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Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
Cover of Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
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Most men can't handle Hazel. But her best friend Josh isn't most men. Don't miss New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren's new novel about two people who are definitely not matter how often they end up in bed together.
Hazel Camille Bradford knows she's a lot to take—and frankly, most men aren't up to the challenge. If her army of pets and thrill for the absurd don't send them running, her lack of filter means she'll say exactly the wrong thing in a delicate moment. Their loss. She's a good soul in search of honest fun.

Josh Im has known Hazel since college, where her zany playfulness proved completely incompatible with his mellow restraint. From the first night they met—when she gracelessly threw up on his shoes—to when she sent him an unintelligible email while in a post-surgical haze, Josh has always thought of Hazel more as a spectacle than a peer. But now, ten years later, after a cheating girlfriend has turned his life upside down, going out with Hazel is a breath of fresh air.

Not that Josh and Hazel date. At least, not each other. Because setting each other up on progressively terrible double blind dates means there's nothing between them...right?
Most men can't handle Hazel. But her best friend Josh isn't most men. Don't miss New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren's new novel about two people who are definitely not matter how often they end up in bed together.
Hazel Camille Bradford knows she's a lot to take—and frankly, most men aren't up to the challenge. If her army of pets and thrill for the absurd don't send them running, her lack of filter means she'll say exactly the wrong thing in a delicate moment. Their loss. She's a good soul in search of honest fun.

Josh Im has known Hazel since college, where her zany playfulness proved completely incompatible with his mellow restraint. From the first night they met—when she gracelessly threw up on his shoes—to when she sent him an unintelligible email while in a post-surgical haze, Josh has always thought of Hazel more as a spectacle than a peer. But now, ten years later, after a cheating girlfriend has turned his life upside down, going out with Hazel is a breath of fresh air.

Not that Josh and Hazel date. At least, not each other. Because setting each other up on progressively terrible double blind dates means there's nothing between them...right?
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About the Author-
  • Christina Lauren is the combined pen name of longtime writing partners and best friends Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings, the New York Times, USA TODAY, and #1 internationally bestselling authors of the Beautiful and Wild Seasons series, Autoboyography, Love and Other Words, Roomies, Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating, The Unhoneymooners, The Soulmate Equation, Something Wilder, The True Love Experiment and The Paradise Problem. You can find them online at or @ChristinaLauren on Instagram.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 16, 2018
    In Lauren’s hilarious standalone, hot mess Hazel Bradford and blueprint-perfect Josh Im are definitely, indisputably not dating. Hazel, extremely eccentric and lacking any filter, has more in common with the third graders she teaches than the exquisite genius Josh, a successful physical therapist. After a series of embarrassing encounters in college, Hazel is certain that she has proven to Josh that she’s completely undatable, but, when they meet again seven years later, she hopes they can be friends. When it turns out Josh’s girlfriend has been cheating on him, Hazel and Josh begin setting each other up on disastrous blind double-dates as an excuse to spend time together. Hazel is wild and unapologetic, and her yearning for love and family is perfectly blended with her refusal to settle for anyone who doesn’t appreciate her quirks. Though the novel is predictable at times and full of convenient mishaps that throw the pair together, Lauren (Roomies) finds the perfect balance between charming moments and sultry episodes. Agent: Holly Root, Root Literary.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from August 1, 2018
    Insisting that they're not a couple, two best friends try to help each other find love.Hazel Bradford and Josh Im first met in college, and it was not love at first sight. Seven years later, they're reunited when Hazel ends up teaching at Josh's sister's school. Josh is already in a relationship, and it's no surprise to Hazel that she's still single. Her high-energy quirkiness is not for everyone, and it's definitely not for a nice, normal guy like Josh--or so she thinks. Despite their mutual attraction, they agree to be just friends. After Josh's relationship falls apart, Hazel takes him on a series of blind double dates to help them both get back in the game. Meanwhile, Hazel's apartment floods, and Josh agrees to take her in. The dates--eight altogether, all of them bad--fly by in a blur of awkward conversations and uncomfortable reunions with exes. Really, they're excuses for Hazel and Josh to flirt without the risk. They're in love, but they're not ready to admit it just yet. Josh's mellow vibe balances Hazel's electric personality to great effect. "Does it make sense that I put my vases in the oven when it's not in use, so that my parrot doesn't knock them over?" she asks herself. "These are things other people might question--but not Josh." Hazel thinks she's undatable, but Josh thinks she's hilarious, and she proves him right on each failed double date.With exuberant humor and unforgettable characters, this romantic comedy is a standout.

    COPYRIGHT(2018) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    August 1, 2018
    Hazel Bradford knows that she's awkward, tends to take her shirt off when she drinks too much, and has zero tact. Case in point: she first meets Josh Im at a college party when she vomits on his shoes. In college, Hazel worshiped him from afar, even sending him an embarrassing email while drugged up on painkillers after dental surgery. Ten years later, they meet at her best friend Emily's dinner party, where Hazel learns that Josh and Emily are brother and sister. It is there that Hazel makes it her life's mission to be Josh's best friend. Lauren (Love and Other Words, 2018) has penned a hilariously zany and heartfelt novel. From double blind dates gone all kinds of wrong to Hazel and Josh missing what is happening right before each others' eyes, this book will have readers laughing at Hazel's crass, inappropriate comments coupled with Josh's secret enjoyment of her just as she is. There's a twist in the usual romcom plot, and the story is sure to please readers looking for a fun-filled novel to escape everyday life with.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2018, American Library Association.)

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Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
Christina Lauren
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