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Amphibious Soul
Cover of Amphibious Soul
Amphibious Soul
Finding the Wild in a Tame World
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An awe-inspiring narrative about the power of nature and our place within it, from the creator of My Octopus Teacher, filmmaker Craig Foster "Amphibious Soul is an important book. . . . This book isn't about learning how to be wild but rather a guide to recognizing and reconnecting with the wild in and around us. It is a book that will inspire hope." – Jane Goodall An adventure story, love story, travelogue, naturalist memoir, and spiritual guide, Craig Foster's Amphibious Soul is a scientist and adventurer's perspective on "rewilding"—developing a deep connection to our animal selves that can reinvigorate our lives. Told in Craig's warm and passionate voice, this extraordinary book will change not only the way we interact with the natural world, but the way we fundamentally see ourselves. A decade ago, living in a city and feeling exhausted and empty, Craig decided to return to his birthplace—the Cape of Good Hope—and dive into the great African Sea forest each day. His daily oceanic adventures not only helped him "rewild", but helped him come to see his own "amphibious soul" as a powerful metaphor for the human condition. We homo sapiens are by nature wild animals attempting to exist in a docile world. So how can we reclaim our wildness in a world that wants us to stay so tamed? An extraordinary literary work, Amphibious Soul is a riveting narrative filled with meticulous descriptions of an adventure in the natural world that speaks to readers on an intimate level, challenging us to consider our personal relationship to nature, and inspiring us to realign our daily practices to help save the global ecosystem. Whether we live close to nature or in an urban jungle, Craig shows us how to nurture our individual wildness, tap into our empathy, and deepen our love for all living things. He teaches us to track the wild around us, and by doing so become present in the moment and revel in being wondrously alive. Featuring breathtaking original photos and QR codes that access mini-videos of never-seen-before animal interactions, Amphibious Soul is a remarkable experience that will transform us and ultimately our world.
An awe-inspiring narrative about the power of nature and our place within it, from the creator of My Octopus Teacher, filmmaker Craig Foster "Amphibious Soul is an important book. . . . This book isn't about learning how to be wild but rather a guide to recognizing and reconnecting with the wild in and around us. It is a book that will inspire hope." – Jane Goodall An adventure story, love story, travelogue, naturalist memoir, and spiritual guide, Craig Foster's Amphibious Soul is a scientist and adventurer's perspective on "rewilding"—developing a deep connection to our animal selves that can reinvigorate our lives. Told in Craig's warm and passionate voice, this extraordinary book will change not only the way we interact with the natural world, but the way we fundamentally see ourselves. A decade ago, living in a city and feeling exhausted and empty, Craig decided to return to his birthplace—the Cape of Good Hope—and dive into the great African Sea forest each day. His daily oceanic adventures not only helped him "rewild", but helped him come to see his own "amphibious soul" as a powerful metaphor for the human condition. We homo sapiens are by nature wild animals attempting to exist in a docile world. So how can we reclaim our wildness in a world that wants us to stay so tamed? An extraordinary literary work, Amphibious Soul is a riveting narrative filled with meticulous descriptions of an adventure in the natural world that speaks to readers on an intimate level, challenging us to consider our personal relationship to nature, and inspiring us to realign our daily practices to help save the global ecosystem. Whether we live close to nature or in an urban jungle, Craig shows us how to nurture our individual wildness, tap into our empathy, and deepen our love for all living things. He teaches us to track the wild around us, and by doing so become present in the moment and revel in being wondrously alive. Featuring breathtaking original photos and QR codes that access mini-videos of never-seen-before animal interactions, Amphibious Soul is a remarkable experience that will transform us and ultimately our world.
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    March 11, 2024
    “Though our souls crave communion with wildness, we are a species that has overwhelmingly embraced tameness and ‘comforts’ that anesthetize rather than truly nurture,” contends filmmaker Foster (Underwater Wild), star of the 2020 documentary My Octopus Teacher, in this pensive if unfocused meditation on humanity’s relationship with the natural world. Reflecting on his own efforts to connect with nature, Foster describes diving with great white sharks, filming Nile crocodiles in underwater hideaways, and coming face-to-face with a jaguar. The book falls somewhat awkwardly between a memoir and personal essay collection, meandering through anecdotes organized loosely around such themes as connection, fear, and ancestry. For instance, a chapter on love ambles through accounts of how Foster met his wife at an English film festival, how one of his friends developed a rapport with a black musselcracker fish who would follow him on dives, and how a South African farmer Foster met through his documentary work raised an orphaned springbok antelope. Still, the author’s deep reverence for nature buoys the proceedings, and the evocative descriptions of his expeditions will transport readers

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Amphibious Soul
Amphibious Soul
Finding the Wild in a Tame World
Craig Foster
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