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The Silenced
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The Silenced
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Where is Lara Mayhew?
Lara, a congressman's media assistant, suddenly quits her job—and disappears on the way to her Washington, DC, apartment.
Novice FBI agent Meg Murray, a childhood friend of Lara's, gets a message from her that same night, a message that says she's disillusioned and "going home." To Richmond, Virginia. Meg discovers that she never got there. And bodies fitting Lara's description are showing up in nearby rivers... Could she be the victim of a serial killer?
Meg is assigned to work with special agent Matt Bosworth, a hard-nosed pro in the FBI's unit of paranormal investigators—the Krewe of Hunters. They trace the route Meg and Lara took more than once in the past, visiting battlefields and graveyards from Harpers Ferry to Gettysburg. Places where the dead share their secrets with those who can hear... As Meg and Matt pursue the possibility of a serial killer, they find themselves in the middle of a political conspiracy. Is there a connection? If so, has Lara been silenced for good? And whom—besides each other—can they trust?
Where is Lara Mayhew?
Lara, a congressman's media assistant, suddenly quits her job—and disappears on the way to her Washington, DC, apartment.
Novice FBI agent Meg Murray, a childhood friend of Lara's, gets a message from her that same night, a message that says she's disillusioned and "going home." To Richmond, Virginia. Meg discovers that she never got there. And bodies fitting Lara's description are showing up in nearby rivers... Could she be the victim of a serial killer?
Meg is assigned to work with special agent Matt Bosworth, a hard-nosed pro in the FBI's unit of paranormal investigators—the Krewe of Hunters. They trace the route Meg and Lara took more than once in the past, visiting battlefields and graveyards from Harpers Ferry to Gettysburg. Places where the dead share their secrets with those who can hear... As Meg and Matt pursue the possibility of a serial killer, they find themselves in the middle of a political conspiracy. Is there a connection? If so, has Lara been silenced for good? And whom—besides each other—can they trust?
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  • From the book

    Meg Murray's alarm went off with a strident ring that made her nearly jump out of her skin as well as the bed.

    She groaned and rubbed her temples. Keeping up with the guys wasn't easy—not as easy as she'd hoped, anyway.

    But she, and Sandra Martinez and Carrie Huang—the two other young women in her academy class—were holding up nicely. And they'd made it. Meg was proud—and relieved. She knew that only one out of every hundred applicants got into the academy.

    And not all made it through.

    She'd been determined. Just as some kids knew they wanted to grow up to be actors, artists, veterinarians or zookeepers, she'd known she wanted the FBI.

    She and her class had learned legal and investigative processes and passed every physical test of strength and coordination. The men and the women in her class had all done well. Meg hadn't beaten Ricky Grant—considered by most of them, including Ricky, to be the toughest cadet in their class—but she'd kept up with him. In fact, her class had excelled.

    They'd graduated; they'd had their ceremony. They were officially agents now, and they'd celebrated.

    She wasn't sure why she'd felt compelled to keep up with Ricky in all things.

    She hadn't gotten wasted last night; she'd been extremely temperate while pretending to imbibe far more than she had. And she wasn't hungover; she was tired!

    The trials, the strain, the classes, the yearning—they were over. It was exhilarating, and it gave them all a flutter of fear. Time to go into the world as rookies. Time to prove themselves.

    And, of course, it was time to move out of cadet housing and into places of their own.

    That wasn't a worry for Meg. She'd always believed she'd graduate, so she'd already made arrangements to rent a small town house just down the road from headquarters at Quantico. She was going to be assigned to the criminal division there. They had a few days to clear out and she simply had to switch from housing to her new home.

    Awake, she lay in bed, a little dazed. This was really it. She had two weeks before heading in to her first assignment.

    Her television, on a timer, sprang to life with the news. Meg paused, watching it, before she went in to shower. Police were still seeking clues in the brutal murder of a Jane Doe discovered by the Potomac a couple of weeks ago. More troops had been killed overseas. A truck had stalled on the beltway, causing a ten-car pileup. Investigations were still under way regarding the death of Garth Hubbard, the indie presidential hopeful beloved by so many that he might've been the first man to take the White House on such a ticket. The cause of his death had been deemed natural. He'd been at home with his wife, alone in their bedroom. Paramedics had been called; his family doctor had come, too, and signed the death certificate. But this was Washington, DC, so, of course, there was talk of conspiracy.

    "Ah, yes, good morning!" she muttered to herself.

    The news anchor—after waiting an appropriate beat or two—offered her viewing public a wide, toothy smile and went on to recount some of the good news of the day. Maybe it wasn't such a bad morning. An attractive reporter related a story about the heroics of a young man as he dived after a woman, a stranger, who had nearly drowned while tubing in West Virginia. She then had another story about a young girl saved from an abusive teen by the intervention of a stray dog—the dog now, happily, had a home.

    Meg realized she was just staring, somewhat hypnotized, at the television.

    She had to get going. There was an orientation class she...
Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham has written more than a hundred novels. She's a winner of the RWA's Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Thriller Writers' Silver Bullet. She is an active member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America. For more information, check out her websites: TheOriginalHeatherGraham.com, eHeatherGraham.com, and HeatherGraham.tv. You can also find Heather on Facebook.
  • Publishers Weekly "Graham stands at the top of the romantic suspense category."
  • RT Book Reviews on The Hexed "This masterfully created psychological thriller...[leaves] readers shocked and enthralled."
  • RT Book Reviews on Waking the Dead *TOP PICK* "Dark, dangerous and deadly! Graham has the uncanny ability to bring her books to life, using exceptionally vivid details to add depth to all the people and places.... Suspenseful and haunting."
  • Publishers Weekly on The Unseen "Graham deftly weaves elements of mystery, the paranormal and romance into a tight plot that will keep the reader guessing at the true nature of the killer's evil."
  • RT Book Reviews on The Unseen "Suspenseful and dark. The culture and history surrounding San Antonio and the Alamo are described in detail. The transitions between past and present flow seamlessly, and the main characters are interesting and their connection to one another is believable."
  • Booklist on Ghost Walk "The paranormal elements are integral to the unrelentingly suspenseful plot, the charactersare likable, the romance convincing...."
  • Publishers Weekly "Heather Graham knows what readers want."
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The Silenced
The Silenced
Heather Graham
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