the beeswax melts completely.

    Carefully remove the measuring cup from the pan. Wipe off the water from the outside of the measuring cup so that no water gets into your lip balm while pouring it into its final containers. Pour the lip balm into containers (such as small tins), and secure the lids. Store in a cool place for up to 3 months.
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • STEFANI BITTNER and ALETHEA HARAMPOLIS are the owners of Homestead Design Collective, a San Francisco Bay Area landscape design firm. Bittner is co-author of The Beautiful Edible Garden and Harampolis is co-author of the bestselling The Flower Recipe Book and The Wreath Recipe Book, and a co-founder/owner of the floral design company Studio Choo.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    November 7, 2016
    Bittner and Harampolis, owners of the Homestead Design Collective, a landscape design firm in the San Francisco Bay Area, expand the sense of possibility for practical use of typical plants while showing readers how to increase the bounty of the harvest. For example, lavender is often predictably consigned to the sachet or dried arrangements when, as noted in the book, it goes fabulously with chocolate mint for an invigorating tea. Salt-preserving herbs is another little-known and easily executed project that introduces year-long longevity for seasonal culinary delicacies. Whether for culinary purposes or home design, each project includes advice for optimal growing and cultivation of the relevant plants, followed by tips for proper harvesting. Arranged according to seasons, and accompanied by dramatic and intimate color photos, these creative and eclectic projects make a great resource for the earth-minded lover who relishes nature’s gifts but needs new ways of cultivating them and deriving their bountiful benefits. Color photos.

  • Library Journal

    November 1, 2016

    Many gardeners feel conflicted about whether they should grow their gardens for food or beauty. Bittner and Harampolis, owners of a landscape design firm in San Francisco, explore both approaches as they show readers how to harvest fruits and flowers--and eat them, too. Arranged seasonally, with a design ethos that is naturalistic and unforced, all of the projects in this volume use edible plants; some are for food and drink, but many employ these plants in other ways, including as decorations and personal grooming products. Each project highlights a plant and includes cultivating and harvesting advice. While there is a slight bias for plants that are ideal for growing in Northern California, alternatives are suggested for other climate zones as well. The strategy here is to use what you have and love, rather than follow a strict recipe or rule. Projects are thoroughly photographed, and many will intrigue readers, including huckleberry shrub, lilac flower cream, blueberry dye, and flowering basil arrangement. VERDICT An attractive and inspiring collection good for gardeners of any type.--Devon Thomas, Chelsea, MI

    Copyright 2016 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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Unexpected Projects Using 47 Extraordinary Garden Plants
Stefani Bittner
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