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Beyond Horse Massage
Cover of Beyond Horse Massage
Beyond Horse Massage
A Breakthrough Interactive Method for Alleviating Soreness, Strain, and Tension
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Would you like to enable your horse to perform and feel better, to overcome old limitations and restrictions and reach its full potential? In this book, Jim Masterson, Equine Massage Therapist for the 2006 and 2008 and 2010 USET Endurance Teams, and for equine clientele competing in FEI World Cup, Pan American and World Games competitions, teaches a unique method of equine bodywork, in which the practitioner recognizes and follows the responses of the horse to touch to release tension in key junctions of the body that most affect performance. This practical book:

  • has step-by-step instructions, photographs and illustrations
  • is ideally suited to accompany you to the barn, where you will practice the Masterson Method® techniques on horses.
  • includes chapters with Tips & Techniques, anatomical explanations and examples from Jim's practice help deepen your understanding.
  • has a "quick reference" section will point you to exercises that are specifically suited to your particular discipline, may it be dressage, endurance, eventing or barrel racing, or others in the vast realm of horse sports. By using these techniques, and knowing the responses to look for, you are able to:
  • achieve a release of accumulated stress in deep-seated key junctions of the horse's body that affects mobility, comfort, attitude, training and performance
  • restore muscular and structural balance, and natural alignment
  • enable your horse to perform optimally and respond to your training without stiffness and pain
  • achieve new levels of communication and trust with your horse that spill over into other areas of interaction.
  • Would you like to enable your horse to perform and feel better, to overcome old limitations and restrictions and reach its full potential? In this book, Jim Masterson, Equine Massage Therapist for the 2006 and 2008 and 2010 USET Endurance Teams, and for equine clientele competing in FEI World Cup, Pan American and World Games competitions, teaches a unique method of equine bodywork, in which the practitioner recognizes and follows the responses of the horse to touch to release tension in key junctions of the body that most affect performance. This practical book:

  • has step-by-step instructions, photographs and illustrations
  • is ideally suited to accompany you to the barn, where you will practice the Masterson Method® techniques on horses.
  • includes chapters with Tips & Techniques, anatomical explanations and examples from Jim's practice help deepen your understanding.
  • has a "quick reference" section will point you to exercises that are specifically suited to your particular discipline, may it be dressage, endurance, eventing or barrel racing, or others in the vast realm of horse sports. By using these techniques, and knowing the responses to look for, you are able to:
  • achieve a release of accumulated stress in deep-seated key junctions of the horse's body that affects mobility, comfort, attitude, training and performance
  • restore muscular and structural balance, and natural alignment
  • enable your horse to perform optimally and respond to your training without stiffness and pain
  • achieve new levels of communication and trust with your horse that spill over into other areas of interaction.
  • Available formats-
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    • Natural Horse (January 4, 2012)

      "In Beyond Horse Massage the reader is introduced to a method of unique, interactive bodywork that is done with the horse, not to the horse, and horses love it. . . . A must-have for horse lovers and guardians as well as professional bodyworkers!"

    • Horsemen's Yankee Pedlar (June 2012)

      "The book starts with an introduction and overview to his method, and then breaks down each technique into several steps, with clear, concise instructions and several color photos. Masterson covers all points on the body from head to tail... Judging by the happy horse 'patient' in the DVD, The Masterson Method works!"

    • Lone Star Horse Report (June 2012)

      "By means of gentle manipulation of targeted release points, the movement of joints or junctions through a range of motion in a related state, and observation of the horse's responses, readers can open doors to improved health, performance and communication."

    • Horse Journal (November 2012)

      "Masterson clearly demonstrates exactly how to manipulate the horse's neck, front and hind legs to create the desired tension-freeing and movement-enhancing effect. [This set is] best suited for: any horse owner or trainer interested in improving the performance, and comfort, of their horses."

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    Beyond Horse Massage
    Beyond Horse Massage
    A Breakthrough Interactive Method for Alleviating Soreness, Strain, and Tension
    Jim Masterson
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