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Ikigai for Teens
Cover of Ikigai for Teens
Ikigai for Teens
Finding Your Reason for Being
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A bestselling motivational book based on the Japanese concept of finding happiness in everyday life, now for young readers!

The Japanese people say everybody has an "Ikigai," or a reason to live. Some people have found their Ikigai and are aware of it. Other people have it inside, but have not found it yet. This concept, Ikigai, is one of the secrets for a long, active, and happy life.Héctor García and Francesc Miralles visited Ogimi, a town on the north of Okinawa in Japan that has the highest longevity in the world. They spent weeks living with the residents of Ogimi and interviewing dozens of the villagers. These people all had lived to be more than a hundred years old, and they were all in great physical (and spiritual) shape. After their trip, Héctor and Francesc wrote a book examining the centennials' keys to an optimistic and vital existence. What do the oldest people in the world eat, what do they work on, how do they connect with others, and-the best-kept secret-how do they find their Ikigai? Ikigai is what gives them satisfaction and happiness, and brings real meaning to their lives.The result was Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, an international bestseller which has been translated into over 49 languages.With the book, García and Miralles made it their mission to help its readers find their own Ikigai and discover many keys of Japanese philosophy to a healthy body, mind, and spirit.They have now adapted their bestselling book for young readers. Young adults can find their Ikigai too!
A bestselling motivational book based on the Japanese concept of finding happiness in everyday life, now for young readers!

The Japanese people say everybody has an "Ikigai," or a reason to live. Some people have found their Ikigai and are aware of it. Other people have it inside, but have not found it yet. This concept, Ikigai, is one of the secrets for a long, active, and happy life.Héctor García and Francesc Miralles visited Ogimi, a town on the north of Okinawa in Japan that has the highest longevity in the world. They spent weeks living with the residents of Ogimi and interviewing dozens of the villagers. These people all had lived to be more than a hundred years old, and they were all in great physical (and spiritual) shape. After their trip, Héctor and Francesc wrote a book examining the centennials' keys to an optimistic and vital existence. What do the oldest people in the world eat, what do they work on, how do they connect with others, and-the best-kept secret-how do they find their Ikigai? Ikigai is what gives them satisfaction and happiness, and brings real meaning to their lives.The result was Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, an international bestseller which has been translated into over 49 languages.With the book, García and Miralles made it their mission to help its readers find their own Ikigai and discover many keys of Japanese philosophy to a healthy body, mind, and spirit.They have now adapted their bestselling book for young readers. Young adults can find their Ikigai too!
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About the Author-
  • Héctor García was born in Valencia in 1981. He moved to Tokyo in 2004, and has been living there ever since. His wife's family is from Okinawa, Japan, and Héctor speaks the dialect of Ogimi. His website, with over a million monthly views, is a world reference in Japanese popular culture. He is the author of the book A Geek in Japan, which has sold more than 100,000 copies and has been translated to more than ten languages.
  • School Library Journal

    March 1, 2021

    Gr 7 Up-This young readers edition aims to assist teens in discovering their purpose in life. Garc�a, who was born in Valenica, Spain, has spent 15 years living and working in Japan, where he learned about the concept of ikigai. This term is defined as "the reason you get out of bed in the morning." The text offers a plethora of ideas about discovering one's ikigai, which is described as the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what you can be paid for, and what the world needs. Straightforward instruction about the ikigai principles is featured as well as parable-like stories and real-world examples of famous people in sports, music, and politics. Many of the ideas (being willing to fail, taking time to disconnect from the digital world, and being observant and grateful) serve as good advice for most teens. Although the foundation of the concepts may be familiar, this title provides an encouraging, optimistic way for young adults to start thinking about their futures and where they might be able to use their passions and skills. VERDICT An additional purchase for larger young adult collections or where teens are working on career goals.-Sarah Reid, Four Cty. Lib. Syst., NY

    Copyright 2021 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    February 15, 2021
    A rallying cry for teens seeking greater fulfillment. Garc�a and Miralles, Spanish co-authors of The Ikigai Journey (2020) and similar adult titles rooted in Japanese culture, here extend their reach to teenagers. They begin by explaining that the Japanese term ikigai refers to larger goals that give one's life purpose and meaning. Here it is applied to advise young people in many areas of their lives, including school, friendship, romantic relationships, and potential careers. Quotes from and brief descriptions of varied individuals from Jules Verne and Tony Hawk to Malala Yousafzai support lists of tips and ideas for putting ikigai into practice. Writing prompts are interspersed with vignettes describing a journey of self-discovery that includes collecting medallions from wise individuals that, when combined, point the way to discovering your ikigai. There is plenty of good advice, much of it familiar but no less reassuring to young people who may feel pressure to have everything figured out. For example, the authors remind readers that they can learn from failure and recount the 10,000-hour rule popularized by Malcolm Gladwell. Those hoping for insights into ikigai from a Japanese perspective will be disappointed, as the book contains relatively little content about Japan--both authors, however, have personal experience of the country. References and further reading would have been helpful for those hoping to learn more about subjects raised in the book. Accessible, helpful advice for young people seeking their purpose. (Nonfiction. 12-18)

    COPYRIGHT(2021) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    February 12, 2021
    Grades 9-12 This motivational book, adapted for young people from an adult title, provides strategies to achieve ikigai, a Japanese concept for "what gives your life meaning." Readers are warned that the pursuit of this idea might not work out as expected, and they should learn to accept rejection, find supportive people, and take advantage of opportunities that come along. To find their life's path, readers are instructed to write what they don't want to do with their life in order to reveal what they do like. Occasionally, celebrities offer quotes and anecdotes: Tony Hawk discusses making money, while Michael Jordan describes how his failures led to his success. The authors' counsel is sound and reassuring, but a quest threaded throughout the book that directs the reader to find four medallions is confusing and the pacing inconsistent, with some sections more dense and repetitious than others. The unevenness and lack of illustrations may discourage all but the most determined readers.


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Ikigai for Teens
Ikigai for Teens
Finding Your Reason for Being
Héctor García
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